Winter's Tale. A COMEDY, BY WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. ACCURATELY PRINTED FROM THE TEXT OF MR. STEEVENS'S LAST EDITION. Another Sicilian Lord. Rogero, a Sicilian Gentleman. An Attendant on the young Prince Mamillius. Polixenes, King of Bohemia. Archidamus, a Bohemian Lord. A Mariner. Gaoler. An old Shepherd, reputed Father of Perdita. Servant to the old Shepherd. Autolycus, a Rogue. Time, as Chorus. Hermione, Queen to Leontes. Perdita, daughter to Leontes and Hermione. Paulina, wife to Antigonus. Emilia, a Lady, attending the Queen. Two other Ladies, Mopsa, Dorcas, } Shepherdesses. Lords, Ladies, and Attendants: Satyrs for a dance; Shepherds, Shepherdesses, Guards, &c. SCENE, sometimes in Sicilia, sometimes in Bohemia. |