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C. H. W. Weber.

Headquarters for


Distributor of Root's Goods Exclu-
sively at Root's Factory Prices.


Freight rates from Cincinnati are the lowest,

Especially for the South, as

all freight now goes
through Cincinnati.

Prompt service is what I practice. Satisfaction Guaranteed. You will save money by buying from me. Catalog mailed free. Send for same.

Book orders for Golden Italians, Red Clovers, and Carniolan Queens. For prices refer to my catalog.

Discounts allowed on early orders; take advantage by ordering now.

I Heep Everything that Bee-Keepers Use, a large stock and a full line, such as the Standard Langstroth, lock-cornered, with and without portico; Danzenbaker hive, sections, foundation, extractors for honey and wax, wax-presses, smokers, honey-knives, foundation-fasteners, and bee-veils.

Honey and Beeswax Wanted.

I will buy honey and beeswax, pay cash on delivery; and shall be pleased to quote you prices, if in need, in small lots, in cans, barrels, or carloads of extracted or comb, and guarantee its purity.

I have in Stock Seed of the following Honey-plants: Sweet-scented clover, white and yellow, alfalfa, alsike, crimson, buckwheat, phacelia, Rocky Mountain bee-plant, and catnip.

C. H. W. Weber,

Office & Salesroom, 2146-2148 Central Ave.
Warehouse, Freeman and Central Avenue.



Honey Market.


FANCY. All sections to be well filled, combs straight, firmly attached to all four sides, the combs unsoiled by travelatain or otherwise; all the cells sealed except an occasional Dell, the outside surface of the wood well scraped of propolis. A No. 1.-All sect ons well filled except the row of cells next to the wood; combs straight; one-eighth part of comb surface soiled, or the entire surface slightly soiled; the outside of the wood well scraped of propolis.

No. 1.-All sections well filled except the row of cells next to the wood; combs comparatively even; one-eighth part of comb surface soiled, or the entire surface slightly soiled. No. 2.-Three-fourths of the total surface must be filled and sealed.

No. 3.-Must weigh at least half as much as a full-weight section.

In addition to this the honey is to be classified according to color, using the terms white, amber, and dark; that is. there will be "Fancy White," No. 1 Dark," etc.

NEW YORK.-There is nothing_doing in comb honey. The demand is next to nothing. Some quite old stock is left on hand, some of which no doubt will not be sold before fall. A little fancy stock is moving here and there, but of no consequence. Large blocks are not being moved. Extracted honey is dull also. Large buyers are holding off, having an idea that prices will rule considerably lower when the new crop begins to come in from the South and California. For the present time we can not encourage shipments of either comb or extracted honey. Beeswax is firm and in good demand at 30. HILDRETH & SEGELKEN,

April 8.

82 Murray St., New York City.

PHILADELPHIA.-The market is still further demoralized on comb honey since our last quotations. Good comb honey is being retailed for two for 25c, and wholesaled at 10c a cap. This will grade from fancy down, and is bought up in job lots to close out. We have no further quotations, as the market is very irregular. Extracted honey is selling as follows: Fancy white, 7; amber, 51⁄2@6, according to quality. We are producers of honey and do not handle on commission.

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BUFFALO.-Honey is moving fairly well for this time of the year. Dark in comb is the only kind that sells slow. Hardly any extracted in this market, and some call for it. It is a good time to sell, for demand will be very slow as soon as warm weather and berries come. We quote fancy white comb, 13@132; A No. 1, 122@13; No. 1, 12@122: No. 2, 10@11; No. 3, 9@10; No. 1 dark, 10@11; No. 2 dark, 9@10. Extracted, white, 62@7; amber, 6@6%; dark, 5%a6. Beeswax, 27@ 30. April 8.

W. C. TOWNSEND, Buffalo, N. Y.

TOLEDO.-There is very little demand for comb honey at this writing, and the prices remain about the same. Fancy white clover and basswood in non-drip shippingcases at 122@13; A No. 1, 12; amber, no demand. The demand for extracted is very quiet. White clover in barrels, 6@61⁄2-cans, 7@72; amber, in barrels, 54@5 -cans, 6. Beeswax, 28(@30. GRIGGS BROTHERS, 521 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio.

April 7.

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ST. LOUIS.-The honey market has not improved in any shape or form. On the contrary, it is slower than ever during the season. Quotations are nominal and unchanged, as follows: Fancy white comb honey, 13%@ 14; A No. 1. 11@12; No. 1, 9@11. Choice extracted white clover or Spanish needle in 5-gallon cans, 6%@7: dark and Southern in 5-gallon cans, 5@5%; in barrels, 44@5. Beeswax, 28%. R. HARTMANN & Co.,

April 7.

14 So. Second St., St. Louis, Mo.

CINCINNATI. The large stock of comb honey yet offered with hardly any demand caused lower prices. I quote fancy water white at 12; other grades lower in proportion. Extracted is in usual demand for this season of the year. We quote amber, in barrels, 5@51⁄2in cans. 54@6. Beeswax, 28. C. H. W. WEBER, April 7. 2146-8 Central Ave., Cincinnati, O. DETROIT.-We quote as follows: Fancy white. 12@ 13; A No 1 and No. 1, 11@12. No dark honey in market. Extracted white clover, 6@62. Beeswax, 27@29. April 10. M. H. HUNT & SON, Bell Branch, Mich.

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TORONTO.-We have not reported the honey market for some time, as there is practically no change. What we said in the first part of the season regarding the honey market was not far from the truth. We said then that we thought bee-keepers would do well to sell at the price honey was going then, instead of holding for higher prices. The higher prices have never been realized. We paid as much as 8 cts. for No. 1 clover honey in the fall, and have recently bought by the barrel of 700 lbs. at 7 cts. Comb honey remains unchanged at $1.50@$2.00 per dozen. March 28.

E. GRAINGER & Co., Toronto, Ont. WANTED-Beeswax. We are paying 27c cash or 29 atnts per pound in exchange for supplies for pure av. Ciage wax delivered at Medina, or our branch houses ce 144 E. Erie St., Chicago, 44 Vesey St., New York erty, and 10 Vine St., Philadelphia. Be sure to send bill of lading when you make the shipment, and advise us how much you send, net and gross weights. We can not use old comb at any price.

THE A. I. ROOT COMPANY, Medina, Ohio.

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FOR SALE.-5000 lbs. choice clover honey, two 60-lb. cans per case, 7c, f. o. b. ELIAS FOX, Hillsboro, Wis.

FOR SALE.-White honey (mostly basswood) in fivegallon cans, at 7 cts. a pound.

C. J. BALDRIDGE, Kendaia, N. Y. FOR SALE.-Clover and basswood honey, in barrels, at 7c, f. o. b. Cascade, Iowa; sample by mail, 5c. MONT WYRICK, Cascade, Iowa.

FOR SALE. Twenty-eight 60-lb. cans of beautiful raspberry extracted honey; white as clover, and equal as to flavor; sealed before extracting: crated two cans to the crate to ship; 74 cts. on car; sample free. E. D. TOWNSEND, Kemus, Mich.

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It has a side grate that strengthens the fire-cup, and holds a removable metal and asbestos lining that keeps it cool, adding to its durability. It has no valves to get out of order.

It has no snout to clog with soot.

It gives a light or dense volume of cool smoke, at operator's option, 3 to 5 hours at one filling.

Guarantee: Simplicity, quality, efficiency, durability. The General Manager of the National Bee-keepers' Association wrote me:

Platteville, Wis., Oct. 28, 1904.

I have given your Twentieth Century Smoker a thor ough trial. For convenience in lighting, durability, and long time one filling will last and give ample smoke, I find it all you claim. In the spring I shall want several. I always want the best.

Yours truly,

Prices: By mail, one, $1.25; three, $3.25.

N. E. France.

By express or freight, one, $1.00; three, $2.50. F. DANZENBAKER, MIAMI, FLORIDA. or, Care of The A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio.



Lewis Goods at Factory Prices

Root's smokers and extractors, Dadant's comb foundation, Bingham smokers. We sell hives arranged with the famous Colorado Cover, the best cover ever put on a bee-hive. Complete hives cost you no more with this cover than with other covers, but they are better.

Where Do You Live? Let us quote prices on what you want, with freight paid to your station. We ship each year to every State east of the Rocky Mountains. Let us ship to you. A Porter Bee-escape Free with first order if you tell us where you saw this ad. Eighty-eight-page catalog free. Send at once.

C. M. SCOTT & CO. 1006 E. Washington St. Indianapolis : Indiana

Send for Our Catalog of Bee Supplies

We handle the best makes of Dovetailed hives, one-piece sections, comb foundation, and all other articles needed in the apiary, at lowest living prices. Bees and queens for sale in season. A. W. Swan & Co, Centralia, Kan.

E. E. Lawrence (Box G 28), Doniphan, Mo. Breeder of Fine Italian

QUEEN BEES. Send for price list.
Local agents for Root's goods.

Gleanings in Bee Culture.

Devoted to Bees, Honey, and Home Interests.

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TERMS---$1.00 per annum; two years, $1.50; three years, $2.00; five years, $3.00,

In Advance.

Postage is Prepaid by the publishers for all subscriptions in the United States, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Porto Rico, Tutuila, Samoa, Shanghai, Canal Zone, Cuba, Canada, and Mexico. For all other countries in the Postal Union add 48 cents per year for postage.

Change of Address. - When a change of address is ordered, both the new and the old address must be given. The notice should be sent one week before the change is to take effect.

Discontinuances.-The journal is sent until orders are received for its discontinuance. We give notice just before the subscription expires, and further notice if the first is not heeded. Any subscriber whose subscription has expired, wishing his journal discontinued, will please drop us a card at once; otherwise we shall assume that he wishes his journal continued, and will pay for it soon. Any one who does not like this plan may have his journal stopped after the time paid for by making his request when ordering.

How to Remit.-Remittances should be sent by Draft on New York, Expressorder or Money-order, payable to order of THE A. I. ROOT COMPANY, MEDINA, OHIO. Currency should be sent by Registered Letter.

Agents.-Representatives are wanted in every city and town in the country. A liberal commission will be paid to such as engage with us. References required.

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"Facts About Bees," a 64-page book written by Mr. F. Danzenbaker, giving a com plete description of his famous hive and directions for using. Full of valuable information. Sent on receipt of a two-cent stamp to pay the postage. Send for it.

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The great popularity of the Danzenbaker hive has brought the shallow brood-frame and the tall plain sections into prominence. It must be remembered that no other hive contains the essential features of the Danzenbaker. The success of this system depends on having everything just right, so you should place your order for the Danzenbaker hive with our main office, or any of our branches or regular agents.

What Others Say About the Danzenbaker Hive.

UNION BRIDGE, MD., Feb. 9, 1904. The A. I. Root Co., Medina, O. Gentlemen:-I saw in a recent issue of your paper that you have a department called "Reports Encouraging." I shall send you my report.

I use the Danzenbaker hive and will give you report of the same, as the few Dovetailed hives that I use do not compare at all with the Danzenbaker. One colony gave me over one hundred pounds No. 1 white honey, and the rest averaged about sixty, with an increase by natural swarming of one hundred per cent. A friend of mine who uses all sorts and kinds of hives in his apiary succeeded in making scarcely enough honey to pay for the foundation used in the sections. This was about two miles from my apiary. Long live the Danzenbaker hive. It is just the thing for this locality.

Yours truly,


I have used both square and tall sections in all my apiaries five years, and I know from practical experience that it will pay to discard the 44 sections, and use only 4x5 sections, and the Danzenbaker hive with the fence separator. They have made enough more this season in the same yard to pay for the hives. I have made more money this season per hive than I have any previous year in my 15 years of bee-keeping. Fifteen of my strongest Danzenbaker hives made a ton of honey. When it comes to sales, I get more for the 4x5 sections, and have no work in cleaning them. I ship them as I take them from the super. This is not the case with the 44 section. I make honey to sell, and anything that sells the best, and for the most money, is what I want out of the bee-business. S. D. MATTHEWS.

In Gleanings, p. 931, Dec. 15, 1899.

MALLET CREEK. O., Sept. 25, 1902.

I now have 250 colonies of bees, of which 170 are in Danzenbaker hives, and shall have all my bees in Danzenbaker hives next spring. During the past poor season. 30 or 40 of the colonies in the Danzenbaker hives gave over 100 pounds surplus. On the average I get more than double the amount of honey from these colonies that I do from those in the old chaff hives. With a seven-inch telescope cover, the Danzenbaker hive winters the bees better than the chaff hives. VERNON BURT.

ROCK VALLEY, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1901. My bees gathered no sui plus after July 1. I had only 1200 pounds, but I obtained a fancy price-15% for "Fancy" and No. 1 white, and 14% for No. 2 here at my station for all the Danzenbaker 4x5 plain sections used on our hives, while I got only 14 and 13 cents per pound for the 44x44 square sections, and I consider that much difference is worth looking after-don't you? The Danzenbaker hives doubled up, two brood-chambers, are in fine condition. even better than my double-walled hives. I intend to build a bee-cellar and work off my double-walled hives as fast as I can, and get the Danzenbaker hives. Very truly yours, J. L. HAIGHT


The A. I. ROOT CO,. MA


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