International Conciliation will appear exactly as heretofore except that it will bear the imprint of the Division of Intercourse and Education of the Carnegie Endowment. It is the purpose of the following document to explain the organization and work of the Endowment and to offer the use of its various bureaus of information and publications to the readers of International Conciliation. July, 1, 1924 NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER JAMES BROWN SCOTT, Secretary NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER ANDREW J. MONTAGUE Former Members of the Board of Trustees ROBERT BACON, died May 29, 1919. JOHN L. CADWALADER, died March 11, 1914. JOSEPH H. CHOATE, Vice President, died May 14, 1917. CLEVELAND H. DODGE, resigned April 7, 1919. CHARLES W. ELIOT, resigned April 16, 1919. JOHN W. FOSTER, died November 15, 1917. JACOB G. SCHMIDLAPP, died December 18, 1919. ALBERT K. SMILEY, died December 2, 1912. CHARLES L. TAYLOR, died February 3, 1922. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, Treasurer, died February 24, 1923. ANDREW D. WHITE, died November 4, 1918. JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS, resigned December 7, 1922. LUKE E. WRIGHT, resigned April 13, 1918. ADMINISTRATION Secretary, JAMES BROWN SCOTT Assistant Secretary, GEORGE A. FINCH Office, 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Cable, Interpax, Washington DIVISIONAL ORGANIZATION I DIVISION OF INTERCOURSE AND EDUCATION Director, NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER Assistant to the Director, HENRY S. HASKELL Division Assistant, AMY HEMINWAY JONES Interamerican Section, Director, PETER H. GOLDSMITH Telephone, Cathedral, 4560 Cable, Interpax, New York Special Correspondents SIR WILLIAM J. COLLINS, M. P., London, England T. MIYAOKA, Tokyo, Japan OTFRIED NIPPOLD, Saarlouis, Territoire de la Sarre. (Switzerland) European Organization Advisory Council President, BARON PAUL D'ESTournelles de CONSTANT, France BARON THEODOR ADELSWÄRD, GUSTAV ADOR, Switzerland 1 Died May 15, 1924. MGR. SIMON DEploige, SIR HENRY E. DUKE, England EDOARDO GIRETTI, Italy President, BAROon Paul d'Estournelles de CONSTANT1 Vice President, JUSTIN GODART Secretary General, MLLE. M. TH. PEYLADE Auditor, TH. RUYSSEN Office of Secretariat, 173 Boulevard St.-Germain, Paris, France Telephone, Ségur 18.20 Cable, Interpax, Paris Correspondents of the European Bureau JACQUES DUMAS, Paris, France NORMAN ANGELL, London, England CHRISTIAN L. LANGE, Geneva, Switzerland V. A. MAKLAKOFF, Russia HENRI MONNIER, Switzerland Died May 15, 1924. II DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Director, JAMES BROWN SCOTT Assistant Director, GEORGE A. FINCH Office, 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Cable, Interpax, Washington General Adviser to the Division of International Law L'INSTITUT DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL through a special Consultative Committee elected for this purpose ENRICO L. CATELLANI, Italy GREGERS W. W. GRAM, Norway KNUT HJALMAR LEONARD HAMMARSKJÖLD, Sweden SIR THOMAS ERSKINE HOLLAND, Great Britain WILHELM KAUFMANN, Germany BARON ALBÉRIC ROLIN, Belgium COUNT MICHEL J. C. ROSTWOROWSKI, Poland CHARLES ANDRÉ WEISS, France Classics of International Law General Editor, JAMES BROWN SCOTT, 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Bibliothèque Internationale Française Under the direction of NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER and JAMES BROWN SCOTT Academy of International Law at the Hague ESTABLISHED WITH THE COOPERATION OF THE CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE Members of the Curatorium ALEJANDRO ALVAREZ, Chile ENRICO L. CATELLANI, Italy BARON DESCAMPS, Belgium KNUT HJALMAR LEONARD HAMMARSKJÖLD, Sweden TH. HEEMSKERK, The Netherlands CHARLES LYON-CAEN, France LORD PHILLIMORE, England NICOLAS S. POLITIS, Greece WALTHER SCHÜCKING, Germany JAMES BROWN SCOTT, United States LEO STRISOWER, Austria BARON MICHEL DE TAUBE, Russia |