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Letter from the Melbourne Society of the New Church, Victoria, Australia, to the Seventy-third General Conference, 1880.

DEAR BRETHREN,-In again exercising the privilege of addressing you, and through you the General Church in our beloved mother-country, we do so in the full assurance of the deep interest you entertain for the welfare of the young Societies which in these great southern regions are slowly, but surely, passing through the struggles of infancy till they shall rise by the mercy of the Divine Providence into that position of usefulness and importance which they are without doubt destined to occupy in the future; for when we consider the wonderful and priceless benefits in store for the human race through the instrumentality of a Church so directly "heaven-born as the New Jerusalem now descending from God out of heaven, we cannot for one moment doubt but that its catholic influence is destined in the fulness of time to spread untold blessings among the rapidly-increasing populations of these new and greatly favoured lands of the southern hemisphere.

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Although it is true that during the past year we have had no very startling signs of outward progress in this our Melbourne Society, we have still much cause for thankfulness in the fact that not only are we slightly increasing our membership, but the interest manifested by the friendly strangers who occasionally attend our services is unmistakably evinced by a frequent repetition of their visits.

A course of free lectures given in August and September last by the Rev. J. J. Thornton on seven successive Sabbath evenings were especially well attended, our little church having been filled to overflowing on nearly every occasion. It is but bare justice to say that these lectures gave the greatest satisfaction to all who heard them, and that they were listened to with profound attention, while the wish that another course might follow was very generally expressed on all sides; and although the result has not led to as great an augmentation of our Sunday congregations as some of us were sanguine enough to expect, we still feel confident that the majority of those who attended have

been impressed with a far higher degree of respect for the New Church and her teachings than they were before, a result which we cannot look upon as otherwise than a great gain to the cause of truth.

The number of members who have joined us during the year has only been eight, but this by no means represents the many who are interested and who are likely to join at some future time. Four marriages and twelve baptisms have been solemnized during the year, while the services of the Church have been regularly maintained, and the Holy Supper administered once a month with an average of twenty-five communicants, to the great comfort and benefit of our small congregations, numbering on an average sixty-two in the morning and seventy-seven in the evening, who enjoy and fully appreciate the ministration of one so highly gifted with the power of setting forth the heavenly doctrines as our much esteemed and respected pastor, than whom no more fitting instrument for the great work of proclaiming the glorious truths of the New Jerusalem in this portion of the globe could possibly have been found. Indeed, but for our certain knowledge that the New Church system (being essentially one of life and not of mere profession) can only extend among a people in proportion as their wills and understandings are opened and prepared to receive its truths, it would be matter of great surprise that so little outward progress is made under the favourable conditions which now exist amongst us. But we feel secure that this want of success is not so great as might be imagined, the more so that several agencies are even now at work which cannot fail in helping to dissipate the darkness and ignorance which prevail regarding the doctrines; and when we remember the great battle which is at present raging in the world between religion and science, faith and materialism, infidelity and Christianity, in which warfare we well know that the truth will ultimately prevail, we are deeply impressed with the great usefulness of even such small efforts as we are enabled to put forth when ranged on the right side of the controversy.

Among the agencies alluded to we would instance the following. During the last few years, through the munificence of one of our members, no less

documents collected by Dr. Tafel, while another has contributed the same work to the most important suburban public library.

One more agency, and not the least important, is the Sunday school, which is regularly held with an average attendance of thirty children. The importance of an early training in the truth to the rising generation cannot be estimated too highly; and very great gratitude and, credit is due by the Church to the few disinterested teachers, who, under much difficulty and many discouragements, have from the smallest possible beginnings brought the school to its present state-a singular but gratifying feature of which is that advantage is taken of it by several children whose parents are in no way connected with our Church, but who seem to be free from the prejudice which keeps so many aloof from communion with us.

than 220 vols. of the T. C. R. and 114 vols. of the A. R. have been gratuitously distributed amongst clergymen, students, and libraries, which seed thus broadcast amongst educated people cannot fail in due time to fructify with lasting results. The same gentleman is now also advocating and aiding the establishment of a book depôt and agency for the sale of New Church books in a busy thoroughfare in the city, which, in addition to the depôt and library in the vestry of our church, must in time greatly aid in disseminating a knowledge of the New Church system. Again, a desire has been earnestly expressed by Societies in two neighbouring colonies to take steps for the initiation of a General Association of the New Church in Australasia, a measure most desirable in itself when practicable as a means of giving unity and strength to the Church as a whole in the various great colonies of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, These different influences now at work Queensland, Western Australia, Tas- amongst us, together with the unremitmania, and New Zealand. An Associa- ted attention and care bestowed by our tion of this kind once formed would be esteemed pastor in every detail connectthe means of promoting general uses, ed with the interest of the Church at encouraging progress, and disseminating large, cannot, we feel sure, fail to be information in many ways now not even attended with important results in the thought of; and it is to be sincerely future if only with patience and hope hoped that the time is not far distant we can place our whole dependence in when such a federation of the New the Divine Providence, whose watchful Church may be established, so that through the united counsel of its members means may be devised for taking advantage of the greater liberality of feeling which is undoubtedly growing up in the minds of the religious and thoughtful in every land to draw attention to the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, whose name, we are happy to say, is now regarded with respect at least by hundreds who but a few years ago would have joined the senseless cry of "enthusiast," "mystic," "madman,' so generally bestowed upon him by the ignorant and prejudiced multitude, but whose echoes are happily fast dying away in the greater and better light of the present day.

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Another means of public instruction exists also in the fact that a complete set of the works of Swedenborg presented by this Society years ago occupy a prominent place in the magnificent public library of this city, some of the volumes of which show signs of constant use. One of our members has also presented to this institution a full set of the

eye neither slumbereth or sleepeth in His beneficent care for our welfare and that of His true Church.

We have thankfully to acknowledge the receipt of the usual number of copies of the Minutes of last year's Conference, which are always read with great interest by our members; and on behalf of the Melbourne Society of the New Church we are sincerely yours,


FRED. A. MANDEVILLE, Secretary. MELBOURNE, May 28, 1880.

Address from the General Conference of the New Church in England to the Society of the New Church in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

DEAR BRETHREN,-Your address, dated May 28, 1880, to the General Conference in Great Britain has been received, and I have been requested by the President, the Rev. J. Bayley, A. M., Ph.D., to prepare a reply.

One of the privileges of the General Conference is to receive addresses from

distant parts of the world and in spirit
to join hands and hearts with those who
are yearning and striving in the same
cause. It is delightful to learn of your
regard for the Church in your mother-
country, and we assure you it is heartily
reciprocated. We join with you in
thanking the Lord for the continued
usefulness and prosperity of your Church.
Let us remember that Divine help often
comes in the form of human sympathy.
Your experience as to the slowness of
the outward growth of the Church is
also ours.
Yet we ought not to be in
the least discouraged, for the Lord is on
our side. We have to perform our duty
for the Church in the present hour, full
of trust for the coming time. We
should not allow discouragement to
overtake us when we see no progress,
for Israel's Keeper neither slumbers nor

We may gauge the healthiness of any institution by the earnestness of its efforts to extend its operations and to establish similar institutions. Only a healthy tree can produce seed-bearing fruit. Missionary endeavour is always a sign of health. Your distribution of 220 volumes of the "True Christian Religion" and the " Apocalypse Re vealed" is an excellent sowing of seed that must bring forth abundant fruit in the Lord's own time. The effect produced by missionary lectures such as you mention is often apparently very insignificant. Yet the truth frequently makes deep impressions even upon those who at the time scarcely recognise its power. A volume of Swedenborg's writings serves as a constant reminder of the existence of the New Church, and if it provoke a perusal it may carry conviction of the truth. The importance of the distribution of the writings of the New Church can scarcely be overestimated. We mark with pleasure your endeavour to establish a book depôt and agency in a busy thoroughfare in your city. An attempt is being made in this country to establish such a depôt in the centre of the city of Manchester. It is, however, considered by some that our means would be more usefully spent in employing a colporteur whose business shall be to distribute pamphlets and sell the writings of the Church in our public markets and from house to house. Probably in a few years both methods may be employed.

Knowing the benefits that are enjoyed from the meetings of the representatives of the Church in General Conference, we deeply sympathize with you in your wishes to establish a General Association of churches in Australasia. The distances that separate the brethren and the imperfection of the means of travel will no doubt be great hindrances to the carrying out of this very desirable project. It would scarcely be possible for you to meet annually, but it might be practicable to hold a Conference every two or three years.

We rejoice with you at the prosperity of the Sunday school. The Sunday school is one of the distinguishing features of the new age, and it is to its influence that for some time we shall have to trust for the increase of the numbers of our members. When young people have been carefully taught the doctrines of the Church they seldom lose their influence. The mighty work accomplished by Sunday schools has this year been recognised throughout our country by a series of centenary celebrations, for it is about one hundred years since Robert Raikes established the first Sunday school. It will be interesting to you to learn that our Sunday-School Union has adopted a system of Annual Scripture Examinations. The first examination under the scheme was held in February of this year. The subject was the bondage in Egypt. The scholars under fifteen years of age were examined in the literal history, geography, etc., and those above that age in the spiritual sense. The examination was conducted by means of printed papers. About onehalf of the scholars who presented themselves (about 315) passed the examination successfully. This plan has been found exceedingly useful in stimulating both teachers and scholars, and it is probable that the examination will become a permanent institution in our midst.

It is gratifying to hear of your continued appreciation of the ministrations of your pastor, who when with us was so highly esteemed both for his earnestness and personal worth. desire to convey to him our congratulations at his success, and our loving sympathy with him in his labours.


We again unite with you in thanking the Lord for our many blessings, and at this time especially for the bond of lov

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REV. AND DEAR SIR,-At our annual meeting, held on 18th April, it was resolved that the secretary do write to the General Conference of the New Church through the Rev. Mr. Thornton of Melbourne, informing them of the progress and position of the Society. In accordance with which it is my pleasing duty to submit the following for your perusal ::

Since opening our new church on the 5th January 1879 our Society has continued to progress. The number of names on our roll remains the same. Several new members have been admitted; but this has been counterbalanced by the withdrawal of several of our oldest adherents, who have unhappily been led away by the delusions of spiritism.

Our finances are in their usual satisfactory state, and we have much here to be thankful for. The demands upon the purses of members and friends have been continually on the increase, and have invariably been cheerfully responded to. The debt on the church has been reduced by the sum of £50 by the fortnightly payments to the Building Society; and this sum, now bearing interest, will be continually augmenting by that means as well as by the regular payments. The interest on the loan has been duly paid, and at the end of March there was a balance of £4, 11s. 11d. to the credit of the General Fund. Our finances, in spite of many obstacles, have shown considerable elasticity; the incomes for 1877, 1878, and 1879 were respectively £54, £60, and £79, and for the first quarter of the present year the income was at the rate of £100 per annum. The total sum raised for all purposes during the three and a half

years passed amounts to £397, 5s. 4d. Another difficulty was the unattractive nature of our services in consequence of there being no one in the Society competent to conduct the musical portion of the ritual. This difficulty, however, is now a thing of the past: a lady (Mrs. Wilks) who has recently settled in Brisbane has generously devoted herself to this work, and under her care the singing is rapidly improving.

Services have been held every Sunday during the year, the average attendance in the morning being twenty-five, and in the evening forty.

The Lord's Supper was administered on the first Sunday in every quarter (in accordance with our rules), the attendance of members on each occasion being very good. The rite of Baptism was administered to six children.

Sunday school has been held by Mr. Slater every Sabbath before the morning service for the last six months, the average attendance being about ten children.

One work attempted since our last report was written has been an effort to raise a stipend fund with a view to invite a minister from home. Our efforts resulted in promises of support to the amount of £100 a year only, and consequently were not sufficiently successful to warrant the incurring so great a responsibility as to invite out a minister already in charge of a Society. But the members of this Society, thinking it possible that with a guarantee of £100 a year certain, some young and energetic minister who has no regular appointment might venture here, deem it advisable to bring the matter under the notice of the Conference. There is good reason to believe that the above sum would be increased were a minister here, as many people favourably disposed towards the New Church keep away from our services because there is no minister to conduct them.

Our annual social meeting was held on the 23rd April, and was numerously attended, many strangers being present. After the tea our leader (Mr. Garsden) gave a short address on the views and teachings of the New Church. The rest of the evening was devoted to music. Several amateurs and professionals assisted our organist, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Hoping that our Society will continue to progress

and grow in usefulness, I am, rev. is a matter for regret that you have sussir, very respectfully yours,

Hon. Sec. Brisbane Society
of the New Church.

BELOVED BRETHREN, -Your address to the New Church in Great Britain has duly reached us, and I have been requested by the President of the Conference to reply thereto.


tained a loss, and from such a cause; but yours is not the only community which at some time or other has uttered a similar complaint. Your list of members has been diminished by the withdrawal From the General Conference of the New without doubt, find that the spiritual life of those of whom you speak; but you will, Church in Great Britain, to the Society of your Society has not suffered therefrom. of the New Church in Brisbane, The tendency of New Church truth is Australia. to make men eminently practical, and at the same time trustful in the good providence of God, and in the reality of the life after death; but some minds seem so constituted as to fasten upon the spiritual philosophy of the Church, Good news of the Church in distant and neglect the doctrine of life and use. lands is always heartily welcomed by We are sure of the existence of a kingus. Although separated from you by dom that is not of earth; but some men many miles of ocean, we yet feel our- there are who strive to have disorderly selves closely bound to you in the intercourse with the departed. bonds of a common faith. We know such communication, if it be established, that you teach and esteem those sacred cannot but result in the debasement of truths which the New Church through- the mind and faculties of those who do out the world is seeking to promulgate. that which is injurious and unlawful. But though we estimate very highly Earnest members of the Lord's Church the privilege of possessing and teach- will regard the moments of life as too ing the holy truths of the Church, valuable to be wasted in the profitless yet we do not close our eyes to the and dangerous pursuits of spiritism. It fact that the whole world is the vine- is gratifying to learn that the finances yard of the Lord, and that all who of your church are in a sound and in righteousness and love labour to lead satisfactory condition. There are various their fellow-men into goodness of life, modes in which the zeal of the members are in their degree doing the work of of a Society may be estimated, and one the Lord's New Church. of no slight value is the cheerfulness We regret to learn that you have ex- with which they give of their substance perienced some trials in your Society, to the support of the Church. We trust but we thankfully perceive that you that your past financial success may have been sustained by the good Pro- stimulate you to the accomplishment of vidence of the Lord, and we are glad even greater things; and we shall rejoice to know that a spirit of unity and love prevails amongst you. The progress of a Society must always be a source of delight to all well wishers of the Church. Signs of external progress are very often, we believe, certain indications of spiritual advancement. Hence the progress of a Society may be viewed under two aspects. It may enlarge its bounds and increase the number of its members; this is of no little importance. But the true strength of a Society greatly depends upon the spiritual condition of those who constitute it. May those who from Sabbath to Sabbath gather around your respected leader grow strong in "the faith that worketh by love." You state We have noted the average attendance that you have gained several new mem- at your services; if it be small in combers, but that you have lost others parison with other and larger churches, through the influence of spiritism. It still, if the elements and results of spiritual

if your desire to secure a minister and pastor be hereafter fulfilled. We are glad to learn that you are casting your eyes toward England, and that you express your wish to receive some earnest young man from the fatherland. If you, as you are evidently doing, promote and secure a proper and adequate pastoral fund, Divine Providence will doubtless grant you the consummation of your desire. Already Australia has received from our shores an excellent and esteemed minister, and we trust that some other may be found who shall come to promote the progress and wellbeing of the Church in your country.

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