The Confession of Faith: The Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at Large. Together with the Sum of Saving Knowledge (contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and Held Forth in the Said Confession and Catechisms) and Practical Use Thereof, Covenants, National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church Government, & C. Of Publick Authority in the Church of Scotland1763 - 544 pagini |
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Pagina 50
... Behold , the nations are as a drop of a bucket , and are counted as the fmall duft of the ba- lance : Behold , he taketh up the ifles as a very little thing . v . 16. And Le- banon is not fufficient to burn , nor the beafts thereof ...
... Behold , the nations are as a drop of a bucket , and are counted as the fmall duft of the ba- lance : Behold , he taketh up the ifles as a very little thing . v . 16. And Le- banon is not fufficient to burn , nor the beafts thereof ...
Pagina 55
... Behold my fervant whom I uphold , mine elect , in whom my foul delighteth : I have put my fpi- rit upon him , he fhall bring forth judg- ment to the Gentiles . 1 Pet . i . 19 . But with the precious blood of Chrift , as of a lamb ...
... Behold my fervant whom I uphold , mine elect , in whom my foul delighteth : I have put my fpi- rit upon him , he fhall bring forth judg- ment to the Gentiles . 1 Pet . i . 19 . But with the precious blood of Chrift , as of a lamb ...
Pagina 56
... Behold , I have given him for a witnefs to the people , a leader and commander to the people . v . 5. Behold , thou fhalt call a nation that thou knoweft not , and nations that knew not thee fhall run unto thee , be- caufe of the Lord ...
... Behold , I have given him for a witnefs to the people , a leader and commander to the people . v . 5. Behold , thou fhalt call a nation that thou knoweft not , and nations that knew not thee fhall run unto thee , be- caufe of the Lord ...
Pagina 73
... we are chaftened of the Lord , that we should not be condemn- ed with the world . Luke i . 20. And behold , thou shalt be dumb , and not able A1 able to fpeak , until the day that thefe Chap . XI . The Confeffion of Faith . 73.
... we are chaftened of the Lord , that we should not be condemn- ed with the world . Luke i . 20. And behold , thou shalt be dumb , and not able A1 able to fpeak , until the day that thefe Chap . XI . The Confeffion of Faith . 73.
Pagina 79
... behold , Satan hath de- fired to have you , that he may fift you as wheat : v . 32. But I have prayed for thee , that thy faith fail not ; and when thou art converted , ftrengthen thy brethren . Eph . vi . 16. Above all , taking the ...
... behold , Satan hath de- fired to have you , that he may fift you as wheat : v . 32. But I have prayed for thee , that thy faith fail not ; and when thou art converted , ftrengthen thy brethren . Eph . vi . 16. Above all , taking the ...
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Acts Affembly againſt alfo baptized becauſe behold bleffed blood bread brethren caft caufe Chrift Jefus church CHURCH of SCOTLAND commandment confcience covenant curfe death defire Deut doth earth evil Exod fabbath facrament faid unto faith the Lord falvation fame fanctified Father faved fcripture feal felf felves fent fervant ferve feven fhalt fhew fhould firft flain flesh fome foul fpeak fpirit fuch fuffer fure glory gofpel grace hath heart heaven himſelf holy Ghoft houfe Ifrael iniquity Jews John John iii juftified king kingdom Lord Jefus Chrift Lord thy mercy minifter nefs ordinances pafs perfon Pfal pray prayer prefent promife publick righteoufnefs ſhall Spirit teftament thefe thefe things Theff themfelves ther thereof theſe thine thofe thou shalt viii whatfoever Wherefore wherein whofoever wife word worship wrath ye fhall