Buck. Peace, peace, for shame, if not for charity. Q. Mar. O princely Buckingham, I kiss thy hand, Buck. Nor no one here; for curses never pass Q. Mar. I'll not believe but they ascend the sky, Glo. What doth she say, my lord of Buckingham? And sooth the devil that I warn thee from? O, but remember this another day, [counsel? When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow; And he to yours, and all of you to God's! [Exit. Hast. My hair doth stand on end to hear her curses. Riv. And so doth mine; I muse, why she's at liberty. Glo, I cannot blame her, by God's holy mother; She hath had too much wrong, and I repent My part thereof, that I have done to her. Q. Eliz. I never did her any, to my knowledge. I was too hot to do some body good, [6] Possibly Milton took from hence the hint of his famous allegory. BLACKST. God pardon them that are the cause thereof! Riv. A virtuous and a Christian-like conclusion, To pray for them that have done scath to us. Enter CATESBY. Cates. Madam, his majesty doth call for you, [Aside. And for your grace, and you, my noble lords. [Exeunt all but GLOSTER. Glo. I do the wrong, and first begin to brawl. The secret mischiefs that I set abroach, Enter two Murderers. 1 Mur. We are, my lord; and come to have the warrant, That we may be admitted where he is. Glo. Well thought upon, I have it here about me : [Gives the warrant. When you have done, repair to Crosby-place. Withal obdurate, do not hear him plead; For Clarence is well spoken, and, perhaps, May move your hearts to pity, if you mark him. phor to Clarence, in allusion to the crest of the family of York, which was a bear, Whereto relate those famous old verses on Richard III: "The cat, the rat, and Lovel the dog, Rule all England under a hog." He uses the same metaphor in the last scene of Act IV. POPE. [8] Scath is harm, mischief. STEEVENS. ; 1 Mur. Tut, tut, my lord, we will not stand to prate, Talkers are no good doers; be assur'd, We go to use our hands, and not our tongues. Glo. Your eyes drop mill-stones, when fools' eyes drop tears: I like you, lads ;-about your business straight; 1 Mur. We will, my noble lord. SCENE IV. [Exeunt. The same. A room in the Tower. Enter CLARENCE and BRAKENBURY. Brak. Why looks your grace so heavily to-day? So full of fearful dreams, of ugly sights, Brak. What was your dream, my lord? I pray you, tell me. Clar. Methought, that I had broken from the Tower, And was embark'd to cross to Burgundy; And, in my company, my brother Gloster : Upon the hatches; thence we look'd toward England, O Lord! methought, what pain it was to drown! Some lay in dead men's sculls; and, in those holes [9] Not an infidel. JOHNSON. [1] Unvalued is here used for invaluable. MALONE. Where eyes did once inhabit, there were crept Clar. Methought, I had; and often did I strive Brak. Awak'd you not with this sore agony? Brak. No marvel, lord, though it affrighted you; Clar. O, Brakenbury, I have done these things,'That now give evidence against my soul, [2] By seeming to gaze upon it; or, as we now say, ogle it. JOHNSON. [3] Lee has transplanted this image into his Mithridates, Act IV. sc. i. "I slept; but oh, a dream so full of terror, The pale, the trembling midnight ravisher Ne'er saw, when cold Lucretia's mourning shadow His curtains drew, and lash'd him in his eyes With her bright tresses, dabbled in her blood." STLEVENS. [4] Fleeting is the same as changing sides. JOHNSON. 3 VOL, VII. B2 1 For Edward's sake; and, see, how he requites me!- Yet execute thy wrath on me alone : O, spare my guiltless wife, and my poor children! --I pray thee, gentle keeper, stay by me; My soul is heavy, and I fain would sleep. Brak. I will, my lord; God give your grace good rest![CLARENCE reposes himself on a chair. Sorrow breaks seasons, and reposing hours, And, for unfelt imaginations, They often feel a world of restless cares : 1 Mur. Ho! who's here? Brak. What wouldst thou, fellow? and how cam'st thou hither? 1 Mur. I would speak with Clarence, and I came hither on my legs. Brak. What, so brief? 2 Mur. O, sir, 'tis better to be brief than tedious :Let him see our commission; talk no more. [A paper is delivered to BRAKENBURY, who reads it. Brak. I am, in this, commanded to deliver That thus I have resign'd to you my charge. 1 Mur. You may, sir; 'tis a point of wisdom: Fare you well. [Exit BRAKENBURY. 2 Mur. What, shall we stab him as he sleeps? 1 Mur. No, he'll say, 'twas done cowardly, when he wakes. 2 Mur. When he wakes! why, fool, he shall never wake until the great judgment day. 1 Mur. Why, then he'll say, we stabb'd him sleeping. [5] They often suffer real miseries for imaginary and unreal gratification. JOHN. |