The New Testament and Its WritersA. & C. Black, 1914 - 207 pagini |
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Pagina 10
... Gospel as " the foundation and pillar of our faith " ; and says regarding the Scriptures- which he defines to be the ... Gospel is specially dealt with in chap . vi . , where additional evidence will be found specially applicable ...
... Gospel as " the foundation and pillar of our faith " ; and says regarding the Scriptures- which he defines to be the ... Gospel is specially dealt with in chap . vi . , where additional evidence will be found specially applicable ...
Pagina 11
... Gospel , especially as they were looking for a speedy return of their Lord , and had no idea that so many centuries were to elapse before the great event should take place . The preaching of the Gospel was enough to tax their energies ...
... Gospel , especially as they were looking for a speedy return of their Lord , and had no idea that so many centuries were to elapse before the great event should take place . The preaching of the Gospel was enough to tax their energies ...
Pagina 12
... Gospel , they doubtless followed the practice which was common in the East of trusting to memory rather than to written documents ; and as the Church extended , and they were no longer able to minister personally to the wants of their ...
... Gospel , they doubtless followed the practice which was common in the East of trusting to memory rather than to written documents ; and as the Church extended , and they were no longer able to minister personally to the wants of their ...
Pagina 13
... Gospel preached by them , and to the knowledge of Christ's life acquired by their converts ( 1 Cor . ii . 2 ; xi . 23-27 ; xv . 1-4 ; Gal . iii . 1 ; 1 Pet . i . 18-21 , etc. ) A close examination of such passages makes it evident that ...
... Gospel preached by them , and to the knowledge of Christ's life acquired by their converts ( 1 Cor . ii . 2 ; xi . 23-27 ; xv . 1-4 ; Gal . iii . 1 ; 1 Pet . i . 18-21 , etc. ) A close examination of such passages makes it evident that ...
Pagina 14
... Gospel was com- posed many attempts had been made to draw up a connected history of the Saviour's life , or at least of His ministry ( Luke i . 1-4 ) . As the result of a careful examination of our first three Gospels , recent critics ...
... Gospel was com- posed many attempts had been made to draw up a connected history of the Saviour's life , or at least of His ministry ( Luke i . 1-4 ) . As the result of a careful examination of our first three Gospels , recent critics ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
Acts xviii addressed allusions Antioch Apostle John apostle's appears Asia Minor assigned authorship Barnabas Bishop Book of Acts Cæsarea chapter character Christian Church Clement Clement of Alexandria Colossæ Colossians connection converts Corinth Corinthians Council of Jerusalem Date and Place death disciples divine doctrine Ephesus EPISTLE OF PAUL Eusebius evangelists evidence expression fact faith four Gospels Galatians Gentiles genuineness Gospel of Mark Greek Hebrew infer Irenæus Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jews language letter Lord Lord's Luke Luke's Macedonia Mark Matt Matthew mentioned ministry narrative Old Testament Papias passages Pastoral Epistles PAUL THE APOSTLE Paul's persecution Peter Philemon Philippi Philippians Polycarp preaching readers referred regard Roman Rome Saviour Scripture second century Spirit style Synoptic Gospels teaching testimony Thessalonica Timothy tion Titus token tradition Tychicus unto verses viii words writer written wrote