Imagini ale paginilor

German Series

Bibliographical Survey of German Literature for the Economic History of the War The Imperial German Archives The Effect of the War upon the Government and Constitution of Germany:

Professor A. Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Dr. E. Rosenbaum Dr. Müsebeck

The War Government of Ger- Professor A. Mendelssohn Barmany

The Political Administration

of Occupied Territories:
Northeastern Territory

The Government of Warsaw

The Effect of the War upon Morals and Religion:

The Effect of the War upon

The Effect of the War upon

The Effect of the War upon the

The War and Crime

The Effect of the War upon Population, Income and Standard of Living in Germany: The Effect of the War upon Population: A study in vital statistics

The Effect of the War upon

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Freiherr W. M. E. von Gayl

Dr. W. von Kries Dr. L. F. von Köhler

Professor Otto Baumgarten Professor Erich Foerster and Professor Arnold Rademacher

Dr. Wilhelm Flitner Professor Moritz Liepmann

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Effects of the War upon the

Central Government State Finances during the War Effects of the War upon Currency and Banking in Russia: German Capital in Russia and the War

Municipalities and Zemstvos during the War:

General Introductory Survey
Effect of the War upon Russian
Municipalities, and the All-
Russian Union of Towns

The Zemstvos
Effects of the War upon the Co-
operative Movement in Rus-

The Russian Army in the World War: A study in social history

Rural Economy in Russia and the War

Effect of the War upon Land Holding and Settlement in Russia

Problem of Food Supply in Russia during the War

State Control of Industry in Russia during the War

Effects of the War upon Russian

Effects of the War upon Labor and Industrial Conditions:

Textile (Cotton) Industry
Workmen's Family Budgets
Changes in the Conditions and
Composition of the Working

Effects of the War upon Trade

and Commerce:

Internal Russian Trade during the War

Russia in the Economic War Effects of the War upon Trans

portation in Russia

Effects of the War upon Education and Public Health in Russia

Vital Statistics of Russia during the War

Russia in the World War: an historical synthesis

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The General Editor was appointed Director of the Division of Economics and History on January 4, 1924, following the resignation on June 30, 1923 of the former Director, Dr. John Bates Clark, who had carried the responsibility and guided the principles of this Division since its inception. It is fitting that a report upon the work of the Division should end with the resolution of appreciation passed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment at its meeting on February 17, 1923 in accepting Dr. Clark's resignation:

Resolved, That the resignation of Dr. John Bates Clark as Director of the Division of Economics and History be, and it is hereby, accepted, and that, in accepting the resignation, the Committee records its grateful appreciation of his faithful and devoted services in organizing the work of the Division and in bringing to its support the cooperation of the leading economists and historians in various lands, and the Committee expresses its gratitude for his unwavering devotion to the work of the Endowment and the ideals which led Mr. Carnegie to bring it into existence.


LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENDOWMENT The Carnegie Endowment issues two general classes of publications: books and pamphlets intended for general circulation, which are distributed gratuitously to all who apply, and publications upon special topics, which are sold for a nominal price by the Endowment's publishers, the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, and the Oxford University Press, American Branch, 35 West 32d Street, New York City. Any publication in the following lists' not marked with a price and not out of print, will be sent free of charge, upon application to the Secretary of the Endowment, No. 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Publications marked with a price may be obtained for the amount noted from booksellers or the publishers.

All the publications of the Endowment are deposited in a large number of important libraries, geographically distributed throughout the United States and foreign countries. The Endowment books are placed with these depositories on the condition that they will be made accessible to the public and any student interested in an Endowment publication may consult the volume in the nearest depository library. A list of these libraries will be found on page 124.


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Manual of the Public Benefactions of Andrew Carnegie. 1919 viii+321 pages, 28 plates.

1 With the exceptions noted under the Division of Intercourse and Educa


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