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constituted by resolution 146 (II) adopted by the General Assembly on 3 November 1947,

1. Considers that, without prejudice as to the future, a special committee similar to that of this year should be constituted to meet in 1949, composed of all the members of the United Nations which have hitherto transmitted information in accordance with Article 73 e and of an equal number of other Members elected by the Fourth Committee on behalf of the General Assembly, on as wide a geographical basis as possible;

2. Invites this special committee to examine the summaries and analyses of information transmitted under Article 73 e on the economic, social and educational conditions in the Non-Self-Governing Territories, including any papers prepared by the specialised agencies, and to submit a report thereon for the consideration of the General Assembly, with such procedural recommendations as the special committee may deem fit and such substantive recommendations as it may deem desirable relating to functional fields generally but not with respect to individual territories;

3. Considers that the Special Committee should meet in 1949, not later than three weeks before the opening of the regular session of the General Assembly, at a place to be determined by the SecretaryGeneral, and should conclude its work not later than one week before the opening of the session.



The General Assembly,

HAVING CONSIDERED the report of the Special Committee on Information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter which was constituted by resolution 146 (II) adopted by the General Assembly on 3 November 1947 and which was authorised to establish liaison with the Economic and Social Council,

1. Invites the Secretary-General to:

(a) Inform any special committee which the General Assembly may appoint of decisions taken by the Economic and Social Council and of studies undertaken under its auspices which include within their scope economic and social conditions affecting Non-Self-Governing Territories;

(b) Place at the disposal of the Economic and Social Council all relevant information transmitted under Article 73 e and all relevant

supplemental information required for the work of the Economic and Social Council;

2. Draws the attention of the Members responsible for the administration of the Non-Self-Governing Territories to the arrangements for technical assistance approved by the Economic and Social Council, and invites the Secretary-General to inform any special committee which the General Assembly may appoint of the extent and nature of any such technical assistance rendered to Non-Self-Governing Territories at the request of the Administrating Members.



The General Assembly,

HAVING CONSIDERED the report of the Special Committee on Information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter which was constituted by resolution 146 (II) adopted by the General Assembly on 3 November 1947, and which was authorized to avail itself of the counsel and assistance of the specialized agencies,

1. Has noted the resolution adopted by the World Health Assembly and welcomes the measures being taken by the World Health Organization to examine the section of the Standard Form relating to public health and sanitation, and in other ways to provide technical assistance in the preparation and consideration of information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter;

Has also noted the information supplied by the International Labour Office with particular reference to the ratification and application of international labour conventions concerning Non-Self-Governing Territories and to the study which is being undertaken in regard to migrant labour problems;

Has also noted the explanations furnished by the representative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the services which that organization is providing in Non-Self-Governing Territories with the consent of the Members responsible for the administration of these territories;

2. Invites the Secretary-General to keep in close touch with the secretariats of the specialized agencies with a view to seeking their counsel and assistance in the preparation of his analyses of information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter;

3. Invites the specialized agencies to examine the relevant sections of the Standard Form with which they are specially concerned, with a view to the revision of this Form;

4. Invites the specialized agencies to inform any special committee which the General Assembly may appoint of the progress of any work andertaken by them which includes within its scope economic, social and educational conditions affecting Non-Self-Governing Territories; 5. Further invites the appropriate specialized agencies to make such comments on the analyses prepared by the Secretary-General as they may feel will be helpful to the consideration of these analyses.



WHEREAS, by Article 73 e of the Charter, Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government have accepted the obligation to transmit, subject to such limitation as security and constitutional considerations may require, statistical and other information of a technical nature relating to the economic, social and educational conditions in those territories, WHEREAS, by General Assembly resolution 66 (I) adopted on 14 December 1946, 74 territories were enumerated, in accordance with the declarations of the responsible Governments, as falling within the scope of Article 73 e,

WHEREAS Some of the responsible Governments concerned have not transmitted information on certain of these territories in 1947 and in 1948, without furnishing any explanation for such omission, The General Assembly

1. Welcomes any development of self-government that may have taken place subsequent to the passing of General Assembly resolution 66 (I) in any of the territories enumerated therein;

2. Considers that, having regard to the provisions of Chapter XI of the Charter, it is essential that the United Nations be informed of any change in the constitutional position and status of any such territory as a result of which the responsible Government concerned thinks it unnecessary to transmit information in respect of that territory under Article 73 e of the Charter; and

3. Requests the Members concerned to communicate to the SecretaryGeneral, within a maximum period of six months, such information as may be appropriate pursuant to the preceding paragraph, including the constitution, legislative act or executive order providing for the government of the territory and the constitutional relationship of the territory to the Government of the metropolitan country.

13. Report of the Trusteeship Council

[Four resolutions were adopted by the Assembly as the result of its consideration of the report of the Trusteeship Council covering its Second and Third Sessions. The first resolution simply takes note of the report and recommends that the Trusteeship Council consider the comments and suggestions made during the discussion of the report by the Assembly. The next resolution, dealing with administrative unions affecting trust territories, recommends that the Trusteeship Council investigate certain questions respecting the nature and effect of administrative unions in the light of the terms of the trusteeship agreements and of the assurances given by the administrative authorities; recommend such safeguards as it deems necessary to preserve the distinct political status of the trust territories and to enable the Council to exercise effective supervisory functions over such territories; and report thereon to the next regular session of the Assembly. In the third resolution, the Assembly recommends that the Trusteeship Council work out, in consultation with the administering authorities of the trust territories, means for the improvement and expansion of educational facilities in these areas. The final resolution calls upon the administering authorities in the trust territories to take all measures to improve and promote the political, economic, and social advancement of the inhabitants and to accelerate the progressive development of self-government or independence in the trust territories.

All four resolutions were adopted without objection November 18.]



The General Assembly

Takes note of the report of the Trusteeship Council covering its second and third sessions (A/603);

Expresses its confidence that the Trusteeship Council, in a spirit of co-operation, will effectively contribute to achieving the high objectives of the Trusteeship System;

Recommends that the Trusteeship Council consider at its next session the comments and suggestions made during the discussion of the report at the third session of the General Assembly;

Requests the Secretary-General to prepare for the use of the Trusteeship Council an appropriate document setting forth such comments and suggestions.



The General Assembly,

MINDFUL that one of the basic objectives of the Trusteeship System is to promote the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the Trust Territories, and their progressive development towards self-government or independence,

NOTING that the Trusteeship Agreements for some of these Territories authorize the Administering Authority concerned to constitute the Territory into a customs, fiscal or administrative union or federation with adjacent territories under its sovereignty or control and to establish common services between the Trust Territory and such adjacent territories, where such measures are not inconsistent with the basic objectives of the Trusteeship System and with the terms of the Trusteeship Agreement,

RECOGNIZING that in certain circumstances such unions may be in the interests of the inhabitants of the Territory concerned,

RECALLING that the General Assembly approved these Agreements upon the assurance of the Administering Powers that they do not consider the terms of the relevant articles in the Trusteeship Agreements “as giving powers to the Administering Authority to establish any form of political association between the Trust Territories respectively administered by them and adjacent territories which would involve annexation of the Trust Territories in any sense or would have the effect of extinguishing their status as Trust Territories",

HAVING CONSIDERED the observations of the Trusteeship Council, contained in the report covering its second and third sessions, on the existing or proposed administrative unions between certain Trust Territories and the adjacent territories under the sovereignty or control of the Administering Authority,

Notes the observations of the Trusteeship Council on such administrative unions; and in particular,

Endorses the observations of the Trusteeship Council that an administrative union "must remain strictly administrative in its nature and its scope and that its operation must not have the effect of creating any conditions which will obstruct the separate development of the Trust Territory, in the fields of political, economic, social and educational advancement, as a distinct entity";

Recommends accordingly that the Trusteeship Council should:

(a) Investigate these questions in all their aspects with special reference to such unions already constituted or proposed and in the

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