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" HDM SPENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA With Homilies by the Very Rev. JF MONTGOMERY, DD, Rev. Prof. RA REDFORD, MA, LL.B., Rev. F. HASTINGS, Rev. W. ROBERTS, MA An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament by the Venerable Archdeacon... "
The Geological History of Plants - Pagina 21
de Sir John William Dawson - 1888 - 290 pagini
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The Future of Islam

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt - 1882 - 332 pagini
...Classified List of Publications. 21 Pulpit Commentary—continued. Genesis, by the Rev. T. WHITELAW, DD Homilies by the Very Rev. JF MONTGOMERY, DD, Rev. Prof. RA REDFORD, Rev. F. HASTINGS, Rev. W. ROBERTS. Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament, by Yen. Archdeacon...
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The Future of Islam

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt - 1882 - 282 pagini
...of Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. New and Cheaper Edition. Large post 8vo, 5*. Pulpit Commentary, The. (Old Testament Series.) Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev....
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The Garden of Fragrance

Sa 'dī - 1882 - 374 pagini
...The. Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev. JF MONTGOMERY, DD, Rev. Prof. RA RED^ORD, MA, LL.B., Rev. F. HASTINGS, Rev. W. ROBERTS, MA An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament...
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Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles

Daniel Hack Tuke - 1882 - 632 pagini
...Large post Svo, J*. Proteus and Amadeus. A Correspondence. Edited by AUDREY DE VERE. Crown Svo, 5*. Pulpit Commentary, The. (Old Testament Series.) Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by , the Very Rev....
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The Philosophical System of Antonio Rosmini-Serbati

Antonio Rosmini - 1882 - 566 pagini
...Svo. price $s. PROTEUS AND AMADEUS. A Correspondence. Edited by AUBREY DE VERE. Crown Svo. price $s. PULPIT COMMENTARY (THE). Old Testament Series. Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. GENESIS. By Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev. JFMONTGOMERY,...
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Ants, Bees, and Wasps: A Record of Observations on the Habits of the Social ...

Sir John Lubbock - 1882 - 534 pagini
...The. Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev. JF MONTGOMERY, DD, Rev. Prof. RA REDKORD, MA, LL.B., Rev. F. HASTINGS, Rev. W. ROBERTS, MA An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament...
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The Greek Philosophers, Volumul 1

Alfred William Benn - 1882 - 490 pagini
...price 5 •• • PROTEUS AND AMADEUS. A Correspondence. Edited by AUBREY DE VERE. Crown 8vo. price y. PULPIT COMMENTARY (THE). Old Testament Series. Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. GENESIS. By Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev. TFMONTGOMERY,...
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Notes of a Visit to the Russian Church in the Years ..., Volumul 36;Volumul 854

William Palmer - 1882 - 662 pagini
...Large post Svo, 5*. Proteus and Amadous. A Correspondence. Edited by AUBREY DE VERB. Crown Svo, 5*. Pulpit Commentary, The. (Old Testament Series.) Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SFENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WHITELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev....
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The Works of Sir Henry Taylor, Volumul 1

Sir Henry Taylor - 1883 - 510 pagini
...Venerable Bede, Expurgated, Expounded, and Exposed. By "THE PRIG." Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 3^. dd. Pulpit Commentary, The. (Old Testament Series.) Edited...Rev. T. WHITELAW, DD With Homilies by the Very Rev. ]. F. MONTGOMERY, DD, Rev. Prof. RA REDFORD, MA, LL.B., Rev. F. HASTINGS, Rev. W. ROBERTS, MA An Introduction...
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Francis Beaumont: A Critical Study

George Campbell Macaulay - 1883 - 254 pagini
...Series.) Edited by the Rev. JS EXELL and the Rev. Canon HDM SPENCE. Genesis. By the Rev. T. WH1TELAW, MA ; with Homilies by the Very Rev. JF MONTGOMERY, DD , Rev. Prof. RA REDFORD, MA, LL.B., Rev. F. HAST1NGS, Rev. W. ROBERTS, MA An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament by the Venerable Archdeacon...
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