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which employs ten thousand men, not one of whom they know by name. On the other side conscience, thrift, fair dealing, and fidelity must be demanded of all who buy and work as well as of all who sell and hire. Mutual acquaintance, trust, sympathy, and coöperation are vital if this great big battle for material prosperity is to be won for all time.

After the most thorough first hand investigation in many countries Mr. Frank H. Vanderlip states the central propositions of the problem of industrial and economic justice in the following clearcut fashion: "The motto of the chief organization of to-day, the Confederation Generale du Travail of France, consists of two words-'Comfort and Liberty.' Here is the key to an understanding of the greatest problem of the age, the labor problem. If one will grasp in their significance what these two words connote in the mind of labor, he will have pretty much the whole story of labor's aspirations. "By comfort is meant a larger share in the earnings of industry; by liberty is meant a less subordinate position in industrial surroundings and social status. It has been keenly observed that the aspirations embodied in these claims have been ripened by the war, which has quickened the consciousness of merit in the laboring classes.

"A man who has had enormous experience during the war in handling the English situation, Sir Lynden Maccassey, sums up the essentials to peace in industry under the three headings of contentment, coöperation, and production.

"The factors on which contentment depends, he says, are in their respective order of importance: "First. Security of employment.

"Second. A voice in fixing conditions of employment.

"Third. Remuneration and a fair division of profits.

"Fourth. Working hours.

"Fifth. Prevention of profiteering.

"Sixth. Housing.

"Seventh. Economic education.

"Eighth. Opportunity to rise.

"The factors on which coöperation turn depend on :

"First. Elimination of suspicion.

"Second. Creation of confidence between employer and employe.

"Third. Recognition of their mutual community of interest.

"Fourth. Machinery for facilitating coöperation. "The final factors upon which production pri marily depends are:

"First. Economic education.

"Second. Modernization of their methods by employers.

"Third. Repudiation by labor of limitation of output and of demarcation restrictions.

"The significance in this catalogue is the arrangement in respect to the order of importance of the different factors. Only preceded by the factor of the security of employment is the weight given

to having a voice in fixing the conditions of employment. That I believe is giving its just weight to this aspiration of labor. I found the situation the same in every labor community where I had the opportunity to observe conditions. There is a determination on the part of labor to have more to say about conditions of its job. No matter in what country one studies this all-important matter, he will find the wage question second to that of the workers' status. There is a determination to have a larger share in the profits of industry, but there is even a stronger determination to see to it that society no longer regards labor as a mere commodity, and instead of that, that society shall grant to labor, not as a concession but as a right, a voice in determining immediate surroundings, rules, and regulations under which labor will work."

The Fight for Community Betterment.-Here is an opportunity which might well challenge any young person. Very often the whole trouble lies in lack of vision and ideals on the part of the people. A heroic soul who is willing to face opposition and criticism and oftentimes slander in order that the community wherein he lives might rise to the level of a great community ideal is a public benefactor of the very first order. It is perfectly possible to enlist hundreds of young lives in any vital program for better community life when it is concrete, practical, and supported by able leadership. Some of the community enterprises which call loudly for vigorous support are clean politics, clean streets,

beautiful door yards, public parks, supervised playgrounds, healthy homes for the poor, modern school buildings, moving picture places that are a moral uplift and that interpret the right motives of life in a vital and entertaining way, municipal ownership of public utilities, of coöperative movements that make local farming or business interests profitable, the proper regard for a sane, reasonable Sabbath, the suppression of all kinds of vice, the public support of libraries and academies of art and music for the cultural uplift of all the citizens, the united and hearty support of at least one or two strong, vigorous churches in each community and such other moral and religious organizations as may be wise and necessary for the full development of the young life.

The Fight for a League of Nations and the World-Wide Missionary Program of the Church.There are two other phases of a program of Christianity which present the moral equivalent of war and for which any young man and woman might well be willing to give their lives in self-sacrificing devotion. We refer to the fight for clean and statesmanlike international politics, including the development of a League of Nations, and for the worldwide missionary propaganda of the Church. These we will treat fully in the next chapter.

All that we have thus outlined as constituting a Christian program worth fighting for will be but an empty form with little power of realization unless it can be filled with the spirit and motive of

Jesus and unless it can be so presented to young people that it captures the imagination and embodies those ideal elements which compel the allegiance of youth. When the Church leaders can make the Christian program ring true with the passion of a real crusade, young men will follow the banner of the Christ at home even as they followed it across the sea.

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