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It seems necessary to solicit the attention of readers in this place. Introductions are too often viewed as mere intrusions; and prefaces, considered as apologies, are rather tolerated than accepted,

Who and what I am, reiterated as are the enquiries, appear questions of little moment, excepting as they may be immediately connected with the work now submitted to the world. My religious principles are, I hope, those which will be found to stand the test both of truth and time. I hope always to be able to say, as the poet Shenstone makes bishop Latimer to speak,

Let me hoard with care,

With frugal cunning, with the niggard's art,
A few fix'd principles, in early life,

Ere indolence impede the search, explored;
Then, like old Latimer, when age impairs
My judgment's eye, when quibbling schools attack
My grounded hope, or subtler wits deride,

Will I not blush to shun the vain debate :

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And this mine answer-Thus, 'twas thus, I thought,
My mind yet vigorous, and my soul entire;
Thus will I think, averse to listen more
To intricate discussion prone to stray!'

It has been my great comfort to have been trained in the way in which it was best for me to go. I have indeed swerved from that way; but never without serious grief. Vanity is garrulous. Ceasing then from myself, I only add, with reference to the who and what' só frequently put,


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that, whatever are my own demerits, still it is for me to feel, as Cowper felt,

My boast is not that I deduce my birth

From loins enthron'd, and rulers of the earth
But higher far my proud pretensions rise,
The son of parents passed into the skies!

Accustomed thus early to religion, continually mixing, almost from the cradle, with those who, agreeably to the injunction of an apostle, do not forsake the assembling of themselves together,' it would be difficult for me now to recollect the origin of that feeling which has stimulated me to undertake the present publication. It has made part of my life; and it will last me through life. I trust, therefore, that the contents of the present volume will unequivocally demonstrate the mind in which I sat down to my task, and the integrity with which I have so far accomplished it, My wish was to do some good: and the means are such, let me think, as may lead to that end,

Preachers are stated not to be fair objects of criticism. Why not? Perhaps they are not thought to be fair objects of criticism, and such seems the fact, simply be

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