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ing should be discontinued in South America. At the same time the hybrids should be replaced, and the general stock of Europeans renewed by abundant selective immigration. In this way an active, intelligent middle class could be produced in the backward nations of South America, which would allow those nations to take their places with European countries of similar size and resources. knowledge and practice of eugenics is necessary for the rapid development of those countries of South America where inferior races and hybrid stock are present in large num


intermediate position of the hybrids, already been stated that race-crossthey have failed to provide South America, as a whole, with that which it seriously needs, namely, an active, intelligent middle class. Not only has the mixing of races failed to produce a satisfactory germinal complex in the resulting offspring, but the effect of the propinquity and crossing of races as an environmental factor has apparently been unfavorable to a normally full expression of the possibilities which the germinal complex may hold. Indeed anyone who is interested in rapid and permanent progress in South America, especially in those countries where crossing between the races already bers. mentioned has been great, and where the hybrid class, or the inferior race, is greater in number than the white race, must often despair of the realization of his hope. Eugenically, the crossing of widely different human races, viz., Indians, Negroes, and whites, in South America has not been successful, and its continuance is undesirable.


But in some countries of South America interbreeding of widely dissimilar races has not occurred. these countries the need of rapidly increasing the population has been met by immigration rather than by hybridization with the native stock. It is significant that the nations in which immigration has been greatest 'exhibit to-day the highest national development to be found on the continent. Nor is the difference in natural environment between these and less developed nations sufficient to account for the disparity of national development. It is fair and logical to conclude that the differences of development are due to inequalities of germinal potentialities for development existing among the several races of the nations. It has


We are used to hearing of racial deterioration in England and failure of reproduction in France-such, we smugly think, are characteristics of the effete countries of Europe. Now comes Dr. W. S. Sadler to tell us that there is great Race Decadence in the United States. It is a good thing to face the facts whatever they are. Dr. Sadler has written an interesting book and one that will no doubt do good in awaking the public to the seriousness of the situation in this country. The work is divided into two parts, dealing with physical and mental decadence respectively. The frequency of defects of drafted men, cancer, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and diseases of old age are considered. On the mental side, the facts of neurosis and statistics of insanity, feeblemindedness, feeble inhibition are elaborated. There is an appendix of statistical tables. The book is well written and contains many valuable data.

W. S. Sadler. 1922. Race Decadence:

an examination of the causes of Racial
Degeneracy in the United States.
cago: McClurg, xi-121 pp.




Francis G. Peabody, born at Boston, Dec. 4, 1921, was long the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard University, in charge of the College Chapel and the confidant of

all students in trouble. In 1874 he was made pastor of the First Parish Church of Cambridge, where he preached for six years. Dr. Peabody has published many volumes of councils and sermons and like his father, not a few poems.

architect who specialized in landscapes. The mating of the soberminded, poetic minister and the vivacious, apparently frivolous young woman was quite a normal one-the one consort brought to the combination what the other lacked; and transmitted a well-balanced heritage of devotion and brightness to the


F. G. and R. S. Peabody. 1920. A New England Romance. The Story of Ephraim and Mary Jane Peabody. Boston and New York. Houghton, Mifflin Co. 164 pp.


His father was Ephraim Peabody who was born at Wilton, New Hampshire, in 1807, son of the village blacksmith and justice of the peace and his wife Rhoda Abbot, sister of the Rev. Abiel Abbot, a D.D. of Harvard Dr. Arthur H. Estabrook, in Social University and a man of independent Hygiene for July, 1921, presents a thought. Ephraim was graduated paper in which he outlines the work at Bowdoin College, became editor of of the Division of Psychology in the the college journal, and wrote much army. In the concluding paragraph prose and in later years notable he states: "To the army the chief poetry. He became a much beloved pastor in Cincinnati for some years, in Mobile, and then in New England especially at King's Chapel, Boston. He had that same insight into the problems of others and the same accurate judgment into people as his son. The father, like the son, had an interest

value of the psychological work lay in its ability to aid in the production of an efficient war organization. Its activities dealt largely with cacogenic persons, with less emphasis on the positive side of eugenics. However, the Division of Psychology at Wash

in people. It was his ideal expressed ington has in its files a mental ratat his ordination, "to be a brothering of one and a half million persons. It has lists of all the mentally and a son to my Parish." His condefective and abnormal found, with versation, like his son's, was a continuous unpremeditated flow of clear more or less of their personal history sparkling gentle waters."


attached. Thus, as a starting point, great eugenical studies could be made, and many valuable histories worked out. Finally, the cross-section of the mental and physical make-up of the population started in the great emergency by the army might be made the basis for a complete mental, physical, and social study of the entire Her son, Robert S., was a leading population of the United States.”

Francis G. Peabody's mother was Mary Jane Derby, born at Salem into a family of merchants and shipmasters. She was a woman of vivacious disposition and great brilliancy of mind. She had much artistic talent and drew not only on paper but also on stone.

[blocks in formation]

THE EUGENICAL NEWS. With this issue of the EUGENICAL NEWS the policy the Eugenics Research Association to develop the EUGENICAL NEWS into a magazine, at the same time preserving its news features, makes its initial practical attempt. If properly supported, the Editorial Committee will be able, during the year 1922, to issue four of the twelve numbers in this form. The future development of the journal will depend upon the reception and support given to these experimental issues.


Total Number of Members .. 466


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The EUGENICAL NEWS has been given with all memberships since January 1, 1918. In August, 1920, the Eugenics Research Association took over The California Bureau of Juvenile the ownership of this paper from the Research has issued the "Whittier Eugenics Record Office, at which time Social Case History Manual," which the EUGENICAL NEWS became the ofsets forth the method of personal ficial organ of the Association. At history elaboration worked out at the this date also the policy of making Whittier laboratory, based on the the fiscal year synchronize with the methods of the Eugenics Record Office. calendar year was adopted.



Prof. Kenjiro Fujiro, Department of
Botany, Tokio Imperial University.
Prof. Hiratorio Anoto, Agricultural
College of Kyushu Imperial Univer-
sity, Tukuoka City.

Russian Eugenics Society, Prof. N.
K. Kolzoff, Sivtzeffvrajek 41 (Mos-

ciety has resumed activities, and I will be pleased if you will place me on your mailing list for any literature or notices your office may be distributing. One of your latest catalogues would be useful; also (if you stock same) a directory of Eugenic and allied organizations. Sorry we were not able to take part in recent International Congress. I intend to regularly advise you in future of Australian events. Meanwhile please accept cordial greetings and best wishes for the New Year, and


EUGENICAL INTERESTS IN JAPAN. Sugao Yamanouchi, of the Anthropological Institute, Science College, Imperial University, Tokyo, under kindly convey the same to Dr. Davendate of January 21, 1922, writes to Yours faithfully, the Eugenics Record Office that he is (Signed) JOHN C. ELDRIDGE, much interested in eugenical studies, Hon. Secretary. and especially in the schedules and pamphlets on heredity and eugenics, published by this office. He intends to fill out the "Record of Family Traits" for his own family and has already set out to collect the facts. For his professional research studies he expects "to carry on field-work in a mountainous district where inbreeding prevails."

EUGENICS IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Under date of December 31, 1921, John C. Eldridge, the Secretary of the Eugenics Education Society of New South Wales, addressed the following letter to the Eugenics Record Office:

136 UPPER SPIT RD., MOSMAN, N. S. W., AUSTRALIA. Dear Dr. Laughlin:

The War considerably hampered and disorganized our work in Australia. As you are probably aware, I became a member of the Australian Imperial Force. I was not able to return from abroad till a little over a year ago, since when many matters have occupied my attention, or you would have heard from me earlier.

I now write to inform you our So

P. S. Do you still publish your EUGENICAL NEWS? We found it a very useful index to events on your side of the world.


Dr. Lucien Howe of Buffalo, New York, a Fellow Royal Society of Medicine and President of the American Ophthalmological Society, is the author of a complete and critical bibliography of hereditary eye defects. This list contains approximately 800 titles from the best biological and medical literature of the world and is published by the Eugenics Record Office as Bulletin No. 21. The titles are critically selected and carefully classified. The general topics of statistics, other bibliographies, Mendelism, and consanguinity are duly covered, after which the references are classified according to specific hereditary eye defect. In all, there are 63 general subjects, each with its list of references. The whole work is a mine of information for the student who undertakes investigations into the hereditary nature of any specific eye defect.


Dr. Arthur H. Estabrook reported to the Indiana Academy of Science the results of a study of mental ability of children in one orphans' home in Indiana. In this report Dr. Esta

brook says:

are so definitely feeble-minded as to be a detriment to the institution."

"It is interesting to note that 15 children are advanced in age mentally and 23 grade exactly normal for physical age; 28, or 20 per cent., are retarded one year; 18, or 13 per cent., are retarded two years; 56, or 40 per cent., are retarded three

or more

This study shows the need of a mental examination and social study of all children in the orphans' homes in this state so that they can be properly classified and so that proper

“All the children in one orphans' home in Indiana have been given mental tests, with the exception of years. those under the age of six years. The Stanford Revision of Binet tests was used. At the same time the Pressey group tests, the primer and cross out, were given to all those attending school. A social study of each child has been made and, with these com

distribution of these in suitable institutions be made at the earliest possible moment, thus relieving the

bined data, children in this orphans' orphans' homes of the burden of the

home have been classified as: average, retarded, probably high grade defective, and feeble-minded. At the same time these children have been considered from the standpoint of placeability in foster homes or admission to the School for Feeble-Minded Youth at Fort Wayne. One hundred

mental defectives who are properly not their charges, and paving the way for their proper care in a custodial institution for the feebleminded."

(From the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1920, p. 69.)


A report received from the Clinton Prison at Dannemora, N. Y., contributes the following interesting figures to the study of relation between crime and degree of education:

Among a prison population numbering 1,207 inmates, 13 had college

1,023 had common school education, 20 could only read and write, 92 were illiterate.

forty children, in all, have been studied. Fifty-three of these have been found to be of average mentality, 37 retarded, 12 probably mentally defective and 38 definitely feeble-minded. One hundred one of these 140 are wards of the State. Of these 101, 34 are of average mentality, 24 retarded, 10 probably high grade defectives, education, 89 had academic education, and 33 feeble-minded. These have been classified as to their placeability in foster homes, retention in the institution for further study and training, and those sufficiently mentally defective that they should be placed in the School for Feeble-Minded Youth because of such a degree of mental defectiveness as to be unplaceable in foster homes or retained in the Orphans' Home. Forty-eight are found is thought that this is the result of placeable; 15 should be retained for race mixture (Upsala Läkaref. Förn further study and training, while 3836).


Lundborg has studied hybrids between Lapp, Finns and Swedes, and concludes that they have a larger and more powerfully developed body and longer face than the pure races. It

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