The Volces have much corn; take these rats thither, [Exeunt Senators, COM. MAR. TIT. and MENEN. Sic. Was ever man so proud as is this Marcius? Bru. He has no equal. Sic. When we were chosen tribunes for the people, Bru. Mark'd you his lip, and eyes? Sic. Nay, but his taunts. Bru. Being mov'd, he will not spare to gird the gods.* Sic. Be-mock the modest moon. Bru. The present wars devour him: he is grown Too proud to be so valiant. Sic. Such a nature, Tickled with good success, disdains the shadow Bru. Fame, at the which he aims,- Sic. Besides, if things go well, Bru. Come : Half all Cominius' honours are to Marcius, In aught he merit not. Sic. Let's hence, and hear How the despatch is made; and in what fashion, Upon this present action. Bru. Let's along. [Exeunt. JOHNSON. [1] i. e. You have in this mutiny shown fair blossoms of valour. [2] To gird---To sneer, to gibe. So Falstaff uses the noun, when he says, every man has a gird at me. JOHNSON. [3] Merits and demerits had anciently the same meaning. STEEVENS. [4] We will learn what he is to do besides going himself; what are his powers, and what is his appointment. JOHNSON. SCENE II. certain Senators. Corioli. The Senate-house. Enter TULLUS AUFIDIUS, and 1 Sen. So, your opinion is, Aufidius, That they of Rome are enter'd in our counsels, And know how we proceed. Auf. Is it not yours? What ever hath been thought on in this state, I have the letter here; yes, here it is : 1 Sen. Our army's army's in the field: Auf. Nor did you think it folly, [Reads, To keep your great pretences veil'd, till when It seem'd, appear'd to Rome. By the discovery, We shall be shorten'd in our aim; which was, To take in many towns, ere, almost, Rome 2 Sen. Noble Aufidius, Take your commission; hie you to your bands : If they set down before us, for the remove Bring up your army; but, I think, you'll find Auf. O, doubt not that; I speak from certainties. Nay, more. Some parcels of their powers are forth already, 'Tis sworn between us, we shall never strike All. The gods assist you! Auf. And keep your honours safe! 1 Sen. Farewell. 2 Sen. Farewell. All. Farewell. SCENE III. [Exeunt. Rome. An Apartment in MARCIUS' house. Enter VOLUMNIA, and VIRGILIA: They sit down on two low stools, and sew. Vol. I pray you, daughter, sing; or express yourself in a more comfortable sort: If my son were my husband, I should freelier rejoice in that absence wherein he won honour, than in the embracements of his bed, where he would show most love. When yet he was but tenderbodied, and the only son of my womb; when youth with comeliness plucked all gaze his way; when, for a day of kings' entreaties, a mother should not sell him an hour from her beholding; I, considering how honour would become such a person; that it was no better than picture-like to hang by the wall, if renown made it not stir,-was pleased to let him seek danger where he was like to find fame. To a cruel war I sent him; from whence he returned, his brows bound with oak. I tell thee, daughter,-I sprang not more in joy at first hearing he was a man-child, than now in first seeing he had proved himself a man. Vir. But had he died in the business, madam? how then? Vol. Then his good report should have been my son; I therein would have found issue. Hear me profess sincerely :-Had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike, and none less dear than thine and my good Marcius,--I had rather had eleven die nobly for their country, than one voluptuously surfeit out of action. Enter a Gentlewoman. Gent. Madam, the lady Valeria is come to visit you. Methinks, I hear hither your husband's drum ; [5] That is, attracted the attention of every one towards him. [6] The crown given to him that saved the life of a more honourable than any other. JOINSON. DOUCE. a citizen, which was accounted CORIOLANUS. 213 Though you were born in Rome: His bloody brow Vir. His bloody brow! O, Jupiter, no blood! [Exit Gent. Vir. Heavens bless my lord from fell Aufidius ! And tread upon his neck. Re-enter Gentlewoman, with VALERIA and her Usher. Vol. Sweet madam, Vir. I am glad to see your ladyship. Val. How do you both? you are manifest house-keepWhat, are you sewing here? A fine spot, in good faith. How does your little son ? ers. Vir. I thank your ladyship; well, good madam. Vol. He had rather see the swords, and hear a drum, Than look upon his school-master. Val. O'my word, the father's son: I'll swear, 'tis a very pretty boy. O'my troth, I looked upon him o'Wednesday half an hour together: he has such a confirmed countenance. I saw him run after a gilded butterfly; and when he caught it, he let it go again; and after it again; and over and over he comes, and up again; catched it again: or whether his fall enraged him, or how 'twas, he did so set his teeth, and tear it; O, I warrant, how he mammock'd it ! Vol. One of his father's moods. Val. Indeed la, 'tis a noble child. Vir. A crack, madam.9 Val. Come, lay aside your stitchery; I must have you play the idle huswife with me this afternoon. Vir. No, good madam; I will not out of doors. Val. Not out of doors ! Vol. She shall, she shall. [7] Gilt means a superficial display of gold, a word now obsolete. STEEVENS. [8] To mammock is to cut in pieces, or to tear. [9] Crack signifies a boy child. STEEVENS. STEEVENS. Vir. Indeed, no, by your patience: I will not over the threshold, till my lord return from the wars. Val. Fye, you confine yourself most unreasonably; Come, you must go visit the good lady that lies in. Vir. I will wish her speedy strength, and visit her with my prayers; but I cannot go thither. Vol. Why, I pray you? Vir. "Tis not to save labour, nor that I want love. Val. You would be another Penelope : yet, they say, all the yarn she spun, in Ulysses' absence, did but fill Ithaca full of moths. Come; I would, your cambric were sensible as your finger, that you might leave pricking it for pity. Come, you shall go with us. Vir. No, good madam, pardon me; indeed, I will not forth. Val. In truth, la, go with me; and I'll tell you excellent news of your husband. Vir. O, good madam, there can be none yet. Val. Verily, I do not jest with you; there came news from him last night. Vir. Indeed, madam. Val. In earnest, it's true; I heard a senator speak it. Thus it is:-The Volces have an army forth; against whom Cominius the general is gone, with one part of our Roman power: your lord, and Titus Lartius, are set down before their city Corioli; they nothing doubt prevailing, and to make it brief wars. This is true, on mine honour; and so, I pray, go with us. Vir. Give me excuse, good madam; I will obey you in every thing hereafter. Vol. Let her alone, lady; as she is now, she will but disease our better mirth. Val. In troth, I think, she would :-Fare you well then.-Come, good sweet lady.-Pr'ythee, Virgilia, turn thy solemness out o'door, and go along with us. Vir. No: at a word, madam; indeed, I must not. I wish you much mirth. Val. Well, then farewell. SCENE IV. [Exeunt. Before Corioli. Enter, with drum and colours, MARCIUS, TITUS LARTIUS, Officers, and Soldiers. To them a Messenger. Mar. Yonder comes news :-A wager, they have met. Lart. My horse to yours, no. Mar. 'Tis done. |