HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 2874 A BILL TO PROVIDE FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH H.R. 14643 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES' AND RESEARCH AUGUST 17, 19, AND SEPTEMBER 19, 1966 Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1964 ••• . • • No 736, to . CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES WEDNESDAY, August 17, 1966 J..n W, Sceretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Kolph K, Secretary for Legislation. Pal A, Assistant Secretary for Education. Sam. „d. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation ataon, Assistant Sceretary of State for Educational and Cultural Page 12 146 ↑ E.. pres.dent, MeGraw-Hill Book Co, Inc, New York, am Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill, ac- Jacobs, assistant to the vice president for student and area Dixon, James P., M.D., chairman, Great Lakes College Association, and Warner, William W., Director, Office of International Activities, Smith- sonian Institution, speaking on behalf of S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary Allaway, Dr. William H., director, education abroad program, University 471 476 371 440 Bailey, Dr. Stephen K., chairman, Commission on International Educa- 457 Prepared statement__ 457 Booher, Edward E., president, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, Buchanan, Dr. A. Russell, vice chancellor for academic affairs, University of California at Santa Barbara_ Cannon, Hon. Howard W., a U.S. Senator from the State of Nevada. Carr, William G., executive secretary, National Education Association, Davis, Vincent, associate professor, Graduate School of International 263 DeBry, Robert, executive director, Foreign Language League Schools, 529 Dixon, James P., M.D., chairman, Great Lakes College Association, and 471 Prepared statement__ 471 Eldridge, Donald A., president, Bennett College, Millbrook, N.Y., pre- 518 Frankel, Charles, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cul- Gardner, Hon. John W., Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare; Harley, William G., president, National Association of Educational Broadcasters, prepared statement.. Hayes, Dr. Samuel P., president, Foreign Policy Association, New York, Hofstetter, Henry W., O.D., Ph. D., professor of optometry, director of the Division of Optometry, Indiana University, prepared statement.. Korbel, Josef, dean, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver, Colo., accompanied by Dr. Vincent Davis, associate Logsdon, Dr. Richard H., director of libraries, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., representing the Association of Research Libraries__ Megel, Carl J., Washington representative, American Federation of 445 STATEMENTS-Continued on A, chairman, International Relations Committee, Page 441 W W president, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 381 Ftward, chairman, Department of English, St. Michael's ...ige R. Washington representative, Chapman College, Hood associate director, Center for Applied Linguisties, Wash- 444 associște professor of political science and philosophy, avtechtiac Institite, Ruston, La, prepared statement *gWnchester Jr, dean, Graduate School of Arts and Science, W ". Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill, ac- m W. Dirvetor, Office of International Activities, Smith- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION proposed by the Department of Health, Education, and st. Istrithent of American Foreign Policy," addres 380 frun, the Congressional Record, July 9, 1964 Carrying on the Spanish Tradition in Cal- HEL, a US. Senator from the State of Alia from Porter, Robert D, acting president, Alaska Methodist Uraversity, Wood, Wam R, president, University of Alaska, College, 492 |