A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought to 1940Psychology Press, 2004 - 528 pagini Contributions to female economic thought have come from prolific scholars, leading social reformers, economic journalists and government officials along with many other women who contributed only one or two works to the field. It is perhaps for this reason that a comprehensive bibliographic collection has failed to appear, until now. This innovative book brings together the most comprehensive collection to date of references to womene(tm)s economic writing from the 1770s to 1940. It includes thousands of contributions from more than 1,700 women from the UK, the US and many other countries. This bibliography is an important reference work for systematic inquiry into questions of gender and the history of economic thought. This volume is a valuable resource and will interest researchers on women's contributions to economic thought, the sociology of economics, and the lives of female social scientists and activist-authors. With a comprehensive editorial introduction, it fills a long-standing gap and will be greeted warmly by scholars of the history of economic thought and those involved in feminist economics. |
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... American Academy of Political and Social Science ( May ) . 1932. Urbanism - Its Coming of Age . Columbia University Quarterly 24 ( 3 ) ( September ) : 364 . 1933/4 . Housing the Poor : Mirage or Reality . Law and Contemporary Prob- lems ...
... American Ownership of Oil Properties in Mexico . Ph.D. thesis , Robert Brookings . 1933. Book Review of " The Development of American Commerce " by John H. Frederick . American Academy of Political and Social Science , Annals 170 ...
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Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought up to 1940 Kirsten Madden,Michele Pujol,Janet Seiz Previzualizare limitată - 2004 |
A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought to 1940 Kirsten Kara Madden Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2004 |