FY 1970 Amount $ 280,978 $ 882,000 941,047 15,659 61,974 121,434 534,414 Johns Hopkins University Kalamazoo College Baltimore, Maryland 730,142 L Kalamazoo, Michigan 4,300 Manhattan, Kansas 301,327 252,000 15,076 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING GRANTS OR CONTRACTS FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1969 and FISCAL YEAR 1970 RDT&EN APPROPRIATION Contractor Address FY 1969 Amount Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois Illinois, University of Urbana, Illinois 1,011,878 Illinois, University of Chicago, Illinois Indiana, University of Bloomington, Indiana 72,250 Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 278,915 Iowa, University of Iowa City, Iowa 622,258 Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 195,000 109,000 John Carroll University Cleveland, Ohio 34,980 34,917 881,300 Kansas, State University of Kansas, University of Lawrence, Kansas 66,195 Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 752,617 530,010 Loma Linda University Loma Linda, California Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 327,487 67,267 Loyola University Chicago, Illinois 26,999 15,445 : COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING GRANTS OR Address : 13,010,702 Miami, University of Amherst, Massachusetts Coral Gables, Florida COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING GRANTS OR CONTRACTS FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1969 and FISCAL YEAR 1970 RDT&E, N APPROPRIATION FY 1969 FY 1970 Address Amount Amount 1 Sarasota, Florida $ 10,000 $ Durham, New Hampshire 30,995 69;838 Socorro, New Mexico 352,452 301,600. Albuquerque, New Mexico 185,000 203,575 47-007 070-50 Contractor New College New Hampshire, University of New Mexico School of Mines New Mexico, University of New York Medical College New York at Albany, State New York at Buffalo, State New York at Stony Brook, New York University North Carolina State University Buffalo, New York 406,460 304,174 Stony Brook, New York 28,200 Northeastern University Northwestern University Notre Dame, University of COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING GRANTS OR CONTRACTS FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1969 and FISCAL YEAR 1970 RDT&E,N APPROPRIATION : Contractor COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING GRANTS OR South Dakota School of Mines South Dakota, University of San Francisco, California 21,141 12,000 112,766 t Vermillion, South Dakota 12,100 |