Imagini ale paginilor

Psal. lxxviii. 32,


Rom. v. 6, 8, 10.

viii. 1. Acts xiii. 26. Rev. xxii. 17.


to temptations, ashamed of our duty, Rom. ii. 15. losing our precious time; when we 37, 42. should have been fervent in spirit, Luke xii. 35, 36, serving the Lord, cleaving to thee with full resolution, redeeming the time, and Luke xiv. 17; with diligence making sure our calling and election. We have not with due holiness and reverence drawn near thee, 1 John v. 11, and used thy holy name, thy worship Matt. xxii. 5. and thy day: we have dishonoured and Heb. ii. 3. disobeyed our superiors, and neglected John xii. 48. our inferiors. We have been guilty of Heb. xii. 25. not loving our neighbours as ourselves, Acts vii. 51. and not doing to others as we would Luke xv. 18. they should do to us: but have sought our own against their welfare, not forbearing and forgiving, not loving our enemies, as we ought; not following Psal. xli. 1; peace, nor studying to do good to all exliii. 2. according to our power. We have sin- Psal. li. 9, 11.

Psal, cxix. 60.

2 Tim. iii. 8.

Numb. xvi. 38.

Rom. i. 18.
Eph. v. 6.

Dan ix. 7, 8.

Psal. li. 1.

Rev. xxvi. 25.

John i. 29.


ned secretly and openly; in thought, Rev. i. 5. word, and deed; ignorantly and presump- Eph. i. tuously; in passion, and upon delibera- Matt. xii. 18. tion; against thy precepts, promises, and Gal. iii. 13. threats; against thy mercies and thy Psal. lxxxv. 4.


Isa. liii. 5.

Psal. lxvii. 1.
Acts xi. 18.
Ezek. xx. 43.
Psal. li. 17.
Ezek. xxxvi. 26.
Gal. iv. 6.
2 Cor. vi. 16.
Jer. xiii. 13.
Ezek. xi. 20.
Psal. cxix. 18.
Ephes. iii. 18.
Matt. xiii. 11.
Eph. i. 18.
Rom. ii. 18.

2 Tim. ii. 26.

Psal, cxix. 104.

judgments; under thy patience, and in thy sight; against our consciences, our purposes, and our covenants; when we were hastening to death and judgment, for which through all our lives we should have prepared. Thou hast commended thy wonderful love towards us in giving thy Son to die for sinners, to reconcile us to thee while we were enemies: and all things being made ready, thou hast sent thy messengers to

Rom. v. 5; viii. invite us to come in, preaching to us

35, 39.
Jer. xxxii. 40.
Matt, vi. 23.

Col. iii. 1.
Matt. vi. 20, 21.
Phil, iii. 20.

Col. iii. 5.
Gal. vi. 14.
Rom. i. 17.

Heb. xi. 1.
1 Cor. iv. 4.
1 Pet. iii. 11.
Luke xiii, 14.
1 Cor. ix. 24.
1 Pet. iv. 2.
Col. i. 10.
2 Cor. v. 9.
John vi. 38.
Psal. xl. 8.
Psal. i. 2.

the glad tidings of salvation, and freely offering us pardon and life in Jesus Christ. But we have made light of it, and neglected this great salvation, and made excuses, or too long delays; undervaluing our Redeemer, his blood and merits, his offered grace and endless glory; rejecting his holy doctrine and example, resisting his Spirit, ministers and word. We have sinned, O Lord, against thee, and against our own souls, and are not worthy to be called thy children. We have deserved everlasting wrath. To us belongeth confusion, but

mercy and forgiveness to thee. Have Tit. ii. 12. mercy upon us, O God, according to the multitude of thy mercies. Heal Ephes. iv. 2, our souls that have sinned against thee, and enter not into judgment with thy Psal. xv. 4. servants. Hide thy face from our sins, Ephes. v. 15. and blot out all our iniquities. Cast us Titus ii. 14. not away from thy presence, and avenge Matt. v. 44. not upon us the quarrel of thy covenant. Luke xxi. 19. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb of Mark viii, 34. God, who taketh away the sins of the Heb. xi. 26. world. Accept us in thy beloved Son, Rev. ii. 10, 11. who was made a curse for us, and was wounded for our transgressions, that we might be healed by his stripes. Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause thy face to shine upon us. Give us repentance unto life; cause us to loathe ourselves for all the evils that we have committed. Give us that broken contrite spirit, which thou wilt not despise. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Take out of us the old and strong * heart, and give us a new and tender heart. Give us the Spirit of thy Son, and be our God, and let us be thy people. Enlighten our understandings to know the wonderful things of thy law, the dimensions of thy love in Christ, the mysteries of thy kingdom, and the riches of the glory of thy inheritance in the saints; and that we may approve the things that are excellent, and may escape the snares of the devil, and may hate every false way. Shed abroad thy love in our hearts by thy Holy Spirit; and cause us so to love thee, that nothing may separate us from thy love. Put thy fear into our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. Cause us to seek first thy kingdom, and its righteousness, and (as those that are risen with Christ) to seek the things that are above, and to lay up a treasure in heaven; and let our hearts and conversations be there. Mortify our earthly inclinations and desires. Crucify the world to us, and us unto the world, by the cross of Christ. Cause us to live by faith, and look at the things that are unseen; and use the world, as not over-using it, seeing the fashion of it passeth away: striving to enter it at the strait gate, and running so as to obtain. Let us no longer live the rest of our time to the lusts of men, but to the will of God; studying in all things to please thee, and to be accepted of thee. Let us not seek our own wills, but the will

1 Pet. i. 14, 15. 1 Pet. i. 22.

32. Jam. iii. 17.

Phil. i. 10.

Rom, xii. 19.

Rom. viii. 17.

• Probably an error of the press. Calamy's edition reads stony heart.-P. Η.


of him that called us; yea, let us delight to do thy will, O God. Let our delight be in thy law, and let us meditate therein day and night. Cause us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, and righteously, and godly in this present world; as obedient children, not fashioning ourselves to the former lusts of our ignorance: but as he that hath called us is holy, let us be holy in all manner of conversation. Cause us to love one another with a pure heart fervently; forbearing and forgiving one another, if any have a quarrel against another, even as Christ forgave us. Give us the wisdom which is first pure, and then peaceable. In our eyes let a vile person be contemned, but let us honour them that fear the Lord. Cause us to walk circumspectly without offence, and to be zealous of good works; to love our enemies, and not to give place to wrath; and in patience to possess our souls. Help us to deny ourselves, and take up our cross, and follow Christ; esteeming his reproach to be greater riches than the treasures of the world: that, having suffered with him, we may also be glorified with him. Though we must be tempted, help us to overcome, and be faithful unto the death; and then let us receive that crown of life, through the merits and intercession of

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