88 STAT. 298 TITLE V-CHANGE OF FISCAL YEAR Sec. 501. Fiscal year to begin October 1. Sec. 502. Transition to new fiscal year. Sec. 503. Accounting procedures. Sec. 504. Conversion of authorizations of appropriations. Sec. 505. Repeals. Sec. 506. Technical amendment. TITLE VI-AMENDMENTS TO BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING ACT, 1921 Sec. 601. Matters to be included in President's budget. Sec. 602. Midyear review. Sec. 603. Five-year budget projections. Sec. 604. Allowances for supplemental budget authority and uncontrollable out- Sec. 605. Budget data based on continuation of existing level of services. Sec. 607. Year-ahead requests for authorization of new budget authority. TITLE VII-PROGRAM REVIEW AND EVALUATION Sec. 701. Review and evaluation by standing committees. Sec. 702. Review and evaluation by the Comptroller General. Sec. 703. Continuing study of additional budget reform proposals. TITLE VIII-FISCAL AND BUDGETARY INFORMATION AND CONTROLS Sec. 801. Amendment to Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970. Sec. 802. Changes in functional categories. TITLE IX-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS; EFFECTIVE DATES Sec. 901. Amendments to rules of the House. Sec. 902. Conforming amendments to standing rules of the Senate. Sec. 905. Effective dates. Sec. 906. Application of congressional budget process to fiscal year 1976. Sec. 1002. Amendment to Antideficiency Act. Sec. 1003. Repeal of existing impoundment reporting provision. PART B CONGRESSIONAL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RESCISSIONS, Sec. 1011. Definitions. Sec. 1012. Rescission of budget authority. Sec. 1013. Disapproval of proposed deferrals of budget authority. Sec. 1015. Reports by Comptroller General. Sec. 1016. Suits by Comptroller Genera!. Sec. 1017. Procedure in House and Senate. DECLARATION OF PURPOSES 31 USC 1301. SEC. 2. The Congress declares that it is essential— (1) to assure effective congressional control over the budgetary process; (2) to provide for the congressional determination each year of the appropriate level of Federal revenues and expenditures; (3) to provide a system of impoundment control; (4) to establish national budget priorities; and (5) to provide for the furnishing of information by the executive branch in a manner that will assist the Congress in discharging its duties. 88 STAT. 299 DEFINITIONS SEC. 3. (a) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this Act (1) The terms "budget outlays" and "outlays" mean, with respect to any fiscal year, expenditures and net lending of funds under budget authority during such year. (2) The term "budget authority" means authority provided by law to enter into obligations which will result in immediate or future outlays involving Government funds, except that such term does not include authority to insure or guarantee the repayment of indebtedness incurred by another person or government. (3) The term "tax expenditures" means those revenue losses attributable to provisions of the Federal tax laws which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability; and the term "tax expenditures budget" means an enumeration of such tax expenditures. (4) The term "concurrent resolution on the budget” means (A) a concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for a fiscal year as provided in section 301; (B) a concurrent resolution reaffirming or revising the congressional budget for the United States Government for a fiscal year as provided in section 310; and (C) any other concurrent resolution revising the congressional budget for the United States Government for a fiscal year as described in section 304. (5) The term "appropriation Act" means an Act referred to in section 105 of title 1, United States Code. (b) JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY.-For purposes of titles II, III, and IV of this Act, the Members of the House of Representatives who are members of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy shall be treated as a standing committee of the House, and the Members of the Senate who are members of the Joint Committee shall be treated as a standing committee of the Senate. TITLE I-ESTABLISHMENT OF HOUSE AND SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEC. 101. (a) Clause 1 of Rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended by redesignating paragraphs (e) through (u) as paragraphs (f) through (v), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (d) the following new paragraph: 31 USC 1302. Post, p. 322. Congressional Budget Act of 1974. "(e) Committee on the Budget, to consist of twenty-three Members Membership. as follows: "(1) five Members who are members of the Committee on Appropriations; "(2) five Members who are members of the Committee on Ways and Means; "(3) eleven Members who are members of other standing committees; "(4) one Member from the leadership of the majority party; and 88 STAT. 300 Term. Seniority rule, exception. Committee sessions. Subpenas. Duties. "(5) one Member from the leadership of the minority party. No Member shall serve as a member of the Committee on the Budget during more than two Congresses in any period of five successive Congresses beginning after 1974 (disregarding for this purpose any service performed as a member of such committee for less than a full session in any Congress). All selections of Members to serve on the committee shall be made without regard to seniority." (b) Rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new clause: "6. For carrying out the purposes set forth in clause 5 of Rule XI, the Committee on the Budget or any subcommittee thereof is authorized to sit and act at such times and places within the United States, whether the House is in session, has recessed, or has adjourned, to hold such hearings, to require the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books or papers or documents or vouchers by subpena or otherwise, and to take such testimony and records, as it deems necessary. Subpenas may be issued over the signature of the chairman of the committee or of any member of the committee designated by him; and may be served by any person designated by such chairman or member. The chairman of the committee, or any member thereof, may administer oaths to witnesses." (c) Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended by redesignating clauses 5 through 33 as clauses 6 through 34, respectively, and by inserting after clause 4 the following new clause: 5. Committee on the Budget "(a) All concurrent resolutions on the budget (as defined in section 3(a) (4) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974) and other matters required to be referred to the committee under titles III and IV of that Act. "(b) The committee shall have the duty "(1) to report the matters required to be reported by it under titles III and IV of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974; "(2) to make continuing studies of the effect on budget outlays of relevant existing and proposed legislation and to report the results of such studies to the House on a recurring basis; (3) to request and evaluate continuing studies of tax expenditures, to devise methods of coordinating tax expenditures, policies, and programs with direct budget outlays, and to report the results of such studies to the House on a recurring basis; and "(4) to review, on a continuing basis, the conduct by the Congressional Budget Office of its functions and duties.” BUDGET COMMITTEE OF THE SENATE SEC. 102. (a) Paragraph 1 of rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subparagraph: "(r) (1) Committee on the Budget, to which committee shall be referred all concurrent resolutions on the budget (as defined in section 3(a) (4) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974) and all other matters required to be referred to that committee under titles III and IV of that Act, and messages, petitions, memorials, and other matters relating thereto. "(2) Such committee shall have the duty- "(A) to report the matters required to be reported by it under titles III and IV of the Congessional Budget Act of 1974; "(B) to make continuing studies of the effect on budget outlays of relevant existing and proposed legislation and to report the results of such studies to the Senate on a recurring basis; "(C) to request and evaluate continuing studies of tax expenditures, to devise methods of coordinating tax expenditures, policies, and programs with direct budget outlays, and to report the results of such studies to the Senate on a recurring basis; and "(D) to review, on a continuing basis, the conduct by the Congressional Budget Office of its functions and duties." (b) The table contained in paragraph 2 of rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate is amended by inserting after "Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.. the following: "Budget 15" 15". (c) Paragraph 6 of rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subparagraph: "(h) For purposes of the first sentence of subparagraph (a), membership on the Committee on the Budget shall not be taken into account until that date occurring during the first session of the Ninetyfifth Congress, upon which the appointment of the majority and minority party members of the standing committees of the Senate is initially completed." any 88 STAT. 301 Duties. (d) Each meeting of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate, Open and or any subcommittee thereof, including meetings to conduct hearings, closed meetshall be open to the public, except that a portion or portions of ings. such meeting may be closed to the public if the committee or subcom- 2 USC 190a-3. mittee, as the case may be, determines by record vote of a majority of the members of the committee or subcommittee present that the matters to be discussed or the testimony to be taken at such portion or portions (1) will disclose matters necessary to be kept secret in the interests of national defense or the confidential conduct of the foreign relations of the United States; (2) will relate solely to matters of committee staff personnel or internal staff management or procedure; (3) will tend to charge an individual with crime or misconduct, to disgrace or injure the professional standing of an individual, or otherwise to expose an individual to public contempt or obloquy, or will represent a clearly unwarranted invasion of the privacy of an individual; (4) will disclose the identity of any informer or law enforcement agent or will disclose any information relating to the investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense that is required to be kept secret in the interests of effective law enforcement; or (5) will disclose information relating to the trade secrets or financial or commercial information pertaining specifically to a given person if— 88 STAT. 302 84 Stat. 1151, 1153. 2 USC 190a-1. 2 USC 601. Appointment. Term. Removal. Compensation. 83 Stat. 863. Appointment and compensation. (A) an Act of Congress requires the information to be kept confidential by Government officers and employees; or (B) the information has been obtained by the Government on a confidential basis, other than through an application by such person for a specific Government financial or other benefit, and is required to be kept secret in order to prevent undue injury to the competitive position of such person. (e) Paragraph 7(b) of rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate and section 133A (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 shall not apply to the Committee on the Budget of the Senate. TITLE II-CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE SEC. 201. (a) IN GENERAL. (1) There is established an office of the Congress to be known as the Congressional Budget Office (hereinafter in this title referred to as the "Office"). The Office shall be headed by a Director; and there shall be a Deputy Director who shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Director and, during the absence or incapacity of the Director or during a vacancy in that office, shall act as Director. (2) The Director shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate after considering recommendations received from the Committees on the Budget of the House and the Senate, without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of his fitness to perform his duties. The Deputy Director shall be appointed by the Director. (3) The term of office of the Director first appointed shall expire at noon on January 3, 1979, and the terms of office of Directors subsequently appointed shall expire at noon on January 3 of each fourth year thereafter. Any individual appointed as Director to fill a vacancy prior to the expiration of a term shall serve only for the unexpired portion of that term. An individual serving as Director at the expiration of a term may continue to serve until his successor is appointed. Any Deputy Director shall serve until the expiration of the term of office of the Director who appointed him (and until his successor is appointed), unless sooner removed by the Director. (4) The Director may be removed by either House by resolution. (5) The Director shall receive compensation at a per annum gross rate equal to the rate of basic pay, as in effect from time to time, for level III of the Executive Schedule in section 5314 of title 5, United States Code. The Deputy Director shall receive compensation at a per annum gross rate equal to the rate of basic pay, as so in effect, for level IV of the Executive Schedule in section 5315 of such title. (b) PERSONNEL.-The Director shall appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the duties and functions of the Office. All personnel of the Office shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of their fitness to perform their duties. The Director may prescribe the duties and responsibilities of the personnel of the Office, and delegate to them authority to perform any of the duties, powers, and functions imposed |