Exhibits, statements, briefs, letters, etc., submitted for the record-Con. Johnston, Eric A., president, Chamber of Commerce of the United Page 1398 1352 1274 1415 Press release of June 20, 1943. Statement entitled "Policies adopted April 20, 1943" Department of Agriculture bulletin entitled "War Food Adminis- tration Announces 1944 Support Prices on Farm Products"__ Department of Agriculture compilation entitled "Maximum Prices Letter to Hon. Clifford R. Hope, dated March 31, 1944 1283 756 McComb, Joseph J., resolution on Office of Price Administration rent Meek, J. H., resolution of General Assembly of Virginia. Murchison, Charles H., an attorney of Jacksonville, Fla., statement__ National Association of Hot House Vegetable Growers, letter to Sen- ator Capper enclosing proposed amendments and letter to Repre- 830 340 1291 National Board of Fur Farm Organizations, statement_ 1413 statement_ 1292 National League of Wholesale Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Distributors, statement of Harold M. Buzek, president, before the House Banking Newman, Mrs. Frank, statement entitled "What Grocers Think About the Price-Panel Program". 591 New Orleans Property Owners-Landlords Association, letter to Senator Wagner enclosing letters pertaining to O. P. A. rent ceilings, New York Mercantile Exchange, brief. 625 Memorandum on certain questions of construction of the Emer- gency Price Control Act of 1942 relating to standards for Page Memorandum on certain questions submitted by the Atlantic Fishermen's Union of Massachusetts concerning the fresh fish Statement in connection with testimony of R. A. Dean, president of National Association of Independent Tire Dealers, before Senate Banking and Currency Committee on April 27, 1944 1430 Memorandum of Office of Price Administration, dated May 1, 1944, on certain questions of construction of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 and of the Stabilization Act of O'Neal, Edward A., comparative tabulations showing production of Article from the National Union Farmer entitled "New National Farmers Union Poll Shows Stronger Subsidy Support" - Article from the National Union Farmer entitled "Poll Proves Peyton Packing Co., Inc., El Paso, Tex., telegram of Zach Lamar Letter received from Chester Bowles dated February 24, 1944--- Sexauer, Fred H., president, Dairymen's League Cooperative Associ- ation, a statement concerning abuses of the regulatory power of Smith, Moroni A., chairman, Allied Lamb Marketing Promoters, an Southern States Industrial Council, statement___- Taft, Hon. Robert A.: Letter from Bird & Son, East Walpole, Mass., dated April 14, Letter from the Lehon Co., of New Jersey dated April 11, 1944. Letter of E. W. J. Hearty dated March 22, 1944- Letter of United States Food Administration relating to the general and special rules and regulations governing dealers in fruits and vegetables, dated November 2, 1917- Postcard of Lloyd C. Henderson, chairman, Ashtabula County Telegram from the Cooper Co., Elizabeth, N. J., dated May 3, Names of sponsors of fight for price control in Michigan con- tained in paper entitled "We the People Speak! for 'Freedom 505 931 1317 940 942 450 1308 645 469 1115 Exhibits, statements, briefs, letters, etc., submitted for the record-Con. United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association, Washington, D. C., Clarifying directive dated January 26, 1944, addressed to Donald Directive of November 16, 1943, addressed to Donald M. Nelson, Office of Price Administration, statement concerning actions taken upon petitions for adjustments in specific crude petroleum Opinion addressed to I. L. Sharfman, Walter T. Fisher, and John Press release dated December 13, 1943. 1126 Statement entitled "Stripper-Well Proposal"- 1162 1115 Statement prepared by Office of Price Administration entitled Statement to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- 1182 Excerpt from testimony of R. H. Folger, president, W. T. Grant 597 602 EXTENSION OF THE EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL ACT OF 1942 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1944 UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, Washington, D. C. The committee met at 10:30 a. m., pursuant to call, in room 301, Senate Office Building, Senator Robert F. Wagner, chairman, presiding. Present: Senators Wagner, chairman, Barkley, Bankhead, Maloney, Radcliffe, McClellan, Tobey, Danaher, Taft, Capper, Buck, and Hawkes. Present also: Senators Stewart and Aiken. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will please come to order. Mr. Bowles, we are considering, as you know, the bill (S. 1764) to amend the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 as amended by the act of October 2, 1942. This proposed amendment would simply provide an extension for 1 year, from June 30, 1944 to June 30, 1945. The bill is as follows: [S. 1764, 78th Cong., 2d sess.] A BILL To amend the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 (Public Law 421, Seventyseventh Congress) as amended by the Act of October 2, 1942 (Public Law 729, Seventyseventh Congress) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 (b) of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended by the Act of October 2, 1942, is hereby amended by striking out "June 30, 1944" and substituting "June 30, 1945." SEC. 2. Section 6 of the Act of October 2, 1942, is hereby amended by striking out "June 30, 1944" and substituting "June 30, 1945." We have asked you to come here as our first witness. We would like to have you proceed in your own way. Which would you prefer to do, go on and present your views first and then be questioned by members of the committee, or be questioned as you go along? STATEMENT OF CHESTER BOWLES, ADMINISTRATOR, OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Mr. BOWLES. I was going to bring that up. O. P. A. is a pretty big operation and is pretty complicated. There are a great many different departments and different angles to it. We are, naturally, anxious to save you time because I know you have a date set to close the hearings, and that you wish to get through with the hearings. |