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essential nature, by the Apostle James. man would deny that science was of use Pure religion and undefiled is to visit the -by its means civilization was prowidows and fatherless in their afflictions, moted, the social, the political, and the and to keep ourselves unspotted from the natural life of the people were enlarged world. Religion has an intellectual as and enriched. And also by means of well as a moral aspect. It is the wisdom the sciences the faculty of reason, which of the spiritual man. Its text-book is distinguishes man from the lower creathe Word of God. It is to the doctrines tion, was stimulated and perfected. It and principles of revelation what the was also true that religion had its uses, works of creation are to the theories and which no properly-constituted mind principles of science. The works and would deny. It taught the knowledge the Word of God are thus very closely and acknowledgment of God-what connected together in some of the most was good and true relating to eternal striking passages of Biblical poetry. The life. From this aspect of the subject 19th Psalm opens with the statement, he contended that if the Church of the "The heavens declare the glory of God; future be a real Church, one capable of and the firmament showeth His handy- supplying reasonable people with conwork." But the description of the works fidence and heavenly love, it must of creation, with scarcely a transition, unite in itself religion and science, both slides into a recognition of the Word as of which would harmonize in the proequally a work of God. The progress of motion of the social, moral, and spiritreligious knowledge is similar, therefore, ual wellbeing of the human race, and to the progress of scientific intelligence. also in the heavenly ascription of praise A man may gain some general knowledge "Alleluia, the Lord God Omnipotent

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of geology from books; but to become reigneth.' a geologist he must carefully study the The Rev. Dr. Bayley said : Our rocks. And so in regard to the Word, annual gatherings give us, as New which is a work of God. We may gain Churchmen, the occasion for many usesome general knowledge from a daily ful and gratifying retrospects. -reading of the letter; but if we are to New Jerusalem Church is one of the enter into its spirit, we must dig below wonderful growths of the past hundred the surface, and acquaint ourselves with years. The benevolent institution of the deeper mysteries of the spiritual Sunday schools is another. This is their sense of the Word. The truths of the Word of God, therefore, like the truths of the works of God, are to be sought out by those who take pleasure therein. In this deeper knowledge of the Word of God will be found the reconciliation of true religion with all that is true in science and beautiful in human experi


centenary year. Liverpool is another. A hundred years ago Liverpool was a very small town, without a dock, without a harbour. Look at her now, with her magnificent docks and noble public buildings, her stately streets, her hundreds of churches, chapels, and schools. Religion in all its forms has been won derfully quickened and extended by the The Rev. J. Ashby of Derby said that spirit of charity in the same period. science and religion would be united Life has come into all Churches. And in the future, because both would rise the spirit of union, of deference for above mere appearances, and would be the divergencies of human thought in seen in the clear light of intelligence. varied forms of Christianity, has im Religion had been involved in the mists proved by a growth equal to a thousand of superstition and unreasonable credul- years of past time in this century of ity, whilst science had suffered from which I speak. But the century may the darkness of negation and unbelief. also be called the age of science. Already there were signs of union. hundred years ago, science, by the inThere were many who could look with- spirations and calculations of Newton, out alarm on the advancing army of was entering on a new phasescientific truths, who at the same time "Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night; welcomed to their hearts the heavenGod said, Let Newton be, and all was light." sent messengers of religion. Further, he could foretell the union of science Geology during the same period has and religion on the ground of their es- had its commencement, its marvellous sential use to mankind. No reasonable extension, its wonderful details, dis



closing the immensity of the age of the Religion furnishes the conception of world and the antiquity of man. Chem- God, in whom alone all facts and all istry during this same century has exemplifications alike find their being passed from its crude condition, when and their value and completeness. This Priestley commenced his discoveries, to is the relation which exists between its present state of fulness, when it has science and religion, and what is penetrated the secrets of nature in every shall be, and shall be more abunddirection, and accomplished marvels of antly. This relation, however, is success, showing the wonders of Divine possible only in the New Church. wisdom in all the works of creation. Look at the teachings of science; Dr. Bayley proceeded to show that in recall the names of such men the progress of science some differences Darwin and Haeckel, of Pasteur, have arisen between the disclosures of Bastian, and Sachs, of our astronomers, science and some of the old ideas of religion, but in the New Church the Lord has provided the means of reconciling in an edifying and satisfactory manner all these subjects, and he urged upon all who have any difficulties of this kind to consider carefully what this Church has to offer to reconcile faith and science in all the departments of religion. The Rev. Mr. Barlow said: The double subject of science and religion shows itself to be essentially one subject treated in diverse ways. The object is one-the attainment of that which the Lord promised to the Church when He said that He would lead it into all truth. This all truth science seeks to discover in its embodiment in facts; while religion, taught of God, tries to embody the truth in personal conduct, and to discover how Divine wisdom, the wisdom of goodness, is realized in every portion of the universe. True science is the knowledge of the work of the Creator; true religion is the knowledge of the Creator; and thus science and religion will not only agree, but will prove themselves to be identical. This is so far true that, in the New Church at least, even now we recognise and declare the fact that there is no real opposition between true science and true religion. The consequence will be rapidly and universally seen in the cessation of even apparent opposition. We pass in rapid review some of the aspects of modern science. Everywhere there are tokens of causation. Religion affirms God; science finds order and harmony universal.

Religion asserts one God; science detects everywhere fitness of plant or animal for its surroundings; and religion maintains the loving wisdom of the one God. Science, in short, is one with philosophy and with religion. Science gives us the facts of experience; philosophy detects and exemplifies these facts.

physicists, and chemists; and observe that, in the Churches generally, those who best know modern science are most alarmed at dreaded danger to the Church. In the New Church, however, with one accord we say, learn all that scientific investigation can teach, and learn all that is revealed in the letter and the spirit of the Word, and you will recognise their identity. The reason for this so different attitude is just this, that the religion of the New Churchman, his doctrine and his precept, are but the Divine Word uttered in human words, while all science is but the Divine Word presented-printed in such type as the physical and mental universe contains. This connection between science and religion is not accidental. The beginning of the New Church on earth is dated from the middle of the eighteenth century. The beginning of every science in its present form, or in the case of astronomy, its expansive generalization, is to be dated from the middle of the eighteenth century. Science and the religion of the New Church are twins-one is their father, and the date of their birth is one; and these twin children of heaven are together immortal, and are eternally harmonious.

Rev. J. R. Boyle said: Truth is a perfect unity. All truth is from God. There can be no antagonism in that which is derived from the infinite unity of God. Truth, however, as we know it, is only the light of God as it enters the minds of finite and imperfect men. For this reason it is always to some extent modified or accommodated by the imperfection of human perception. We should therefore seriously err if we for a moment ventured to expect any kind of uniformity in the ideas entertained of the nature of truth by various

persons. The possibility of all intellectual progress depends upon a constantly nearer approximation to that which can never be completely attained. We cannot, therefore, for a moment accept any notion of the existence of one single perfect or infallible perception of the truth by any human mind in the whole universe of God. As men grow up nearer to God and become more closely united with Him, they will of course attain to more and more perfect conceptions of the truth. When different individuals undertake the investigation of various branches of truth, it is reasonable to suppose that at first the apparent want of connection, and therefore of harmony, should be in the earlier periods of such investigation most obvious; but as facts are accumulated and principles are developed, by-and-by the relevancy of one science to another becomes more and more clear. For a considerable time great controversy has taken place as to the various systems upon which it is supposed the facts of science and the theories of theology might be harmonized. These systems are to those who candidly examine them almost invariably in some respects unsatisfactory. The New Church stands, however, in this matter in a very different position from that held by the generality of Christian believers. It watches the development of modern science with as great interest as that which is manifested by any body of Christian men; but as step by step one fact after another reaches us, we discover how perfectly they harmonize with the grand system of spiritual philosophy which the New Church possesses.

The meeting terminated with the doxology and the benediction.



We give the following general statement from the Report of the President of Conference, presented to the recent session at Liverpool:

"The correspondence with foreign parts, especially with our own colonies in various parts of the world, has been more than usually full and encouraging. "From Melbourne I have heard very copiously, as the Rev. Mr. Thornton not only labours zealously in Australia,

but keeps us well acquainted with all New Church movements in that portion of the world, and, if anything, grows in his warm attachment to the Church at home. He states that interest and growth are visible on all sides, and that Mr. E. Bucknall, who has so ably assisted before, is arranging for a depôt of New Church works in the principal street in Melbourne. M. Bucknall has also offered to defray the expense of a visit to New Zealand when Mr. Thornton can spare the time to give a missionary visit there.

"In Sydney our brethren are seriously contemplating a decided move forward to obtain a more commanding place of worship, and a pulpit more effectively useful, than can be expected from gentlemen who can give services such only as they can spare from other occupations. They will remind us shortly, no doubt, that we hold funds on their account, which must be handed over when required in the Lord's cause in that splendid and populous city.

"At Adelaide our patient, worthy friends continue, headed by the Rev. Mr. Day, to carry out the uses of a New Church Society, to have a high proportion of communicants at the Holy Supper, and to increase the property of the Society, which now stands at the very respectable amount of £1688.

"Brisbane, Queensland, though dur ing the past year it has suffered from some spiritist delusions having infested a few, yet appears still to sustain itself, and promise more vigorous life, and an ability ere long to sustain that indispensable condition of public usefulness, a pious, earnest, able, and persevering minister. Mr. Slater, a stationer here, has imported £70 worth of books last year, and sent Hyde's and Bayley's tracts to five hundred ministers and teachers.

"New Zealand seems ripening towards a public manifestation of New Church life and power. The Rev. Mr. Edger, a precursor, I believe, of the Rev. Mr. O'Mant at Kimbolton in this country, and who has for many years been a publisher of the great truths of the New Church in Auckland, has prepared the way. Mr. Batty, formerly at Ashton, is very zealous there, and small circles of New Churchmen are dotted here and there in many places in the three islands. One has written me just lately that he wishes to send me a handsome draft to

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Copenhagen sends a report written by Mr. Hellemann, who has written to us several times before. Mr. Hellemann is the leader of a small company who keep up public worship and lend the New Church works from their library, in German, and so far as translated into Danish. There is another small Society in Copenhagen. There appears to be some reason why they do not act together, and in my judgment two small parties with so little charity that they cannot unite and exhibit mutual esteem are not likely to make the Church attractive to others.

"From South Africa the news during the past year has been extremely interesting. It has long been known that at Capetown, Elizabethtown, GraafReinett, and other places, there have been New Church people, and persons interested in spreading a knowledge of the truth; but in the month of December last year a letter was received from a clergyman intimating his hopes of forwarding in that part of the world the spiritual truths of religion, and the knowledge and power of the spiritual sense of the Divine Word, and containing also accounts of groups of receivers not at all, or very slightly, known before. "At Durban there appears to be a congregation of nearly forty persons who meet and worship regularly on Sunday, at the house of Mr. Cockerell, Leringa Villa, Bereafoot.

"Miss Atkinson of Westville, formerly known to me at Argyle Square, has written me also a most interesting letter, teeming with information, and near her is M. de Chazal, formerly of Mauritius.

"Finally, at Berea, St. Thomas Church, there is the Rev. John Reynolds, who is described as a humble and earnest seeker after the glorious truths of the New

Church, and who requests to be made known to the New Church Conference.

"The information thus obtained from abroad I think will be felt to be interesting and encouraging, as showing the many new and distant channels by which the Lord is diffusing living waters to fertilize and bless the world.”


In our last we gave some account of these centenary celebrations. We have since received several reports of meetings connected with them in which New Church schools and ministers have been invited to take part. At Derby the celebration by the Nonconformist bodies commenced with sermons in their several churches. Brief reports of these sermons are given in the Derby Evening Gazette of August 2nd, the sermon of Rev. J. Ashby being as fully reported as the others. At Brightlingsea the children assembled in the New Jerusalem Church and walked in procession to the Wesleyan Church, where a selection of hymns were sung by the children—the first hymn on the programme, "Jesus, we bow before Thee," being a composition of the Rev. J. Deans. Addresses were delivered by ministers and influential laymen, Mr. Deans giving an eloquent and interesting address on the influence of Sunday schools on the nation.

One of the most remarkable incidents in these celebrations, so far as the New Church is concerned, occurred at Longton, in Staffordshire. At this town the New Church has a missionroom in which is taught a small Sunday school, and in which is conducted a public worship and teaching of the doctrines. It is an evidence of the growth of Christian charity that this small school was invited to share in the procession and general rejoicings. Of their position and general appearance in the procession the Staffordshire Daily Sentinel of August 17th gives the following account: "Lots were drawn for priority in the line of procession, and the first place was gained by the smallest school in the townthat belonging to the New Jerusalem Church, which appeared in the Marketplace, headed by a splendid silk banner, on which was emblazoned in gold the name of the Society, with an open Bible beneath. Then followed about

sixty scholars and teachers, with who took for his text 1 Kings ix. 3. smaller flags and banners, containing The anthem, "Awake, put on thy suitable mottoes, many of the children carrying beautiful bouquets, which had a very pretty and enlivening effect."

LONDON (Camberwell).-The quarterly business meeting of this Society was held on July 9th. One new member was admitted and the representatives to Conference elected. A committee of ladies was appointed to establish an organization for visiting and in other ways assisting members of the congregation who may need such help.



strength, O Zion," was sung by the choir, and the air, Angels ever bright and fair," was rendered with much taste by Miss Blackledge. Carter of Bury, the organist, presided at the organ. Of the new church, which is erected on the site of the old one, we gave a general description in our July number. The appearance, particularly of the internal of the church, and the convenience of its arrangements, were subjects of warınest admiration. At the conclusion of the The annual summer excursion of the service in the afternoon a social teaSunday school took place on Thursday, party was held in the schoolroom, at July 29th. The scholars, teachers, and which about 250 persons were present. friends who formed the party, including After tea the chair was occupied by the Rev. W. C. Barlow, M. A., Mrs. Bar- Mr. William Pickstone of Maesmynan low, and family, numbered 131. The place Hall, Holywell, and there were also chosen for the treat was Epsom Downs, on the platform a large assembly of where all arrived safely. After running ministers and eminent laymen of the about for some little time and enjoying New Church in Lancashire, and also the fresh breeze of the Downs, the Rev. Chauncey Giles of Philadelphia, friends distributed themselves into small Rev. J. C. M'Cappin, Congregational parties and families to enjoy an al fresco minister, and Rev. Mr. Squier, Unidinner. This over, various games were tarian minister. started and followed by a series of sports. At five o'clock a very good tea was provided for the children, which all seemed heartily to enjoy. After the children's tea, the teachers, elder scholars, and friends assembled in the large rooms which the station-master places at the disposal of excursionists, and also partook of tea. Shortly after this the whole party returned to town, having spent a thoroughly delightful day. On Sunday, August 15th, the Rev. W. C. Barlow having arranged to preach at Salford, the Camberwell pulpit was occupied by Mr. R. J. Tilson, the minister of the Liverpool Society, whose membership of the New Church began at Camberwell. On both occasions he delivered able and eloquent discourses, and the building was well filled.

The chairman said he did not know why the committee should have selected him to preside on that occasion, except it was that so far as he had been able he had done his best to encourage and help them in their work. His connection with that Society was not a young one. He was baptized in the old church which used to be there, with the stable beside it, in the year 1823. Since then great events had happened in the world, and one of those great events they had met there to celebrate, the erection of that grand house to worship in. He did not think until he saw it that they had it in them to erect such a church, but it seemed that he had misestimated their powers. The work had been well done, the church was an admirable piece of architecture, and looking upon it as a RADCLIFFE. The opening and whole he must compliment the archidedication services in connection with tect and the committee upon the inthe new church erected at this place telligence they had displayed in the were held on Wednesday afternoon, erection of it. The past history of the July 28th; and notwithstanding the Society was before him as a matter of inclemency of the weather, there was memory. He had lived-he was going a numerous congregation, the church to say he and they had lived and loved being filled. The Rev. Dr. Bayley of together-in connection with matters London, and the Rev. R. Storry, relating to the church at Standlane. Heywood, conducted the dedication They used to be visited in former times service, the sermon being preached by by what would now be regarded as the Rev. James Boys, resident minister, "old fogies to minister unto them,

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