Bland, Hon. Schuyler Otis, Representative from Virginia----- Brenckman, Fred, Washington representative, National Grange, Wash- ington, D. C________
Hetzel, Ralph, director of the economic division, Congress of Indus- trial Organizations--
Holman, Charles, secretary, National Cooperative Milk Producers'
Federation, Washington, D. C-----
Jones, Rowland, Jr., Washington representative of National Associa-
tion of Retail Druggists, Washington, D. C____
Patman, Hon. Wright, Representative from Texas.
Randolph, Walter L., president, Alabama Farm Bureau Federation--- Rice, Edwin L., Washington, D. C---
Sheets, Dr. E. W., secretary, United States Live Stock Association,
Thomas, Hon. Elmer, United States Senator from Oklahoma..
Turner, P. C., president of the Maryland Farm Bureau, Parkton, Md-- Wingate, H. L., representing the Georgia Farm Bureau-----
Copy of bill, H. R. 5990__
Copy of amendment by Senator Taft to H. R. 5990_-
by Richard F. Jones, Jr., 49 Pearl Street, Hartford, Conn-----
Letter from Senator Danaher transmitting a plan for the control of rents
/ Resolution of National Grange, on inflation, adopted at Seventy-fifth an- nual session, at Worcester, Mass., November 13, 1941------
Letters and documents submitted by Charles W. Holman, secretary, Na-
tional Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation, Washington, D. C. 356-359, 366
Documents submitted by Edward A. O'Neal, president, American Farm
Bureau Federation_____
1. Wholesale prices, all commodities, 1800-1941.
2. Wholesale prices and cost of living, first World War and present war__ 3. Wholesale prices in first World War and present war periods--------
4. Wholesale prices, zinc, 1939-41--
1. Cost of living, actual and real average weekly earnings in manufac- turing industries, 1919-41-
2. Profits, wages, and farm income, 1939, 1940, and 1941__.
3. Farmers' share of the consumer's food dollar covering 58 foods_____
4. Price ceilings for selected agricultural commodities under the House
5. (III) Price and urban conditions, 1910-November 1941----
6. (IV) Purchasing power of United States consumers, 1919-November
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