INTRODUCTION OF ASSOCIATES Senator ELLENDER. Hon. Robert A. Frosch, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research and Development, will be the principal witness. You may proceed. Dr. FROSCH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, members of the committee: It is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity again this year to submit to this committee the Navy research, development, test and evaluation program and budget for fiscal year 1971. With me again are my principal assistants in carrying out the R.D.T. & E. programs within the Navy. Adm. E. A. Rucker, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Development); Adm. T. B. Owen, Chief of Naval Research. Unfortunately, this will be Admiral's last appearance with me before this committee. His tour of duty as Chief of Naval Research ends shortly and he will be retiring from the Navy. Senator ELLENDER. He is not over age, is he? Senator YOUNG. We will miss you, Admiral. Admiral Owen. Thank you very much. ! Dr. FROSCH. I want to say I will miss having him work with me. On Admiral Owen's left there is Rear Adm. T. O. Davies, Chief | of Naval Development and Deputy Chief of Naval Material (Development); and Maj. Gen. L. Metzger, Deputy Chief of Staff (Research Development, and Studies), U.S. Marine Corps, all of whom appeared before this committee with me last year. On the far right is Rear Admiral Gaddis, who is the Director of Budget and Reports. Senator ELLENDER. He has been with us before. PRESENTATION PROCEDURE Dr. FROSCH. As you know, Mr. Chairman, I have submitted to the committee a very long and detailed statement. I would propose at this time, with your permission, to read some excerpts from the first portion of the statement. I will not cover everything. I will try to cover the highlights. Of course, I will be happy to answer or try to answer any questions you have at any time. Senator ELLENDER. All right. You may proceed in that manner. It is quite an extensive presentation. Dr. FROSCH. My presentation this year consists of a brief statement followed by a series of appendixes which I propose to enter into the record of the committee in its entirety. The statement, which I intend to present verbally at this time, defines the R.D.T. & E. program and budget in terms of the Navy functional areas. You will remember that I introduced this concept for your information as part of my statement for last year. As our R. & D. effort is related to mission responsibility of the Navy, I will offer an overview of the fiscal year 1971 program concentrating on the major R.D.T. & E. thrust in each of these areas. The appendixes which are presented for your detailed study contain budgetary material and other information which has been specifically requested by or has proven of interest and value to the Congress in the past and will supplement and support the material presented in my verbal statement. Included also at the end of the appendixes is a locator index of significant programs contained in the statement for ease of reference. I have provided copies of the complete document for the records of the committee. With the Chair's concurrence, I propose at this time to present my verbal statement. Again, with your permission, I will illuminate my discussion with a series of vugraphs, and I have available about 15 minutes of interesting film highlights, covering our ongoing program, for your viewing at the end of my presentation. I will, of course, be happy to answer any questions from the committee at any time considered appropriate. APPROPRIATION SUMMARY The Navy program request for R.D.T. & E. in fiscal year 1971 consists of new obligational authority in the amount of $2,197.3 million. BUDGET ACTIVITIES Shown in table I is the program divided among the eight budget activities. For comparative purposes, the fiscal year 1970 program is included. Dr. FROSCH. The fiscal year 1971 proposal constitutes a decrease of about $2.3 million from fiscal year 1970. Explanation of the changes in the various budget activities are contained in appendixes D through K, along with details of the more significant programs in each budget activity. PROGRAM CATEGORIES For purposes of our day-to-day operations within the Department of Defense, we divide the R.D.T. & E. program into six categories as shown in table II. PROGRESSION FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO DEVELOPMENT Dr. FROSCH. These categories represent the progression from basic research through to development of the things going directly into the fleet. 1970 AND 1971 FINANCING COMPARISON: CARRYOVER AND REPROGRAMING Senator ELLENDER. Mr. Secretary, I am confused as to the amount appropriated for fiscal 1970 and your request for fiscal 1971. On the tabulation I have the appropriation for fiscal year 1970 is stated at $2,186.4 million and in one of your tabulations the fiscal 1970 amount is stated at $2,199.6 million. With respect to the request for fiscal 1971, my tabulation indicates $2,212.3 million and your chart states $2,197.3 million. What accounts for these differences? Dr. FROSCH. For fiscal year 1970 the actual appropriation was $2,186.4 million. In addition to this appropriation we had available $13.2 million from prior year unobligated balances available for fiscal 1970 efforts. Senator ELLENDER. That is the $13,168,000 entry on page 4 of the justifications entitled, "Unobligated balance available, start of year: Available to finance new budget plans"? Admiral GADDIS. That is correct, Mr. Chairman. Senator ELLEnder. How about the request for fiscal year 1971! Dr. FROSCH. Your total of $2,212.3 million for fiscal year 1971 includes the $15 million carryover which are subject to rescission if not spent within 2 years. We are requesting that those funds be continued available. Senator ELLENDER. Then your totals of $2,199.6 million for fiscal 1970 and $2,197.3 million for fiscal 1971 are comparable figures. Admiral GADDIS. Yes, they are; Mr. Chairman. Senator ELLENDER. The difference is the $2.3 million reduction you mentioned. Dr. FROSCH. Yes, sir. TOTAL REQUEST FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Senator ELLENDER. $2,212.3 million is a tremendous sum for research and development programs. The request for the Navy's entire shipbuilding and conversion program is only $2.7 billion. It is very difficult for me to see how you can spend this much money for R. & D. programs in a year. I cannot help thinking that there is considerable waste in the R. & D. programs of the Services. Dr. FROSCH. We spend a lot of effort trying to find if it is there. Senator ELLENDER. I know that. A lot of effort is put forth with questionable results. Proceed. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Dr. FROSCH. The remainder of my statement today will be devoted to a discussion of the more important aspects of our R. & D. effort. I will divide my discussion into the areas of functional responsibility as shown below and on this Vugraph. Research and exploratory development, management and support, air warfare, surface warfare, strategic warfare, anti-submarine warfare, Marine Corps programs, oceanography, space, and EW/communications/command and control. RESEARCH AND EXPLORATORY DEVELOPMENT There are two elements in the research program. One is for inhouse laboratory independent research performed by our Navy laboratories, and the second element is for defense research sciences. The in-house laboratory independent research program maintains for the Navy an in-house capability of assessing and advancing technologies critical to our military missions. Seventeen patents were issued in fiscal year 1969 for ideas developed under this program, and 10 additional applications for patents were submitted and are currently under review. Items included among the patents are an instrument for measuring absolute reflectance and transmittance at cryogenic temperatures, explosive welding, electrochemical cells for thermal batteries, a method of tempering unique specialty (martensitic type) alloys, and a polarized light reflectometer for improved infrared detectors. Senator ELLENDER. Do you tell us in your statement how much is spent in-house and how much outside? Dr. FROSCH. Yes. That is separated. UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE CONTRACTS AND GRANTS Senator ELLENDER. I note on page 73 of the justifications that in fiscal year 1969 $102.4 million of your total Navy R. & D. effort was for work performed by universities and nonprofit organizations. The estimate for fiscal 1970 is $88.7 million and for fiscal 1971 the estimate is $84.7 million. Just what is the nature of the work performed by these colleges and universities? Dr. FROSCH. We are engaged in buying specific research tasks that are done in the universities. Senator YOUNG. Mr. Chairman, I wonder if they have a list of the colleges and universities available as well as the amount of money they are getting. Admiral GADDIS. We will provide that for the record, sir. |