THE SPIRITUAL MAGAZINE, AND ZION'S CASKET. 1838. "For there are Three that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the "Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."-Jude 3. EBENEZER PALMER & SON, 18, PATERNOSTER ROW. PREFACE. On the completion of the first volume of our united work, we desire with adoring gratitude to ascribe our humble praise to the God and Father of all our mercies, for the numerous testimonies with which we have been favoured, of his especial blessing having attended our monthly messenger, whereby many of the Lord's family have been refreshed and edified amidst the toils of the wilderness; so that in places not a few, the appearance of our work is looked for with solicitous anticipation, even before its stated period. And while thus adopting the language of thanksgiving, we would most earnestly pray the good Lord to continue still to watch over and to smile upon our undertaking; and, that while we make use of every means to render our pages a repository of experimental theology-a storehouse of Bible truths scripturally elucidated-and a spiritual and critical commentary on the sacred volume, we may be cheered in our own souls, and, using the language of the apostle on another occasion," thank God and take courage." The principles which peculiarly characterized this publication at its commencement, now nearly fifteen years ago, and which have been steadfastly adhered to, have, we feel satisfied, been mnch strengthened and more widely disseminated during the past year by its union with Zion's Casket ; and these principles are now so fully identified with THE SPIRITUAL MagAZINE AND ZION'S CASKET, that they do not require repetition. Our sole aim has been (and we pray it ever may be) to exhibit to the enquiring sinner that glorious salvation which was arranged by the Eternal Three in covenant ere time began, and which was completed on Calvary's cross, when our all-glorious Christ said It is finished," and gave up the ghost: and also to set before those, who have believed through grace, the precious promises which are given to them in Christ; never overlooking those warnings, admonitions, and reproofs, which are so often needed by every regenerated soul while in this world of sin and temptation. In accomplishing this, we have availed ourselves of the kind assistance, not only of those who minister in the sanctuary, whether Episcopalian, Independent, or Baptist, remembering that all the Lord's family are one in Christ Jesus! but we have sought with equal solicitude the communications of the humble and tried believer, however deficient he may be in human lore, remembering our Lord's words, Father, I thank thee that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes; even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight;" and in selecting from them, we have without partiality inserted such as we believed were most adapted to the edification of the Lord's people under their varied experiences, whether painful or joyous. As might have been expected, we have had in some small measure to |