The New Testament and Its WritersF. H. Revell Company, 1897 - 155 pagini |
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Pagina 76
... Ramsay , who brings to the discussion of the question a rare knowledge of the archæology and topography of Asia Minor . He maintains that the Churches to which the Epistle was addressed were no other than those of Antioch , Iconium ...
... Ramsay , who brings to the discussion of the question a rare knowledge of the archæology and topography of Asia Minor . He maintains that the Churches to which the Epistle was addressed were no other than those of Antioch , Iconium ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
Acts xviii Acts xx addressed allusions apostle's appears Asia Minor bishops Book of Acts brethren Cæsarea CHAPTER character Church Colossæ Colossians connection converts Corinth Corinthian death disciples divine doctrine Ephesians Ephesus Epistle of James EPISTLE OF PAUL Epistle to Philemon epistle was written evangelists exhorts expression external evidence fact faith four Gospels Galatians Gentiles genuineness grace Greek Hebrew Holy imprisonment infer Irenæus Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Christians Jews labours language latter Lord Lord's Luke Macedonia Mark Matt mentioned ministry Old Testament Onesimus passages pastoral epistles PAUL THE APOSTLE Paul's epistles Peter Phil Philemon Philippi Philippians Polycarp preaching prophets referred regard Roman Rome salutations Saviour Scripture second century Spirit style teaching testimony Thess Thessalonica Timothy tion Titus token trace tradition truth Tychicus unto verses viii words writings written.-"To wrote xvii