must include a certificate showing service on the opposing party pursuant to $3.32 which indicates the Immigration Court in which the charging document is filed. However, no charging document is required to be filed with the Immigration Court to commence bond proceedings pursuant to §§3.19, 236.1(d) and 240.2(b) of this chapter. (b) When an Immigration Judge has jurisdiction over an underlying proceeding, sole jurisdiction over applications for asylum shall lie with the Immigration Judge. (c) Immigration Judges have jurisdiction to administer the oath of allegiance in administrative naturalization ceremonies conducted by the Service in accordance with § 337.2(b) of this chapter. [57 FR 11571, Apr. 6, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 34089, June 30, 1995; 62 FR 10332, Mar. 6, 1997] §3.15 Contents of the order to show cause and notice to appear and notification of change of address. (a) In the Order to Show Cause, the Service shall provide the following administrative information to the Executive Office for Immigration Review. Omission of any of these items shall not provide the alien with any substantive or procedural rights: (1) The alien's names and any known aliases; (2) The alien's address; (3) The alien's registration number, with any lead alien registration number with which the alien is associated; (4) The alien's alleged nationality and citizenship; (5) The language that the alien understands; (b) The Order to Show Cause and Notice to Appear must also include the following information: (1) The nature of the proceedings against the alien; (2) The legal authority under which the proceedings are conducted; (3) The acts or conduct alleged to be in violation of law; (4) The charges against the alien and the statutory provisions alleged to have been violated; (5) Notice that the alien may be represented, at no cost to the government, by counsel or other representative au thorized to appear pursuant to 8 CFR 292.1; (6) The address of the Immigration Court where the Service will file the Order to Show Cause and Notice to Appear; and (7) A statement that the alien must advise the Immigration Court having administrative control over the Record of Proceeding of his or her current address and telephone number and a statement that failure to provide such information may result in an in absentia hearing in accordance with §3.26. (c) Contents of the Notice to Appear for removal proceedings. In the Notice to Appear for removal proceedings, the Service shall provide the following administrative information to the Immigration Court. Failure to provide any of these items shall not be construed as affording the alien any substantive or procedural rights. (1) The alien's names and any known aliases; (2) The alien's address; (3) The alien's registration number, with any lead alien registration number with which the alien is associated; (4) The alien's alleged nationality and citizenship; and (5) The language that the alien understands. (d) Address and telephone number. (1) If the alien's address is not provided on the Order to Show Cause or Notice to Appear, or if the address on the Order to Show Cause or Notice to Appear is incorrect, the alien must provide to the Immigration Court where the charging document has been filed, within five days of service of that document, a written notice of an address and telephone number at which the alien can be contacted. The alien may satisfy this requirement by completing and filing Form EOIR-33. (2) Within five days of any change of address, the alien must provide written notice of the change of address on Form EOIR-33 to the Immigration Court where the charging document has been filed, or if venue has been changed, to the Immigration Court to which venue has been changed. [57 FR 11571, Apr. 6. 1992, as amended at 60 FR 34089, June 30, 1995; 62 FR 10332, Mar. 6, 1997] §3.16 Representation. (a) The government may be represented in proceedings before an Immigration Judge. (b) The alien may be represented in proceedings before an Immigration Judge by an attorney or other representative of his or her choice in accordance with 8 CFR part 292, at no expense to the government. [52 FR 2936, Jan. 29, 1987. Redesignated at 57 FR 11571, Apr. 6, 1992, as amended at 62 FR 10332, Mar. 6, 1997] §3.17 Appearances. (a) In any proceeding before an Immigration Judge in which the alien is represented, the attorney or representative shall file a Notice of Appearance on Form EOIR-28 with the Immigration Court and shall serve a copy of the Notice of Appearance on the Service as required by 8 CFR 3.32(a). Such Notice of Appearance must be filed and served even if a separate Notice of Appearance(s) has previously been filed with the Service for appearance(s) before the Service. (b) Withdrawal or substitution of an attorney or representative may be permitted by an Immigration Judge during proceedings only upon oral or written motion submitted without fee. [57 FR 11571, Apr. 6, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 34089, June 30, 1995; 62 FR 10332, Mar. 6, 1997] §3.18 Scheduling of cases. (a) The Immigration Court shall be responsible for scheduling cases and providing notice to the government and the alien of the time, place, and date of hearings. (b) In removal proceedings pursuant to section 240 of the Act, the Service shall provide in the Notice to Appear, the time, place and date of the initial removal hearing, where practicable. If that information is not contained in the Notice to Appear, the Immigration Court shall be responsible for scheduling the initial removal hearing and providing notice to the government and the alien of the time, place, and date of hearing. In the case of any change or postponement in the time and place of such proceeding, the Immigration Court shall provide written notice to the alien specifying the new time and place of the proceeding and the consequences under section 240(b)(5) of the Act of failing, except under exceptional circumstances as defined in section 240(e)(1) of the Act, to attend such proceeding. No such notice shall be required for an alien not in detention if the alien has failed to provide the address required in section 239(a)(1)(F) of the Act. [62 FR 10332, Mar. 6, 1997] $3.19 Custody/bond. (a) Custody and bond determinations made by the service pursuant to 8 CFR part 236 may be reviewed by an Immigration Judge pursuant to 8 CFR part 236. (b) Application for an initial bond redetermination by a respondent, or his or her attorney or representative, may be made orally, in writing, or, at the discretion of the Immigration Judge, by telephone. (c) Applications for the exercise of authority to review bond determinations shall be made to one of the following offices, in the designated order: (1) If the respondent is detained, to the Immigration Court having jurisdiction over the place of detention; (2) To the Immigration Court having administrative control over the case; or (3) To the Office of the Chief Immigration Judge for designation of an appropriate Immigration Court. (d) Consideration by the Immigration Judge of an application or request of a respondent regarding custody or bond under this section shall be separate and apart from, and shall form no part of, any deportation or removal hearing or proceeding. The determination of the Immigration Judge as to custody status or bond may be based upon any information that is available to the Immigration Judge or that is presented to him or her by the alien or the Service. (e) After an initial bond redetermination, a request for a subsequent bond redetermination shall be made in writing and shall be considered only upon a showing that the alien's circumstances have changed materially since the prior bond redetermination. (f) The determination of an Immigration Judge with respect to custody status or bond redetermination shall be entered on the appropriate form at the time such decision is made and the parties shall be informed orally or in writing of the reasons for the decision. An appeal from the determination by an Immigration Judge may be taken to the Board of Immigration Appeals pursuant to §3.38. (g) While any proceeding is pending before the Executive Office for Immigration Review, the Service shall immediately advise the Immigration Court having administrative control over the Record of Proceeding of a change in the respondent/applicant's custody location or of release from Service custody, or subsequent taking into Service custody, of a respondent/ applicant. This notification shall be in writing and shall state the effective date of the change in custody location or status, and the respondent/applicant's current fixed street address, including zip code. (h)(1)(i) While the Transition Period Custody Rules (TPCR) set forth in section 303(b)(3) of Div. C of Pub. L. 104–208 remain in effect, an immigration judge may not redetermine conditions of custody imposed by the Service with respect to the following classes of aliens: (A) Aliens in exclusion proceedings; (B) Arriving aliens in removal proceedings, including persons paroled after arrival pursuant to section 212(d)(5) of the Act; (C) Aliens described in section 237(a)(4) of the Act; (D) Aliens subject to section 303(b)(3)(A) of Pub. L. 104-208 who are not "lawfully admitted" (as defined in § 236.1(c)(2) of this chapter); or (E) Aliens designated in §236.1(c) of this chapter as ineligible to be considered for release. (ii) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as prohibiting an alien from seeking a redetermination of custody conditions by the Service in accordance with part 235 or 236 of this chapter. In addition, with respect to paragraphs (h)(1)(i)(C), (D), and (E) of this section, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as prohibiting an alien from seeking a determination by an immigration judge that the alien is not properly included within any of those paragraphs. (2)(i) Upon expiration of the Transition Period Custody Rules set forth in section 303(b)(3) of Div. C. of Pub. L. 104-208, an immigration judge may not redetermine conditions of custody imposed by the Service with respect to the following classes of aliens: (A) Aliens in exclusion proceedings; (B) Arriving aliens in removal proceedings, including aliens paroled after arrival pursuant to section 212(d)(5) of the Act; (C) Aliens described in section 237(a)(4) of the Act; (D) Aliens in removal proceedings subject to section 236(c)(1) of the Act (as in effect after expiration of the Transition Period Custody Rules); and (E) Aliens in deportation proceedings subject to section 242(a)(2) of the Act (as in effect prior to April 1, 1997, and as amended by section 440(c) of Pub. L. 104-132). (ii) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as prohibiting an alien from seeking a redetermination of custody conditions by the Service in accordance with part 235 or 236 of this chapter. In addition, with respect to paragraphs (h)(2)(i)(C), (D), and (E) of this section, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as prohibiting an alien from seeking a determination by an immigration judge that the alien is not properly included within any of those paragraphs. (3) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, an alien subject to section 303(b)(3)(A) of Div. C of Pub. L. 104-208 may apply to the Immigration Court, in a manner consistent with paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this section, for a redetermination of custody conditions set by the Service. Such an alien must first demonstrate, by clear and convincing evidence, that release would not pose a danger to other persons or to property. If an alien meets this burden, the alien must further demonstrate, by clear and convincing evidence, that the alien is likely to appear for any scheduled proceeding or interview. (4) Unremovable aliens. A determination of a district director (or other official designated by the Commissioner) regarding the exercise of authority under section 303(b)(3)(B)(ii) of Div. C. of Pub. L. 104–208 (concerning release of aliens who cannot be removed because the designated country of removal will not accept their return) is final, and shall not be subject to redetermination by an immigration judge. (i) Stay of custody order pending Service appeal (1) General emergency stay authority. The Board of Immigration Appeals (Board) has the authority to stay the order of an immigration judge redetermining the conditions of custody of an alien when the Service appeals the custody decision. The Service is entitled to seek an emergency stay for the Board in connection with such an appeal at any time. (2) Automatic stay in certain cases. If an alien is subject to section 242(a)(2) of the Act (as in effect prior to April 1, 1997, and as amended by section 440(c) of Pub. L. 104-132), section 303(b)(3)(A) of Div. C of Pub. L. 104-208, or section 236(c)(1) of the Act (as designated on April 1, 1997), and the district director has denied the alien's request for release or has set a bond of $10,000 or more, any order of the immigration judge authorizing release (on bond or otherwise) shall be stayed upon the Service's filing of a Notice of Service Intent to Appeal Custody Redetermination (Form EOIR-43) with the Immigration Court on the day the order is issued, and shall remain in abeyance pending decision of the appeal by the Board of Immigration Appeals. The stay shall lapse upon failure of the Service to file a timely notice of appeal in accordance with §3.38. [57 FR 11571, Apr. 6, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 34089, June 30, 1995; 62 FR 10332, Mar. 6, 1997; 63 FR 27448, May 19, 1998] §3.20 Change of venue. (a) Venue shall lie at the Immigration Court where jurisdiction vests pursuant to §3.14. (b) The Immigration Judge, for good cause, may change venue only upon motion by one of the parties, after the charging document has been filed with the Immigration Court. The Immigration Judge may grant a change of venue only after the other party has (a) Pre-hearing conferences may be scheduled at the discretion of the Immigration Judge. The conference may be held to narrow issues, to obtain stipulations between the parties, to exchange information voluntarily, and otherwise to simplify and organize the proceeding. (b) The Immigration Judge may order any party to file a pre-hearing statement of position that may include, but is not limited to: A statement of facts to which both parties have stipulated, together with a statement that the parties have communicated in good faith to stipulate to the fullest extent possible; a list of proposed witnesses and what they will establish; a list of exhibits, copies of exhibits to be introduced, and a statement of the reason for their introduction; the estimated time required to present the case; and, a statement of unresolved issues involved in the proceedings. (c) If submission of a pre-hearing statement is ordered under paragraph (b) of this section, an Immigration Judge also may require both parties, in writing prior to the hearing, to make any evidentiary objections regarding matters contained in the pre-hearing statement. If objections in writing are required but not received by the date for receipt set by the Immigration Judge, admission of all evidence described in the pre-hearing statement shall be deemed unopposed. [57 FR 11572, Apr. 6, 1992] and Naturalization Service, Justice -eters. acting as an interpreter hall swear or affirm to intranslate accurately, unpreter is an employee of States Government, in no such oath or affirmarequired. n. 29, 1987. Redesignated at 57 5, 1992] ning or reconsideration e Immigration Court. sion motions. Unless otherted by the Immigration ons submitted prior to the of an Immigration Judge riting and shall state, with the grounds therefore, ught, and the jurisdiction. ation Judge may set and limits for the making of replies thereto. A motion med unopposed unless times made. the Immigration Court-(1) ■n Immigration Judge may - her own motion at any on motion of the Service or open or reconsider any case or she has made a decision, diction is vested with the migration Appeals. Subject otions in this paragraph and b)(4), a party may file only to reconsider and one mopen proceedings. A motion er must be filed within 30 date of entry of a final ade order of removal, deportaclusion, or on or before July ichever is later. A motion to st be filed within 90 days of entry of a final administraof removal, deportation, or or on or before September ichever is later. A motion to to reconsider shall not be on behalf of a person who is t of removal, deportation, or proceedings subsequent to departure from the United y departure from the United cluding the deportation or re■ person who is the subject of deportation, or removal prooccurring after the filing of a §3.23 sider shall constitute a withdrawal of such motion. The time and numerical limitations set forth in this paragraph do not apply to motions by the Service in removal proceedings pursuant to section 240 of the Act. Nor shall such limitations apply to motions by the Service in exclusion or deportation proceedings, when the basis of the motion is fraud in the original proceeding or a crime that would support termination of asylum in accordance with § 208.22(e) of this chapter. (i) Form and contents of the motion. The motion shall be in writing and signed by the affected party or the attorney or representative of record, if any. The motion and any submission made in conjunction with it must be in English or accompanied by a certified English translation. Motions to reopen or reconsider shall state whether the validity of the exclusion, deportation, or removal order has been or is the subject of any judicial proceeding and, if so, the nature and date thereof, the court in which such proceeding took place or is pending, and its result or status. In any case in which an exclusion, deportation, or removal order is in effect, any motion to reopen or reconsider such order shall include a statement by or on behalf of the moving party declaring whether the subject of the order is also the subject of any pending criminal proceeding under the Act, and, if so, the current status of that proceeding. (ii) Filing. Motions to reopen or reconsider a decision of an Immigration Judge must be filed with the Immigration Court having administrative control over the Record of Proceeding. A motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider shall include a certificate showing service on the opposing party of the motion and all attachments. If the moving party is not the Service, service of the motion shall be made upon the Office of the District Counsel for the district in which the case was completed. If the moving party, other than the Service, is represented, a Form EOIR-28, Notice of Appearance as Attorney or Representative Before an Immigration Judge must be filed with the motion. The motion must be filed in duplicate with the Immigration Court, |