A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and Upon All the Epistles of the New Testament: Being a Compleat Supplement to Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the Four Gospels. With a Short Preface to Each Epistle, Shewing the Occasion and Design of It; the Several Arguments Set at the Head of Each Chapter; and a General Index to All the Principal Matters, Words, and Phrases of the New Testament, Excepting the Revelation. For the Use of FamiliesD. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, 1737 |
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Pagina 1
... most excellent Theophilus ) con- tains an hiftorical Account of the Life , Doctrine , and Religion of Jesus Christ the Meffiah and Sa- viour of Mankind ; in which I was as full and particular + as I thought needful for the Inftruc- tion ...
... most excellent Theophilus ) con- tains an hiftorical Account of the Life , Doctrine , and Religion of Jesus Christ the Meffiah and Sa- viour of Mankind ; in which I was as full and particular + as I thought needful for the Inftruc- tion ...
Pagina 2
... most undenia- ble Proofs , and continued De- monftrations for forty Days toge- ther , by eating , and drinking , and discourfing with them in his wonted familiar Man- ner , about the Nature , Excellency , and Success of his Religion and ...
... most undenia- ble Proofs , and continued De- monftrations for forty Days toge- ther , by eating , and drinking , and discourfing with them in his wonted familiar Man- ner , about the Nature , Excellency , and Success of his Religion and ...
Pagina 4
... most Amazement and Con- cern to be parted from him ( and , perhaps , with fome Hopes that he would foon return to them again ) two of the Angels that attended him , came down near to them in human Form , in bright and glitter- ing * Ver ...
... most Amazement and Con- cern to be parted from him ( and , perhaps , with fome Hopes that he would foon return to them again ) two of the Angels that attended him , came down near to them in human Form , in bright and glitter- ing * Ver ...
Pagina 6
... most eminently fulfilled in the Traitor Judas , both as to his Office , his Crime , and his Punishment . 17. For as in the first of those Passages , it was laid of Achitophel , Mine own familiar Friend in whom I trusted , which did eat ...
... most eminently fulfilled in the Traitor Judas , both as to his Office , his Crime , and his Punishment . 17. For as in the first of those Passages , it was laid of Achitophel , Mine own familiar Friend in whom I trusted , which did eat ...
Pagina 8
... most proper and worthy , for the Discharge of fo great and weighty an Office , which Judas had lost by so notorious a Tranfgreffion , and was gone † to receive the Punish- ment due to fuch a Crime . 26. And * Either John's baptizing his ...
... most proper and worthy , for the Discharge of fo great and weighty an Office , which Judas had lost by so notorious a Tranfgreffion , and was gone † to receive the Punish- ment due to fuch a Crime . 26. And * Either John's baptizing his ...
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A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and Upon ..., Volumul 2 Vizualizare completă - 1737 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
abſolutely accuſed Achaia alſo anſwered Apostles baptized becauſe bleſſed Body brethren cauſe Chap Chrift Chriſtian Church Converts Death defired Deſign Diſciples divine Doctrine elſe eſpecially expreſs faid Faith falſe fame Father fignify fincere firſt fleſh fome foon fuch fuffer Gentile Gifts glory Gospel Happineſs hath Holy Ghost Holy Spirit houſe Ifrael inſtruct Jerufalem Jeſus Jesus Christ Jewish Jews Judea juſt Lord Jesus Mankind Meffiah Mercy Miniſtry Mofes moſt muſt neſs Number obſerve paſs Paul Perſon Peter pleaſed preach preſent priſon Promiſe Prophets Punishment Purpoſe raiſed Reaſon Refurrection Religion Reſpect Sadducees ſaid ſame Saul ſaved Saviour ſay ſee ſeems ſeen ſelves Senſe ſent ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhip ſhould ſhow ſome ſpake ſpeak Spirit ſpiritual ſpoken ſtand ſtill ſuch ſuppoſe thee themſelves ther theſe things thoſe thou tion true unto uſe Verſe Wherefore whoſe Words World Worſhip yourſelves
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Pagina 363 - For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more ; and unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews ; to them that are under the law...
Pagina 26 - Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
Pagina 444 - And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, "I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Pagina 226 - As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Pagina 248 - I speak to them that know the law), how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth ? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.
Pagina 279 - Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles ; how much more their fulness...
Pagina 468 - I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
Pagina 252 - For that which I do I allow not : for what I would, that do I not ; but what I hate, that do I.
Pagina 182 - It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accusers face to face, and have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him.
Pagina 363 - Jews ; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To...