The Plays of William Shakspeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the Corrected Copies Left by the Late George Steevens, ..., and Edmond Malone, ..., with Mr. Malone's Various Readings ; a Selection of Explanatory and Historical Notes, from the Most Eminent Commentators, Volumul 1C. and J. Rivington, 1826 |
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Rezultatele 6 - 10 din 35
Pagina 27
... doth fade , But doth suffer a sea - change Into something rich and strange . Sea - nymphs hourly ring his knell : Hark ! now I hear them , -ding - dong , bell . [ Burden ding - dong . Fer . The ditty does remember my drown'd father ...
... doth fade , But doth suffer a sea - change Into something rich and strange . Sea - nymphs hourly ring his knell : Hark ! now I hear them , -ding - dong , bell . [ Burden ding - dong . Fer . The ditty does remember my drown'd father ...
Pagina 34
... doth but mistake the truth totally . Gon . But the rarity of it is ( which is indeed almost beyond credit ) - Seb . As many vouch'd rarities are . Gon . That our garments , being , as they were , drenched in the sea , hold ...
... doth but mistake the truth totally . Gon . But the rarity of it is ( which is indeed almost beyond credit ) - Seb . As many vouch'd rarities are . Gon . That our garments , being , as they were , drenched in the sea , hold ...
Pagina 37
... doth lack some gentleness , And time to speak it in : you rub the sore , When you should bring the plaster . Seb . Ant . And most chirurgeonly . Very well . Gon . It is foul weather in us all , good sir , When you are cloudy . Seb . Ant ...
... doth lack some gentleness , And time to speak it in : you rub the sore , When you should bring the plaster . Seb . Ant . And most chirurgeonly . Very well . Gon . It is foul weather in us all , good sir , When you are cloudy . Seb . Ant ...
Pagina 39
... doth , It is a comforter . Ant . We two , my lord , Will guard your person , while you take your rest , And watch your safety . 3 Enter Ariel , & c . playing solemn musick . ] This stage - direction does not mean to tell us that Ariel ...
... doth , It is a comforter . Ant . We two , my lord , Will guard your person , while you take your rest , And watch your safety . 3 Enter Ariel , & c . playing solemn musick . ] This stage - direction does not mean to tell us that Ariel ...
Pagina 40
... Doth it not then our eyelids sink ? I find not Myself dispos'd to sleep . Ant . Nor I ; my spirits are nimble . What might , They fell together all , as by consent ; They dropp'd , as by a thunder - stroke . Worthy Sebastian ? - O ...
... Doth it not then our eyelids sink ? I find not Myself dispos'd to sleep . Ant . Nor I ; my spirits are nimble . What might , They fell together all , as by consent ; They dropp'd , as by a thunder - stroke . Worthy Sebastian ? - O ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... William Shakespeare Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2020 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... William Shakespeare Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2020 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
acted actors ancient Anne appears Ariel Ben Jonson Blackfriars Caius Caliban called comedy daughter doth drama dramatick Duke edition Enter Exeunt exhibited Exit fairies Falstaff father Ford gentlemen give hast hath hear heart heaven Herne the hunter honour Host HUGH EVANS JOHNSON Julia Julius Cæsar King Henry king's company lady Laun Lincoln's Inn Fields lord madam MALONE marry master Brook master doctor means Milan Mira mistress Ford monster musick Naples night performed Pist play players playhouse poet pray Prospero Proteus publick queen Quick scenes servant Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shal Silvia sir Hugh sir John Slen Slender speak Speed spirit stage STEEVENS Stephano Stratford suppose sweet Sycorax tell theatre thee thing Thurio tion Trin Trinculo Valentine viii William D'Avenant Windsor woman word writer