Imagini ale paginilor

Duty, performance of, merits no praise, vol. xi. page 153,
line 1 to 7

Dying in the sight of a beloved mistress preferable to separa-
tion, viii. 217, 19 to p. 218, 1. 7

Ecstasy, xi. 103, 5 to 9

Edgar, his account of discovering himself to his father, xiii.
152, 9 to 27

Elegant compliment to a lady, iii. 310, 16 to 21
Eloquence and beauty irresistible, ii. 144, 6 to 10
Eloquent lover, xv. 250, 8 to 14

Emotions, conflicting, v. 380, 12 to 19

England, description of, vi. 132, 6 to 13

invincible if unanimous, vi. 228, 10 to 16

pathetically described, vi. 264, 5 to p. 265, 1. 4

-, apostrophe to, vi. 292, 14 to p. 293, l. 10. vii. 306,
11 to 17

English curiosity, satire on, i. 43, 26 to p. 44, 1. 4

army described, vi. 133, 20 to p. 134, l. 10


humorous description of, vii. 358, 18 to p. 359,

miserable state of, vii. 376, 2 to 15

Enjoyment, frequency of, moderates pleasure, xv. 209, 4 to

Envy, ix. 255, 15 to 22. xi. 327, 26 to p. 328, 1. 1

Equanimity, xii. 259, 2 to 10

Evening, a fine one, ix. 148, 23 to p. 149, l. 1

Evils, the remedy of them generally in ourselves, v. 15, 27 tc
p. 16, l. 10


good to be extracted from, vii. 361, 23 to p. 362, 1. 6

Expedition, what, ix. 119, 13 to 17

Exterior, plausible, iv. 11, 4 to 8

Eyes, women's, iii. 285, 16 to 20

harmless, iv. 309, 5 to p. 310, 1. 3

Fairies and magic, i. 81, 3 to 20

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their rewards and punishments, ii. 117, 5 to p. 118,
1. 2

Fairy occupations, ii. 118, 3 to 22. iii. 135, 16 to p. 136, l. 6
jealousy and its effects. iii. 138, 26 to p. 140, l. 9
bank described, iii. 145, 17 to 22

Fairy courtesies, vol. iii. page 159, line 26 to page 160, line 9
Fallen greatness, xii. 159, 2 to 5

Falstaff, his humorous description of his regiment, vii. 101,
14 to p. 102, 1. 26

Falstaff's catechism, vii. 116, 7 to 20

Fame, ill deeds often done for the sake of, iii. 257, 4 to 16
Fancy, sonnet on, iii. 62, 15 to 24

Fashion, influence of, v. 33, 2 to 6

Father, authority of one, iii. 123, 10 to 14

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lamenting his daughter's infamy, iv. 193, 14 to p. 194,
1. 3

fondness of one for his child, v. 269, 4 to 12

the best guest at his son's nuptials, v. 347, 23 to
p. 348, 1. 13

passion of one on the murder of a favorite child, viii.
304, 2 to p. 305, 1. 6

-, anger of one, xiii. 14, 2 to 14

the curse of one on his child, xiii. 43, 11 to 25

Faults of others no justification of our own, ii. 152, 2 to 16
Favorites compared to honeysuckles, iv. 165, 2 to 6
Female friendship, iii. 169, 20 to p. 170, l. 16

Ferdinand, his swimming ashore described, i. 32, 14 to 22
and Miranda, interesting scene between, i. 50, 7
to p. 54, l. 14

Fickleness, ii. 201, 22 to 28

Filcher, unskilful, ii. 22, 5. 6

Filial ingratitude, xiii. 42, 17 to 19

Flattery prevalent with women, i. 150, 3 to 6

and an even-minded man, reflections on, xiv. 87, 21
to p. 88, l. 15

Fleet setting sail, description of, vii. 329, 12 to p. 330, 1. 4
Fool, description of one, and his reflections on time, iv. 276,
11 to p. 277, 1. 21

his liberty of speech, iv. 277, 22 to p. 278, l. 18

Fool-hardiness, xii. 262, 1 to 4

Foreboding, gloomy, xiii. 193, 8 to 13

Forgiveness, mutual, the duty of, ii. 166, 1 to 8

Fornication, the crime of, equal to murder, ii. 175, 8 to 15
Fortitude, true, vi. 29, 6.7

most conspicuous in adversity, x. 27, 22 to p. 28,


Fortune, vol. iii. page 92, line 4 to 8

imperfection of good, vii. 243, 19 to 24

biasses our judgments, x. 230, 13 to 23. xii. 97, 24 to
p. 98, 1. 2

Fortune-teller, description of a beggarly one, ii. 329. 3 to 11
Friend, a forsaken one, x. 228, 13 to 20

Friends, parting of, ii. 49, 22 to p. 50, 1. 9

Friendship, generous, iii. 12, 10 to p. 14, 1. 20. ib. 74, in to
p. 75, l. 10

in love not to be expected, iv. 144, 18 to 23

female, iv. 258, 18 to p. 259, 1. 8

-, common, xi. 228, 21 to p. 229, 1. 5

martial, xi. 234, 11 to p. 235, 1. 5

Frost, iii. 221, 4. 5

Fury expels fear, xii. 105, 20 to p. 106, l. 1

Garden scene in Romeo and Juliet, xiii. 203, 10 to p. 211,
1. 4

Garland for old men, v. 333, 17 to 21

for middle age, v. 335, 3 to 8

for youth, v. 335, 13 to p. 336, 1. 4

Gentleman, an accomplished young one, i. 132, 7 to 12

usher, description of, iii. 308, 1 to 20

Ghost, description of one appearing in a dream, v. 316, 7 to
p. 317, 1. 2

vanishing at the crowing of a cock, xiv. 16, 8 to 17

Glory described, viii. 20, 16 to 18

Gloster, duchess of, her remonstrance to her husband when
doing penance, viii. 181, 13 to p. 183, 1. 2

earl of, his farewell to the world, xiii. 122, 26 to
p. 123, 1. 6

God, his blessings bestowed on believers, viii. 165, 14. 15
goodness of, ever to be remembered, viii. 166, 13. 14

Gods, justice of the, xiii. 151, 26. 27

Gold, reflections on, vii. 248, 8 to 22. x. 231, 10 to p. 232
1. 8. ib. 247, 7 to 19

Good women, scarcity of, v. 23, 9 to 13

things, instability of, vii. 162, 13 to 22

Gormandisers empty-headed, iii. 218, 9. 10

Governor, a severe one, ii. 143, 7 to 21. ib. 146, 25 to 27
-, an upright one defined, ii. 211, 16 to p. 212, l. 1

Grandams, affection of, vol. ix. page 133, line 3 to 6
Gratitude in an old servant, and tenderness in a master,

iv. 264, 22 to p. 267, 1. 24

Grave, tranquillity of the, x. 284, 8 to 13

Gravitation, power of, in a heavy body, ii. 81, 14 to 17
Gravity, affected, iii. 10, 25 to p. 11, l. 8. ib. 36, 6 to 14
Greatness subject to censure, ii. 207, 1 to 6

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falling described, ix. 254, 24 to 29

contemptible when on the decline, x. 84, 6 tc

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

immoderate, to be suppressed, xiv. 21, 1 to 20

useless, xiv. 207, 18 to 25

Griefs, the greater destroy the less, vii. 151, 9 to p. 152


Guilty pursuits, the fully of, xv. 75, 10 to 16

Hamlet, his soliloquy on his mother's marriage, xiv. 22, 18 tc
p. 23, 1. 23

his speech at the appearance of his father's ghost,
xiv. 36, 5 to 23

and the ghost, scene between, xiv. 38, 20 to p. 43,

his mad demeanor, described by Ophelia, xiv. 50, 17
to p. 51, 1. 21

his reflections on the player and himself, xiv. 74, 30
to p. 77, 1. 6

[ocr errors]

-, his reflections on death, xiv. 80, 2 to p. 81, 1. 9

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

bis instructions to the players, xiv. 85, 12 to p. 87,

conference between him and his mother, xiv. 107, 8
to p. 116, 1. 16

his irresolution, xiv. 125, 8 to p. 126, 1. 18

his reflections in the churchyard, xiv. 150, 8 tɔ
p. 156, 1. 8

Hanger-on, description of one, iv. 124, 20 to 24

Hanging, advantages of, xii. 294, 18 to p. 295, 1. 3

Happiness consists in opinion, vol. xiv. page 63, line 2 to 28
Hatred, remorseless, viii. 214, 16 to p. 215, 1. 21

Health, a, xiv. 172, 6 to 10

Heart, a good, vii. 414, 6 to 13

Hector, description of him in battle, x. 117, 22 to p. 118, l. 10
Henry IV., his character of Percy and his son, vii. 10, 12 to


his pathetic address to his son, vii. 81, 7 to p. 83,

Henry V., soliloquy of, on the profligacy of his companions,
vii. 19, 11 to p. 20, 1. 5

modest defence of himself, vii. 84, 18 to p. 85,

modest challenge of, vii. 114, 16 to p. 115, 1. 5
his pathetic speech on the death of Hotspur, vii.
128, 9 to 23

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1. 1

character of, by his father, vii. 240, 14 to p. 241,

and his dying father, scene between, vii. 249, 12 to
p. 254, 1. 20

-, perfections of, vii. 290, 28 to p. 291, l. 9

character of, by the constable of France, vii. 324,
19 to p. 325, 1. 3

his address to his army before Harfleur, vii. 331, 5
to p. 332, 1. 15

his confident valor before the battle of Agincourt,
vii. 378, 5 to p. 380, 1. 4

Henry VI. on his own lenity, viii. 388, 16 to p. 389, 1. 3
Henry VIII. his character of Queen Katharine, ix. 232, 9 to


Hero, pretended, vii. 349, 1 to 14

Honesty discarded, xiv. 187, 11 to p. 188, l. 12

Honor, humorous assumption of, ii. 42, 14 to 22

should be conferred on merit only, iii. 52, 6 to 18. v.
47, 21 to p. 48, 1. 21

a maiden's, v. 72, 17. 18

-, eager pursuit of, vii. 28, 5 to 12

must be active to preserve its lustre, x. 86, 25 to p.
88, 1.5

to be preferred to life, x. 138, 5 to 7
and policy, xi. 207, 26 to F 208, 1. 2

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