1 SamuelWm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2003 - 350 pagini 1 Samuel is Volume VII of The Forms of the Old Testament Literature, a series that aims to present a form-critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Hebrew Bible. Fundamentally exegetical, the FOTL volumes examine the "structure, genre, setting," and "intention" of the biblical literature in question. They also study the history behind the form-critical discussion of the material, attempt to bring consistency to the terminology for the genres and formulas of the biblical literature, and expose the exegetical process so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts. Antony Campbell's valuable form-critical analysis of 1 Samuel highlights both the literary development of the text itself and its meanings for its audience. A skilled student of the Hebrew scriptures and their ancient context, Campbell shows modern readers the process of editing and reworking that shaped 1 Samuel's final form. As Campbell's study reveals, the tensions and contradictions that exist in the present text reflect a massive change in the way of life of ancient Israel. Samuel, the first prophet, here emerges to preside over the rise of Saul, Israel's first king, to be the agent of Saul's rejection, and to anoint David as Israel's next king and the first established head of a royal dynasty. The book of 1 Samuel captures the work of God within this interplay of sociopolitical forces, and Campbell fruitfully explores the text both as a repository of traditions of great significance for Israel and as a paradigm of Israel's use of narrative for theological expression. |
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... possible narrative composition dealing with David's rise to power over all Israel . This narrative composition differs from other hypothetical ancient Israelite documents in that it is constituted by a series of largely independent ...
... possible , the articulation of experience is a good model for understanding religious texts like 1-2 Samuel ( I owe the model to Luke Timothy Johnson , Writings , esp . 10-16 ) . Something triggers the drive to create what becomes text ...
... possible in this Introduction , but an indication can be given as to where such an exploration might need to go . Its fragility and its hypothetical quality go without saying . The Prophetic Record , for example , presumably re- sponds ...
... possible to stay close to present- text analysis . Often enough , even within component elements of these larger narrative units more than one genre has been used to compile the narrative . For that reason , genre terms are not normally ...
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
The Overall Shape and Scope of 12 Samuel | 23 |
The Arrival of Samuel on the National Scene 1 Samuel 13 | 34 |
The Departure of the Ark from the National Scene 1 Samuel 46 | 60 |
The Emergence of the Monarchy The Arrival of Saul and the New Institution of Monarchy I Samuel 712 | 85 |
The Emergence of the Monarchy The Dismissal of Saul and the Beginning of Davids Arrival 1 Samuel 1311613 | 134 |
Davids Emergence in Israel 1 Samuel 16141816 | 167 |
Veiled Conflict at the Court 1 Samuel 1817211 | 194 |
Open Rupture between David and Saul 1 Samuel 2122712 | 220 |
The Ultimate Failure of Saul 1 Samuel 2831 | 276 |
Diachronic Dimension From Past Texts to Present Text | 295 |
Glossary | 340 |