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testing of a laser sensing subsystem; operational evaluation of the air launched rocketsonde subsystem and technical evaluation of the meteorological satellite cloud picture recorder.


Senator ELLENDER. Does your request for fiscal year 1971 include funds for any projects that were not funded in fiscal year 1970, and if so, please comment on each of these new projects?

Dr. FROSCH. No, sir, no new projects are included.

Senator ELLENDER. Please provide a tabulation for the record listing each of the projects funded under this subactivity, and indicate the amounts made available for fiscal years 1969 and 1970, and the request for fiscal year 1971.

Dr. FROSCH. I will be happy to do so. (The information follows:)

[blocks in formation]


Senator ELLENDER. How much of the total requested for fiscal

year 1971 is for work to be performed in in-house facilities? Dr. FROSCH. $2,325,000 or 75 percent of the funds requested. Senator ELLENDER. What Navy organization is responsible for the management of this program?

Dr. FROSCH. The Naval Air System Command under the Chief of Naval Material.

Senator ELLENDER. Give some examples of the Navy laboratories, contractors, and institutions that you expect to participate in this program during fiscal year 1971.

Dr. FROSCH. Examples of organizations expected to participate in this program for fiscal year 1971 include: The Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif.; the Naval Weather Research Facility, Norfork. Va., and its detachment at Suitland, Md. (Project FAMOS); the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.; the Fleet Numerical Weather Central, Monterey, Calif.: the Naval Avionics Facility, Indianapolis, Ind.: the Naval Weapons Quality Assurance Office, Washington, D.C.; the Naval Oceanographic Office, Suitland, Md.; Booz-Allen Applied Research Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.; Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, N.J.; Prodelin, Highstown, N.J.; and Mellonics Inc., Monterey, Calif.


Senator YOUNG. The request for fiscal year 1971 includes [deleted] for the subactivity entitled "Airborne Reconnaissance." How much was made available for this subactivity for fiscal years 1969 and 1970?

Dr. FROSCH. $3,362,000 was made available for fiscal year 1969, and $1 million was made available for fiscal year 1970.

Senator YOUNG. Comment generally on the broad objectives of this program.

Dr. FROSCH. This program covers the requirement for an airborne integrated reconnaissance system that will provide for the timely acquisition of reconnaissance data under all-weather condition. This system will be capable of employing those sensors which will supply the maximum usable data consistent with the environment. [Deleted.]


Senator YOUNG. What were the specific objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1970, and at this date, do you think that you will accomplish all of these objectives?

Dr. FROSCH. Tailor optimum sensors developed or underdevelopment to the airborne reconnaissance system. These sensors will be integrated with an adequate [deleted] system and other subsystems to produce [deleted] information in format, accuracy, and definition so that it can be readily processed for use by command in support of strike operations. At this time it is expected that all of these objectives will be accomplished.


Senator YOUNG. What are the specific objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1971?

Dr. FROSCH. Fiscal year 1971 funds will be utilized primarily to conduct contract definition for the airborne integrated reconnaissance system, and under reconnaissance system and analysis W3654 to conduct computer studies [deleted] in the reconnaissance program will


Senator YOUNG. Does your request for fiscal year 1971 include funds for any project that was not funded in fiscal year 1970, and if so, please comment on each of these new projects?

Dr. FROSCH. The project reconnaissance system simulation and analysis is a new start for fiscal year 1971. Computer programs will be developed in this project which [deleted] inadequacies can be identified, and unsuitable concepts can be eliminated prior to hardware development.


Senator YOUNG. Please provide a tabulation for the record listing each of the projects funded under this subactivity, and indicate the amounts made available for fiscal years 1969 and 1970, and the request for fiscal year 1971.

Dr. FROSCH. I will be glad to do so.

(The information follows:)

[blocks in formation]


Senator YOUNG. How much of the total requested for fiscal year 1971 is for work to be performed in in-house facilities?

Dr. FROSCH. [Deleted] at the Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, Pa.

Senator YOUNG. What Navy organization is responsible for the management of this program?

Dr. FROSCH. The Naval Air Systems Command.

Senator YOUNG. Give some examples of the Navy laboratories, contractors, and institutions that you expect to participate in this program during fiscal year 1971.

Dr. FROSCH. Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, Pa., and Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, Long Island, N.Y.

Senator YOUNG. The [deleted] requested for fiscal year 1971 is an increase [deleted] over the sum provided for fiscal year 1970. What is the need for this increase?

Dr. FROSCH. [Deleted] of the increase is applied to the project Reconnaissance Simulation and Analysis System which is a new start in fiscal year 1971. The remaining [deleted] increase is applied to the AIRS project to provide for the normal, planned increase in developmental effort based upon the building blocks of knowledge gained from the previous year.


Senator ELLENDER. The request for fiscal year 1971 includes $13.5 million for the program element entitled "Destroyer Helicopter System." What is the broad objective of this program?

Dr. FROSCH. Broad objectives are the development of a rotary-wing vehicle to improve the overall weapon system effectiveness of destroyers and destroyer escorts, with the primary emphasis on [deleted] anti-submarine warfare.


Senator ELLENDER. I note that $3 million was made available for this effort for fiscal year 1970, and at this date, do you think that you will accomplish all of your objectives?

Dr. FROSCH. Objectives were to conduct ship compatibility studies. complete proposed technical approaches, conduct feasibility test-bed program for [deleted] commence test-bed program with a UH-2C helicopter, and commence investigation of telemetry system requirements between helicopter and ship. It is expected that these objectives will be accomplished.


Senator ELLENDER. What are the objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1971?

Dr. FROSCH. Objectives are to continue the concept-formulation phase concerning the avionics system, engine, and ship/helicopter electronics, to continue test-bed evaluation, and to commence contract definition leading to the selection of a contractor.

Senator ELLENDER. What is the total estimated cost of this development program?


Dr. FROSCH. Total estimated cost is [deleted] million.

Senator ELLENDER. Please comment on your development schedule for this helicopter system.

Dr. FROSCH. Major project milestones are: [Deleted.]


Senator ELLENDER. The request for fiscal year 1971 includes $800,000 for the subactivity entitled, "Airborne Life Support System." How much was made available for this subactivity for fiscal years 1969 and 1970?

Dr. FROSCH. No funds were available in fiscal year 1969; $495,000 was made available in fiscal year 1970.

Senator ELLENDER. Comment generally on the broad objectives of this program.

Dr. FROSCH. This program provides for a self-contained oxygen system for on-board generation of oxygen for 1,000 man-hours with the use of electric power, compressed air and two pints of water per 15 flight hours. The system is designed within the weight and space limitations of existing aircraft systems. Since it will eliminate the need for bulky and heavy generating, storage, and servicing equipment presently required for LOX, it development will have a major economic, logistic, safety, and tactical effect on future naval operations. Development is planned for both a closed system which recovers oxygen from exhaled gases, and an open system which is not dependent on reuse of exhaled gases and may not require water.


Senator ELLENDER. What were the specific objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1970, and at this date, do you think that you will accomplish all of these objectives?

Dr. FROSCH. During fiscal year 1970, the prototype oxygen concentrator and rebreather design will be completed. The first prototype will be completed and ground testing will be initiated. T-39 aircraft flight tests will be initiated. At this time, it is expected that all of these objectives will be accomplished.


Senator ELLENDER. What are the specific objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1971?

Dr. FROSCH. The T-39 flight test and ground test of the first prototype units will be completed. Any required changes will be incorporated into a prototype unit for initiation of F-4 flight tests. These tests will be completed in fiscal year 1971. Testing of the auxiliary (bailout) oxygen supply will be conducted with the closed system prototype in the F-4 aircraft. The open system prototype design will be initiated.


Senator YOUNG. How much of the total requested for fiscal year 1971 is for work to be performed in in-house facilities?

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Dr. FROSCH. $115,000 for Naval Air Development Center Warminister, Pa., and $35,000 for the Naval Missile Center, Point Mugu, Calif.

Senator YOUNG. What Navy organization is responsible for the management of this program?

Dr. FROSCH. The Naval Air Systems Command.

Senator YOUNG. Give some examples of the Navy laboratories, contractors and institutions that you expect to participate in this program during fiscal year 1971.

Dr. FROSCH. General Electric Corporation, Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, Pa., and the Naval Material Command, Point Mugu, Calif.


Senator YOUNG. The $800,000 requested for fiscal year 1971 is an increase of $300,000 over the sum provide for fiscal year 1970. What is the need for this increase?

Dr. FROSCH. The $305,000 increase in fiscal year 1971 over fiscal year 1970 is to permit continuation of the efforts in fiscal year 1970 as well as testing of the auxiliary (bailout) oxygen supply with the closed system prototype in the F-4 aircraft. The open system prototype design will be initiated.


Senator ELLENDER. The request for fiscal year 1971 includes $208 million for the continuation of the development of the S-3A ASW aircraft. Give a brief description of this aircraft and its intended mission.

Dr. FROSCH. The S-3A is a twin-engine turbofan ASW aircraft with a [deleted] pound take-off weight capable of being carrier based. It will operate with a crew of four in the 400+ knot speed range at altitudes to [deleted] and will have an endurance of [deleted] hours at sea level. The S-3A mission is to detect, maintain surveillance, and in time of conflict, to destroy enemy submarines.


Senator ELLENDER. I note that $140.4 million was made available for this program for fiscal year 1970. What were the objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1970, and at this date, do you expect to accomplish these objectives?

Dr. FROSCH. Objectives were to award a contract for engineering development, review the engine mockups, definitize the turbofan engine contract, and conduct an airframe mockup. It is expected that these objectives will be accomplished.


Senator ELLENDER. What are the objectives of your planned program for fiscal year 1971?

Dr. FROSCH. Objectives are flight test of the turbofan engine, continue development of Government furnished equipment such as radar, and continue weapons system development by Lockheed-California Co.

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