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Argentine Republic. Ministerio de justicia e instrucción pública. Dirección general de enseñanza secundaria y especial. La ensenañza secundaria; decretos orgánicos; resoluciones de la dirección general; plan de estudios; programas analíticos. Buenos Aires, Talleres gráficos de la penitenciaría nacional, 1913. 419 p. 4°.

As indicated in the title, this work gives full official status, laws, rules, and regulations for seeondary education, including plans of studies carefully analyzed.

Provincia de Buenos Aires. Dirección general de escuelas. Memoria . . . 1910-11... La Plata, Peuser, 1912. vols. 1-3. 4°.

The first volume of this extensive work (817 pages) treats of the central administration of the schools, including economic factors, school classification, statistics; teachers and pupils; nationalization of education; school finances and architecture, with numerous diagrams. The volume includes a number of theses and discussions of various educational topics.

Volume 2 (526 pages) presents in a comprehensive way the results of the general inspection of schools. Among topics treated are: Instructions to inspectors, special schools for abnormals, vacation schools, programs, and promotion of patriotism.

Volume 3 (568 pages) discusses the medical and hygienic side of the schools, treating the different topics at length. Among these subjects are the prevention of contagious diseases, rules as to medical inspection, schools for abnormals, schools for debilitated children, finger prints of abnormal children. This volume contains also a number of lectures and original investigations of school children from the medical point of view.

Dirección general de estadística. Resúmenes estadísticos retrospectivos. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de G. Kraft, 1914. 234 p. 8°.

Under head of "Estadística escolar" (pp. 210-231) is a short introduction followed by statistical tables, including number of schools, teachers, and pupils for each year in the different provinces from 1903 to 1912.

Brazil. Ministerio da justiza e negocios interiores. Regulamento do collegio Pedro II, approvado pelo decreto n. 8.660, de 5 de Abril de 1911. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional, 1911. 18 p. 8°.

Contains text of the decree determining the organization of the institution and statement of its purposes. Chile. Ministerio de instrucción pública. Anuario. Recopilación de leyes i reglamentos relativos a los servicios de instrucción superior, secundaria i especial Santigo de Chile, Imprenta universitaria, 1912. ci, 607 p. 4°.

A chronological, alphabetical, and analytical index of the laws and regulations is given as a preface to the volume.

Oficina central de estadística. Anuario estadístico de la República de Chile. Instrucción. Año 1911. Santiago de Chile, Soc. imp. y lit. universo, 1913. x, 228 p. 8°.

The educational section of a general statistical report. Statistical tables only; these are in detail and quite complete. No comments are given with the tables. Colombia. Ministro de instrucción pública. Informé . Bogota, Imprenta nacional, 1913. 256 p. 4°.

al congreso de 1913,

A report of the minister of education, giving detailed statistics of educational matters of the Republic, illustrated with photographs of pupils and buildings in different localities. The report is made to the Colombian Legislature.

Costa Rica. Secretaria de instrucción pública. Memoria de instrucción pública, presentada al congreso constitucional por Roberto Brenes Mesén... 1914. San Jose, Tipografia nacional, 1914. xiii, 339 p. 8°.

The secretary in his introduction considers recent educational reforms in his country. Extensive statistics in tabular form give details as to present status of education in its various departments.

1 Prepared by Arthur MacDonald,

Cuba. Instituto de segunda enseñanza de Matanzas. Memoria anual. Correspondiente al curso academico de 1908 á 1909. Matanzas, Imprenta de Quiros y Estrada, 1908.

Comprises report of the institution and the course of study prescribed for all the national secondary schools.

Ecuador. Ministerio de instrucción pública, correos, telégrafos, etc. Informe anual que Luis N. Dillon presenta a la nación en 1913. Quito, Imprenta y

encuadernación de la escuela de artes y oficios, 1913. 2 vols. 4°. Volume 1 contains an extensive exposition (75 pages) of the different classes of education-primary, secondary, etc.-to which is annexed a series of reports from educational officials of the different Provinces discussing questions of school attendance, material conditions, school organization, physical and moral education, native idioms, civic, and esthetical education, and previous condition of education; also methods of instruction, textbooks, school administration and finances, direction of studies, inspectors' visits, libraries, suggestions of school councils, and school discipline. Under secondary and higher education attention is given to courses of study in detail, degrees, reports from professors and rectors. These, with other topics, cover 459 pages.

Volume 2 presents in detail (483 pages) plans, articles, and rules for primary education, including executive decrees as to public instruction, ministerial circulars, official letters, etc.; articles or rules for school authorities and school inspectors of different classes; also rules and instructions as to school discipline, supervision, classification; classes of teachers, their qualifications and examinations. Guatemala. Ministerio de instrucción pública. Memoria de la Secretaría de instrucción pública de Guatemala, presentada a la Asamblea nacional legislativa en 1914. Guatemala, Tipografía nacional, 1914. 402 p. 8°.

This memoria gives a somewhat full report of educational statistics.

Jamaica. Announcements of individual schools and official correspondence.
In manuscript.

Nicaragua. Ministerio de instrucción pública. Memoria de relaciones exteriores e instrucción pública presentada al Congresso nacional. . . Octobre de 1911 á déciembre de 1913. Managua, Tipografia nacional, 1914. 2 vols. 8°.

In volume 2 are given résumés of some educational statistics in tabular form.

Panama (Republic). Secretaría de instrucción pública. Memoria que el secretario de estado en el despacho de instrucción pública presenta a la asamblea nacional de 1914. Panama, Imprenta nacional, 1914. . 477 p. 8°.

This report has a general introduction of 50 pages treating of the different phases of education in the Republic and also of special institutions. Among the latter are the National Institute, normal school for teachers, schools of arts and trades, conservatories of music and oratory, and schools of painting. The report contains much detailed information, including names of officials, programs of studies, and reports of local officers.

[Peru.] Lockey, Joseph B. Estudios sobre la instrucción primaria en al departamento de Lima y la provincia constitucional del Callao. Lima, Perú, Gil, 1914. xiii, 290 p. tables, plans, etc. 8°.

This work is divided into three parts, the first containing general considerations pertaining to various subjects: among these scientific management applied to school administration, physical education, agricultural education, vocational education, and some anthropometrical studies of pupils. The second part consists mainly of official letters and circulars having reference to subjects of current interest; such as school hygiene, school exhibitions, etc. The third part consists of 31 statistical tables of a comprehensive or retrospective character for the Department of Lima and the Province of Callao.

Ministerio de instrucción. Informaciones sobre la segunda enseñanza en la república. Edición oficial. Lima, Tipografia de "El Lucero," 1906. 2 vols. The two volumes comprise an exhaustive survey of secondary education in Peru in the form of communications from directors and professors of national and private colleges and educational authorities. The matter was submitted in response to a call from the Legislature in view of proposed modifications and reforms in the department of secondary education. Salvador. Ministerio de instrucción pública. Memoria de los actos del poder ejecutivo en el ramo de instruccíon pública presentada a la honorable asamblea nacional el dia 10 de Marzo de 1913, por el sr. subsecretario de estado Dr. Gustavo S. Baron. San Salvador, Imprenta, Melen dez, 1913. 4°.

After a general introduction, this report gives detailed information chiefly in the form of statistical tables for the different educational institutions of the country, i. e., technical, commercial, and special schools, as well as primary, secondary, and higher educational schools.

Uruguay. Dirección general de estadística. Anuario estadístico . . . con varios datos de 1911. (Años 1909-10.) Libro 22 del "Anuario" y 36 de las. Tomo 1. Montevideo, Dornaleche, 1912. xxxix, 471 p. (Apéndice, i-cxx p.) 4°. (Libro 22 del "Anuario" y 36 de las publicaciones de la dirección general de estadística.) In the appendix is a census (p. 13-15) of education for 1908, giving number of pupils, students, teachers, and professors for primary, secondary, higher, and special education; also registration in different faculties, and results of examinations for all orders of education, including entrance examinations.

Dirección general de instrucción primaria. Anales de instrucción primaria. Ano 11-12. Tomo 13, nos. 1-12. Montevideo, Imp. "El sigl. illustrado,” de G. V. Mariño, 1914. 979 p. 8°.

This work comprises articles on and the results of the original investigations of many modern phases of primary education, by specialists of the country.

Montevideo. Universidad. Proyecto de plan de estudios para la sección de enseñanza secundaria y preparatoria. Anales . . . 1912. Tomo 21, no. 88. Montevideo, Tip de la Escuela nacional de artes y oficios, 1912. p. 1-194. 8°. This volume comprises the plan of secondary studies and of studies preparatory to the university faculties, submitted by the section of the university council charged with that interest, according to article 18, law of December 31, 1908; also the discussions and final action of the university council respecting the proposed plan and the decree of the President of the Republic authorizing the adoption of the plan of studies. p. 1-194. The remainder of the volume is occupied by articles and official papers pertaining to university matters.

Venezuela. Ministerio de fomento. Dirección general de estadística de Venezuela. Anuario estadístico . . . 1910. Caracas, Imprenta nacional, 1913. xxi, 504 p. 8°.

Contains documents pertaining to 1911 and 1912.

On pages 57-72 of this yearbook are given statistical tables of primary education, including number of schools, teachers, and pupils of public and private schools; classes of schools and divisions by ages; also statistics and colored graphs (p. 400-403) illustrating them from 1908 to 1910.

Ministerio de instrucción pública. Memoria. Exposición. Dirección primaria y secundaria. Documentos. Tomo 1. Caracas, Imprenta nacional, 1914. cxiv, 495 p. 4°.

Dirección de instrucción superior y de bellas artes. Documentos. Tomo 2. Caracas, Imprenta nacional, 1914. 538 p. 4°.

Dirección de estadística y contabilidad. Documentos. Tomo

3. Caracas, Imprenta nacional, 1914. 335 p. 4°.

In the first volume (495 pages), after an extensive introduction (100 pages), Minister F. Guevars Rojas calls especial attention to certain points, including the following:

Primary education. Creation of new graded schools; work of first school census; foundation of anti-Catholic education in the country; organization of manual labor in the schools.

Normal school instruction. Establishment of the internat in both normal schools.

Secondary instruction. Rules for written examination in colleges; official edition of previous programs of study; installation of chemical laboratory in the college for boys at Caracas; scholarships for young men delegated to study branches of technical education in foreign countries.

Institutions for university extension. Designation of a delegate to represent Venezuela in the Sixth Pan-American Congress of Lima; organization of a circulating library; establishment of four meteorological stations.

Special education. Reorganization of the academy of plastic arts, conservatory of music and declsmation; creation of a professorship of composition in the academy; scholarships for young men to study the fine arts in foreign countries.

School of arts and trades for men. Formation of classes in tailoring and photography, in physics and mechanics of automobiles; competition for scholarship in school of arts and trades of Santiago de Chile. School of arts and trades for women. Creation of new professorships of materials and costumes, making of hats, artistic flowers, etc.; organization of a school for nurses.

The remainder of volume 1 contains official papers comprising letters from the minister to the President of the Republic, and from State superintendents to the minister; also lists of the students graduating, and numerous tables of details.

The second volume (538 pages) bound with the third, consists of official papers on the direction of superior instruction and fine arts.

The third volume (339 pages) deals especially with statistics and accounts.

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