Radiance: A NovelMacmillan, 9 feb. 2002 - 388 pagini Somewhere in California, in the 1990s, a nuclear weapons lab develops advanced technologies for its post-Cold War mission. Advanced as in not working yet. Mission as in continued funding. A scandal-plagued missile defense program presses forward, dragging physicist Philip Quine deep into the machinations of those who would use the lab for their own gain. The Soviet Union has collapsed. But new enemies are sought, and new reasons found to continue the work that has legitimized the power of the Lab, its mangers, and the politicians who fund them. Quine is thrust into the center of programs born at the intersection of paranoia, greed, and ambition, and torn by incommensurable demands. Deadlines slip and cost overruns mount. He is drawn into a maelstrom of policy meetings, classified documents, petty betrayals, interrupted conservations, missed meanings, unanswered voicemail, stolen data, and pornographic files. Amid all the noise and static of the late twentieth century made manifest in weapons and anti-weapons, human beings have set in motion a malign a d inhuman reality, which now is beyond their control. More than critique of corrupt science and a permanent wartime economy, Radiance is a novel of lost ideals, broken aspirations, and human costs. In this vivid satire, relationship are just a question of who's using whom. Failure is just another word for opportunity. "Spin" is a property not of atomic particles but if the news cycle. Nature is a blur beyond the windshield, where lives are spent on the road, on the phone, on the make, in fierce competition for financial, political, and intellectual resources. |
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Secțiunea 1 | 3 |
Secțiunea 2 | 9 |
Secțiunea 3 | 23 |
Secțiunea 4 | 32 |
Secțiunea 5 | 34 |
Secțiunea 6 | 46 |
Secțiunea 7 | 50 |
Secțiunea 8 | 51 |
Secțiunea 11 | 73 |
Secțiunea 12 | 183 |
Secțiunea 13 | 220 |
Secțiunea 14 | 272 |
Secțiunea 15 | 284 |
Secțiunea 16 | 305 |
Secțiunea 17 | 335 |
Secțiunea 18 | 357 |
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anyway asteroid Avalon Bernd beryllium blue bombs Bran Chase codes cold fusion Conor CRADA Credne CTBT damn dark defense Dennis desk Dietz Doctor Highet Doctor Quine Dolores door edge energy eyes face Frank Frank Szabo fuck fusion gate going gone hair hand hear ignition Inanna inertial confinement fusion kilojoule Laphroaig Leo Highet light Listen look Lynn mean megajoules missile never Nolan nuclear weapons Ohlone Okay orbit papers past Philip Quine plutonium pure fusion weapons Quine's Radiance radio Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Reese Réti Réti's Root rose shut Slingshot smile sorry stared Steganography Steradian stewardship stockpile stewardship stood stopped Superbright sure Szabo Taliesin talk tell Thea there's thing Thorpe thought turned Venham voice wait What's window x-ray laser