own motion, reopens a Service proceeding or reconsiders a Service decision, and the new decision may be unfavorable to the affected party, the officer shall give the affected party 30 days after service of the motion to submit a brief. The officer may extend the time period for good cause shown. If the affected party does not wish to submit a brief, the affected party may waive the 30-day period. (6) Appeal to AAU from Service decision made as a result of a motion. A field office decision made as a result of a motion may be applied to the AAU only if the original decision was appealable to the AAU. (7) Other applicable provisions. The provisions of §103.3(a)(2)(x) of this part also apply to decisions on motions. The provisions of § 103.3(b) of this part also apply to requests for oral argument regarding motions considered by the AAU. (8) Treating an appeal as a motion. The official who denied an application or petition may treat the appeal from that decision as a motion for the purpose of granting the motion. (b) Motions to reopen or reconsider denials of special agricultural worker and legalization applications. Upon the filing of an appeal to the Associate Commissioner, Examinations (Administrative Appeals Unit), the Director of a Regional Processing Facility or the consular officer at an Overseas Processing Office may sua sponte reopen any proceeding under his or her jurisdiction opened under part 210 or 245a of this chapter and may reconsider any decision rendered in such proceeding. The new decision must be served on the appellant within 45 days of receipt of any brief and/or new evidence, or upon expiration of the time allowed for the submission of a brief. The Associate Commissioner, Examinations, or the Chief of the Administrative Appeals Unit may sua sponte reopen any proceeding conducted by that Unit under part 210 or 245a of this chapter and reconsider any decision rendered in such proceeding. Motions to reopen a proceeding or reconsider a decision under part 210 or 245a of this chapter shall not be considered. (c) Motions to reopen or reconsider decisions on replenishment agricultural work er petitions. (1) The director of a regional processing facility may sua sponte reopen any proceeding under part 210a of this title which is within his or her jurisdiction and may render a new decision. This decision may reverse a prior favorable decision when it is determined that there was fraud during the registration or petition processes and the petitioner was not entitled to the status granted. The petitioner must be given an opportunity to offer evidence in support of the petition and in opposition to the grounds for reopening the petition before a new decision is rendered. (2) The Associate Commissioner, Examinations or the Chief of the Administrative Appeals Unit may sua sponte reopen any proceeding conducted by that unit under part 210a of this title and reconsider any decision rendered in such proceeding. (3) Motions to reopen a proceeding or reconsider a decision under part 210a of this title shall not be considered. [27 FR 7562, Aug. 1, 1962, as amended at 30 FR 12772, Oct. 7, 1965; 32 FR 271, Jan. 11, 1967; 52 FR 16193, May 1, 1987; 54 FR 29881, July 17, 1989; 55 FR 20770, 20775, May 21, 1990; 55 FR 25931, June 25, 1990; 56 FR 41782, Aug. 23, 1991; 59 FR 1463, Jan. 11, 1994; 61 FR 18909, Apr. 29, 1996; 62 FR 10336, Mar. 6, 1997] § 103.5a Service of notification, decisions, and other papers by the Service. This section states authorized means of service by the Service on parties and on attorneys and other interested persons of notices, decisions, and other papers (except warrants and subpoenas) in administrative proceedings before Service officers as provided in this chapter. (a) Definitions—(1) Routine service. Routine service consists of mailing a copy by ordinary mail addressed to a person at his last known address. (2) Personal service. Personal service, which shall be performed by a Government employee, consists of any of the following, without priority or preference: (i) Delivery of a copy personally; (ii) Delivery of a copy at a person's dwelling house or usual place of abode by leaving it with some person of suitable age and discretion; (iii) Delivery of a copy at the office of an attorney or other person, including a corporation, by leaving it with a person in charge; (iv) Mailing a copy by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed to a person at his last known address. (3) Personal service involving notices of intention to fine. In addition to any of the methods of personal service listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, personal service of Form I-79, Notice of Intention to Fine, may also consist of delivery of the Form I-79 by a commercial delivery service at the carrier's address on file with the National Fines Office, the address listed on the Form I-849, Record for Notice of Intent to Fine, or to the office of the attorney or agent representing the carrier, provided that such a commercial delivery service requires the addressee or other responsible party accepting the package to sign for the package upon receipt. (b) Effect of service by mail. Whenever a person has the right or is required to do some act within a prescribed period after the service of a notice upon him and the notice is served by mail, 3 days shall be added to the prescribed period. Service by mail is complete upon mailing. (c) When personal service required—(1) Generally. In any proceeding which is initiated by the Service, with proposed adverse effect, service of the initiating notice and of notice of any decision by a Service officer shall be accomplished by personal service, except as provided in section 239 of the Act. and (2) Persons confined, minors, incompetents-(i) Persons confined. If a person is confined in a penal or mental institution or hospital and is competent to understand the nature of the proceedings initiated against him, service shall be made both upon him and upon the person in charge of the institution or the hospital. If the confined person is not competent to understand, service shall be made only on the person in charge of the institution or hospital in which he is confined, such service being deemed service on the confined person. (ii) Incompetents and minors. In case of mental incompetency, whether or not confined in an institution, and in the case of a minor under 14 years of age, service shall be made upon the person with whom the incompetent or the minor resides; whenever possible, service shall also be made on the near relative, guardian, committee, or friend. (d) When personal service not required. Service of other types of papers in proceedings described in paragraph (c) of this section, and service of any type of papers in any other proceedings, may be accomplished either by routine service or by personal service. [37 FR 11470, June 8, 1972, as amended at 39 FR 23247, June 27, 1974; 62 FR 10336, Mar. 6, 1997; 64 FR 17944, Apr. 13, 1999] § 103.5b Application for further action on an approved application or petition. (a) General. An application for further action on an approved application or petition must be filed on Form I-824 by the applicant or petitioner who filed the original application or petition. It must be filed with the fee required in § 103.7 and the initial evidence required on the application form. Form I-824 may accompany the original application or petition, or may be filed after the approval of the original application or petition. (b) Requested actions. A person whose application was approved may, during its validity period, apply for a duplicate approval notice or any other action specifically provided for on the form. A petitioner whose petition was approved may, during the validity of the petition, request that the Service: (1) Issue a duplicate approval notice; (2) Notify another consulate of the approved petition; (3) Notify a consulate of the person's adjustment of status for the purpose of visa issuance to dependents; or (4) Take any other action specifically provided for on the form. (c) Processing. The application shall be approved if the Service determines the applicant has fully demonstrated eligibility for the requested action. There is no appeal from the denial of an application filed on Form I-824. [59 FR 1463, Jan. 11, 1994] §103.6 Surety bonds. (a) Posting of surety bonds-(1) Extension agreements; consent of surety; collateral security. All surety bonds posted in immigration cases shall be executed on Form I-352, Immigration Bond, a copy of which, and any rider attached thereto, shall be furnished the obligor. A district director is authorized to approve a bond, a formal agreement to extension of liability of surety, a request for delivery of collateral security to a duly appointed and undischarged administrator or executor of the estate of a deceased depositor, and a power of attorney executed on Form I-312, Designation of Attorney in Fact. All other matters relating to bonds, including a power of attorney not executed on Form I-312 and a request for delivery of collateral security to other than the depositor or his or her approved attorney in fact, shall be forwarded to the regional director for approval. (2) Bond riders-(i) General. Bond riders shall be prepared on Form 1-351, Bond Riders, and attached to Form I352. If a condition to be included in a bond is not on Form I-351, a rider containing the condition shall be executed. (ii) [Reserved] (b) Acceptable sureties. Either a company holding a certificate from the Secretary of the Treasury under 6 U.S.C. 6-13 as an acceptable surety on Federal bonds, or a surety who deposits cash or U.S. bonds or notes of the class described in 6 U.S.C. 15 and Treasury Department regulations issued pursuant thereto and which are not redeemable within 1 year from the date they are offered for deposit is an acceptable surety. (c) Cancellation—(1) Public charge bonds. A public charge bond posted for an immigrant shall be cancelled when the alien dies, departs permanently from the United States or is naturalized, provided the immigrant did not become a public charge prior to death, departure, or naturalization. The district director may cancel a public charge bond at any time if he/she finds that the immigrant is not likely to become a public charge. A bond may also be cancelled in order to allow substitution of another bond. A public charge bond shall be cancelled by the district director upon review following the fifth anniversity of the admission of the immigrant, provided that the alien has filed Form I-356, Request for Cancellation of Public Charge Bond, and the district director finds that the immigrant did not become a public charge prior to the fifth anniversary. If Form I-356 is not filed, the bond shall remain in effect until the form is filed and the district director reviews the evidence supporting the form and renders a decision to breach or cancel the bond. (2) Maintenance of status and departure bonds. When the status of a nonimmigrant who has violated the conditions of his admission has been adjusted as a result of administrative or legislative action to that of a permanent resident retroactively to a date prior to the violation, any outstanding maintenance of status and departure bond shall be canceled. If an application for adjustment of status is made by a nonimmigrant while he is in lawful temporary status, the bond shall be canceled if his status is adjusted to that of a lawful permanent resident or if he voluntarily departs within any period granted to him. As used in this paragraph, the term lawful temporary status means that there must not have been a violation of any of the conditions of the alien's nonimmigrant classification by acceptance of unauthorized employment or otherwise during the time he has been accorded such classification, and that from the date of admission to the date of departure or adjustment of status he must have had uninterrupted Service approval of his presence in the United States in the form of regular extensions of stay or dates set by which departure is to occur, or a combination of both. An alien admitted as a nonimmigrant shall not be regarded as having violated his nonimmigrant status by engaging in employment subsequent to his proper filing of an application for adjustment of status under section 245 of the Act and part 245 of this chapter. A maintenance of status and departure bond posted at the request of an American consular officer abroad in behalf of an alien who did not travel to the United States shall be canceled upon receipt of notice from an American consular officer that the alien is outside the United States and the nonimmigrant visa issued pursuant to the posting of the bond has been canceled or has expired. (3) Substantial performance. Substantial performance of all conditions imposed by the terms of a bond shall release the obligor from liability. (d) Bond schedules-(1) Blanketbonds for departure of visitors and transits. The amount of bond required for various numbers of nonimmigrant visitors or transits admitted under bond on Forms I-352 shall be in accordance with the following schedule: 1 to 4-$500 each. Aliens 5 to 9-$2,500 total bond. 200 or more-$10,000 plus $50 for each alien over 200. (2) Blanket bonds for importation of workers classified as nonimmigrants under section 101(a)(15)(H). The following schedule shall be employed by district directors when requiring employers or their agents or representatives to post bond as a condition to importing alien laborers into the United States from the West Indies, the British Virgin Islands, or from Canada: Less than 500 workers-$15 each 500 to 1,000 workers-$10 each 1,000 or more workers-$5 each A bond shall not be posted for less than $1,000 or for more than $12,000 irrespective of the number of workers involved. Failure to comply with conditions of the bond will result in the employer's liability in the amount of $200 as liquidated damages for each alien involved. (e) Breach of bond. A bond is breached when there has been a substantial violation of the stipulated conditions. A final determination that a bond has been breached creates a claim in favor of the United States which may not be released or discharged by a Service officer. The district director having custody of the file containing the immi gration bond executed on Form I-352 shall determine whether the bond shall be declared breached or cancelled, and shall notify the obligor on Form I-323 or Form I-391 of the decision, and, if declared breached, of the reasons therefor, and of the right to appeal in accordance with the provisions of this part. [31 FR 11713, Sept. 7, 1966, as amended at 32 FR 9622, July 4, 1967; 33 FR 5255, Apr. 2, 1968; 33 FR 10504, July 24, 1968; 34 FR 1008, Jan. 23, 1969; 34 FR 14760, Sept. 25, 1969; 39 FR 12334. Apr. 5, 1974; 40 FR 42852, Sept. 17. 1975; 48 FR 51144, Nov. 7, 1983; 49 FR 24011, June 11, 1984; 60 FR 21974, May 4, 1995; 62 FR 10336, Mar. 6, 1997] $103.7 Fees. (a) Remittances. (1) Fees prescribed within the framework of 31 U.S.C. 483a shall be submitted with any formal application or petition prescribed in this chapter and shall be in the amount prescribed by law or regulation. Except for fees remitted directly to the Board pursuant to the provisions of §3.8(a) of this chapter, any fee relating to any Executive Office for Immigration Review proceeding shall be paid to, and accepted by, any Service office authorized to accept fees. Payment of any fee under this section does not constitute filing of the document with the Board or with the Immigration Court. The Service shall return to the payer, at the time of payment, a receipt for any fee paid. The Service shall also return to the payer any documents, submitted with the fee, relating to any Immigration Judge proceeding. A charge of $30.00 will be imposed if a check in payment of a fee is not honored by the bank on which it is drawn. Remittances must be drawn on a bank or other institution located in the United States and be payable in United States currency. Fees in the form of postage stamps shall not be accepted. Remittances to the Service shall be made payable to the "Immigration and Naturalization Service," except that in case of applicants residing in the Virgin Islands of the United States, the remittances shall be made payable to the "Commissioner of Finance of the Virgin Islands" and, in the case of applicants residing in Guam, the remittances shall be made payable to the "Treasurer, Guam." If application to the Service is submitted from outside the United States, remittance may be made by bank international money order or foreign draft drawn on a financial institution in the United States and payable to the Immigration and Naturalization Service in United States currency. Remittances to the Board shall be made payable to the "United States Department of Justice." (2) A charge of $30.00 will be imposed if a check in payment of a fee, fine, penalty, and/or any other matter is not honored by the bank or financial institution on which it is drawn. A receipt issued by a Service officer for any such remittance shall not be binding upon the Service if the remittance is found uncollectible. Furthermore, credit for meeting legal and statutory deadlines will not be deemed to have been met if payment is not made within 10 business days after notification by the Service of the dishonored check. (b) Amounts of fees. (1) The following fees and charges are prescribed: For certification of true copies, each-$2.00 For attestation under seal-$2.00 For fingerprinting by the Service. A service fee of $25 will be charged by the Service for fingerprinting each applicant, petitioner, sponsor, or other individual who is required to complete Form FD-258 in connection with an application or petition for an immigration benefit (other than asylum) and whose residence is in the United States, as defined in section 101(a)(38) of the Act. DCL System Costs Fee. For use of a Dedicated Commuter Lane (DCL) located at specific Ports of Entry of the United States by an approved participant in a designated vehicle-$80.00, with the maximum amount of $160.00 payable by a family (husband, wife, and minor children under 18 years-of-age). Payable following approval of the application but before use of the DCL by each participant. This fee is nonrefundable, but may be waived by the district director. If a participant wishes to enroll more than one vehicle for use in the PORTPASS system, he or she will be assessed with an additional fee of $42 for each additional vehicle enrolled. Form EOIR-40. For filing application for suspension of deportation under section 244 of the Act as it existed prior to April 1, 1997 $100.00. (A single fee of $100.00 will be charged whenever suspension of deportation applications are filed by two or more aliens in the same proceeding). Form EOIR-42. For filing application for cancellation of removal under section 240A of the Act $100.00. (A single fee of $100.00 will be charged whenever cancellation of removal applications are filed by two or more aliens in the same proceedings). Form I-17. For filing an application for school approval, except in the case of a school or school system owned or operated as a public educational institution or system by the United States or a state or political subdivision thereof-$200.00. Form I-68. For application for issuance of the Canadian Border Boat Landing Permit under section 235 of the Act-$16.00. The maximum amount payable by a family (husband, wife, unmarried children under 21 years of age, parents of either husband or wife) shall be $32.00. Form I-90. For filing an application for Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551) in lieu of an obsolete card or in lieu of one lost, mutilated, or destroyed, or for a change in name $110.00. Form I-94. For issuance of Arrival/Departure Record at a land border Port-ofEntry-$6.00. Form I-94W. For issuance of Nonimmigrant Visa Waiver Arrival/Departure Form at a land border Port-of-Entry under section 217 of the Act-$6.00. Form I-102. For filing a petition for an application (Form I-102) for Arrival-Departure Record (Form I-94) or Crewman's Landing (Form I-95), in lieu of one lost, mutilated, or destroyed-$85.00. Form I-129. For filing a petition for a nonimmigrant worker, a base fee of $110 plus an additional $500 fee in a single remittance of $610. Payment of this additional $500 fee is not required if an organization is exempt under §214.2(h)(19)(iii) of this chapter. Payment of this additional $500 fee is not waivable under § 103.7(c)(1). Form I-129F. For filing a petition to classify nonimmigrant as fiancee or fiance under section 214(d) of the Act-$95.00. Form I-130. For filing a petition to classify status of alien relative for issuance of immigrant visa under section 204(a) of the Act-$110.00. Form I-131. For filing an application for travel documents--$95.00. Form I-140. For filing a petition to classify preference status of an alien on basis of profession or occupation under section 204(a) of the Act-$115.00. Form I-175. For issuance of Nonresident Alien Canadian Border Crossing Card (Form I-185)--$30.00. Form I-190. For issuance of replacement Nonresident Alien Mexican Border Crossing Card (Form I-586) in lieu of one lost, stolen, or mutilated-$26.00. Form I-191. For filing applications for discretionary relief under section 212(c) of the Act-$170.00. |