1922 No. I L'Albanie en 1922; L'enquête de la Société des Na tions, par J. Godart. No. 2 Walther Rathenau, Jaurés. No. 3 Pose de la première pierre de la place Carnegie, à No. 4 La Société des Nations et l'Albanie (Rapport à la Société Fargniers. des Nations). 1923 No. I L'Allemagne d'aujourd'hui dans ses relations avec la France, par le Pr Henri Lichtenberger. No. 2 La paix dans les Etats Danubiens par la production et les échanges, par le Pr Charles Rist. No. 3 L'Assemblée générale. No. 4 Contre la guerre, par M. d'Estournelles de Constant. DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW The Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907, accompanied by tables of signatures, ratifications and adhesions of the various Powers, and texts of reservations. New York, 1915. 4+xxx+303 pages, index of persons, indexdigest. Out of print. Second edition, New York, 1915. 4+xxxiv+303 pages, index of French edition: Les Conventions et Déclarations de La Haye de 1899 et 1907, accompagnées de tableaux des signatures, ratifications et adhésions et des textes des réserves. New York, 1918. 2+xxxiv+318 pages, table analytique. Price, $2.00. Spanish edition: Las Convenciones y Declaraciones de La Haya de 1899 y 1907, acompañadas de cuadros de firmas, ratificaciones y adhésiones de las diferentes Potencias y textos de las reservas. New York, 1916. 4+xxxvi+301 pages indice alfabético. Price, $2.00. The Freedom of the Seas, or the Right Which Belongs to the Dutch to Take Part in the East Indian Trade, a dissertation by Hugo Grotius, translated with a revision of the Latin text of 1633 by Ralph Van Deman Magoffin. Edited with an introductory note by James Brown Scott, Director. Latin and English on parallel pages, New York, 1916. xvii+162 pages, index. Price, $2.00. Instructions to the American Delegates to the Hague Peace Conferences and Their Official Reports, edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1916. 2+6+138 pages. Price, $1.50. French edition: Instructions Adressées aux Délégués Américains aux Conférences de La Haye et Leurs Rapports Officiels, préparé dans la Division de Droit International de la Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationale sous la direction de James Brown Scott. New York, 1920. viii +146 pages. Price, $1.00. An International Court of Justice: Letter and memorandum of January 12, 1914, to the Netherland Minister of Foreign Affairs, in behalf of the establishment of an international court of justice, by James Brown Scott. New York, 1916. viii+108 pages. Price, $1.50. French edition: Une Cour de Justice Internationale, par James Brown Scott. Contains also French editon of The Status of the International Court of Justice. New York, 1918. viii +269 pages. Price, $2.50. The Status of the International Court of Justice, with an appendix of addresses and official documents, by James Brown Scott. New York, 1916. vi +93 pages. Price, $1.50. French edition included in the French edition of An International Court of Justice. Recommendations on International Law and Official Commentary Thereon of the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress Held in Washington, December 27, 1915-January 8, 1916, edited with introductory matter, by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1916. 2+viii +53 pages. Price, $1.00. An Essay on a Congress of Nations for the Adjustment of International Disputes without Resort to Arms, by William Ladd. Reprinted from the original edition of 1840 with an introduction by James Brown Scott. New York, 1916. 1+162 pages. Price, $2.00. The Hague Court Reports, comprising the awards, accompanied by syllabi, the agreements for arbitration, and other documents, in each case submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration and to commissions of inquiry under the provisions of the conventions of 1899 and 1907 for the pacific settlement of international disputes, edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1916. 2+cxiv+664 pages, 12 maps, index. Price, $3.50. French edition: Les Travaux de la Cour Permanente d'Arbitrage de La Haye: Recueil de ses sentences, accompagnées de résumés des différentes controverses des compromis d'arbitrage et d'autres documents soumis à la Cour et aux commissions internationales d'enquête en conformité des conventions de 1899 et de 1907 pour le règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux, avec une introduction de James Brown Scott, Directeur. New York 1921. lxxxiv +492 pages, 12 cartes, table analytique. Price $3.50. Resolutions of the Institute of International Law dealing with the Law of Nations, with an historical introduction and explanatory notes, collected and translated under the supervision of and edited by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1916. xlvi+265 pages, index. Price, $2.00. French edition: L'Institut de Droit International: Tableau Général des Travaux (1873-1913), préparé dans la Division de Droit International de la Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationale sous la direction de James Brown Scott. New York, 1920. xliv+366 pages, table alphabétique des matières. Price, $2.00. Diplomatic Documents relating to the Outbreak of the European War, edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1916. 2 volumes, paged consecutively. Part I: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France. lxxxii+768 pages. Part II: Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, Serbia. xcii + pages 769-1516, index. Price, $7.50 per set (not sold separately). The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, The Constitution of the United States, edited with an introductory note by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1917. xxiv +94 pages, index to the Constitution. Price, $1.00. Russian edition: New York, 1919. xxiv +104 pages, index to the Constitution. The Recommendations of Habana concerning International Organization, adopted by the American Institute of International Law at Habana, January 23, 1917: Address and commentary by James Brown Scott. New York, 1917. vi+100 pages. Price, $1.00. The Controversy over Neutral Rights between the United States and France, 1797-1800: A collection of American State papers and judicial decisions, edited by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1917. viii+510 pages. Price, $3.50. The Reports to the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, being the official explanatory and interpretative commentary accompanying the draft conventions and declarations submitted to the Conferences by the several commissions charged with preparing them, together with the texts of the final acts, conventions and declarations as signed, and of the principal proposals offered by the delegations of the various Powers as well as of other documents laid before the commissions, edited, with an introduction, by James Brown Scott, Director. Oxford, 1917. xxxii +940 pages, index of persons, general index. Price, $5.00. French edition: Rapports faits aux Conférences de La Haye de 1899 et 1907, comprenant les commentaires officiels annexés aux projets de conventions et des déclarations rédigés par les diverses commissions qui en étaient chargées, ainsi que les textes des actes, conventions et déclarations dans leur forme définitive et des principales propositions présentées par les délegués des puissances intéressées aussi bien que d'autres pièces soumises aux commissions, avec une introduction de James Brown Scott, Directeur. Oxford, 1920. xxvi +952 pages, liste des noms, table générale. Price, $5.00. The Armed Neutralities of 1780 and 1800: A collection of official documents preceded by the views of representative publicists, edited by James Brown Scott, Director. A combination of Pamphlets Nos. 27 and 28, with revisions and additions. New York 1918. 2+xxxiv +698 pages, list of authorities. Price, $5.00. The International Union of the Hague Conferences, by Walther Schücking. English translation of The Work of The Hague, Volume I. Translated from the German by Charles G. Fenwick. Oxford, 1918. xiv +341 pages, subject index, index of persons. Price, in Great Britain, 7s. 6d.; in U. S., $3.00. The Problem of an International Court of Justice, by Hans Wehberg. English translation of The Work of The Hague, Volume II. Translated from the German by Charles G. Fenwick. Oxford, 1918. xxxiv +251 pages, bibliography, subject index, index of persons. Price, in Great Britain, 7s. 6d.; in U. S., $3.00. The Treaties of 1785, 1799 and 1828 between the United States and Prussia, as interpreted in opinions of attorneys general, decisions of courts and diplomatic correspondence, edited by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1918. viii+207 pages Price, $2.00. Judicial Settlement of Controversies between States of the American Union: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, collected and edited by James Brown Scott, Director. 2 volumes, paged consecutively. New York, 1918. Vol. I: xlii+873 pages. Vol. II: viii+pages 874-1775, 3 maps, diagrams. Price, $7.50 per set (not sold separately). Judicial Settlement of Controversies between States of the American Union: An Analysis of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, by James Brown Scott. In I volume, uniform with the above. Oxford, 1919. xvi+548 pages, index. Price, $2.50. The United States of America: A Study in International Organization, by James Brown Scott. New York, 1920. xx+605 pages, index. Price, $3.00. The Declaration of London, February 26, 1909: A collection of official papers and documents relating to the International Naval Conference held in London, December, 1908-February, 1909, with an introduction by Elihu Root. Edited by James Brown Scott, Director. New York 1919. xvi+268 pages bibliography. Price, $2.00. A Monograph on Plebiscites, with a collection of official docuиments and a chronological list of cases of change of sovereignty in which the right to self-determination has been recognized, by Sarah Wambaugh. Prepared under the supervision of James Brown Scott, Director. New York 1920. xxxvi +1088 pages, bibliographical list, index. Price, $5.00. Treaties for the Advancement of Peace between the United States and Other Powers negotiated by the Honorable William J. Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States, with an introduction by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1920. lxxii+152 pages. Price, $1.50. War and Peace: The Evils of the First and a Plan for Preserving the Last, by William Jay. Reprinted from the original edition of 1842 with an introductory note by James Brown Scott, Director. New York, 1919. 2+xvi+69 pages. Price, $1.00. The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 which Framed The Constitution of the United States of America, as Reported by James Madison. International Edition. Edited by Gaillard Hunt and James Brown Scott. In three parts: Part I, Antecedents of the Federal Convention; Part II, The Federal Convention; Part III, Documentary History. New York 1920. xcvii +731 pages. Price, $4.00. The Proceedings of the Hague Peace Conferences: Translation of the official texts prepared in the Division of International Law of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace under the supervision of James Brown Scott, Director. 5 volumes. Price, $5.00 per volume. The Conference of 1899. New York, 1920. xxiv +883 pages, index. The Conference of 1907: Volume I: Plenary Meetings of the Conference. New York, 1920. xxvi+703 pages. Volume II: Meetings of the First Commission. New York, 1921. lxxxiv +1086 pages. Volume III: Meetings of the Second, Third and Fourth Commissions. New York, 1921. xciv+1162 pages. The Conferences of 1899 and 1907: Index Volume. Contains table of contents and indexes for the entire series. New York, 1921. viii+272 pages. Included without additional charge in full sets purchased. Treaties and Agreements with and concerning China, 18941919: A collection of state papers, private agreements and other documents, in reference to the rights and obligations of the Chinese Government in relation to foreign Powers, and in reference to the interrelation of those Powers in respect to China, during the period from the Sino-Japanese War to the conclusion of the World War of 1914-1919, compiled and edited by John V. A. MacMurray. 2 volumes, paged consecutively. New York, 1921. Volume I: Manchu Period (1894-1911). xlvi +928 pages chronological list of documents, 6 maps. Volume II: Republican Period (1912-1919). vi+pages 929-1729, index of documents by nationality, general index. Price, $10.00 per set (not sold separately). The Holy Alliance: The European Background of the Monroe Doctrine, by W. P. Cresson. New York, 1922. x+147 pages, index. Price, $1.50. Development of International Law after the World War, by Otfried Nippold. Oxford, 1923. xii+241 pages. Price in Great Britain, 7s. 6d.; in U. S., $2.50. Official German Documents relating to the World War: Reports of the First and Second Subcommittees of the Committee appointed by the National Constituent Assembly to inquire into the responsibility for the War, together with the stenographic minutes of the Second Subcommittee and supplements thereto. 2 vols. New York, 1923. xiii+1360 pages. Price, in Great Britain, 358.; in U. S., $7.50. Prize Cases decided in the United States Supreme Court, 1789-1918, including also cases on the instance side in which questions of Prize Law were involved. Oxford, 1923. 3 vols., xlvi +2182 pages, index. Price in Great Britain £3 38.; in U. S., $15.00. Arbitration Treaties among the American Nations to the close of the Year 1910, edited by William R. Manning. New York, 1924. xi+472 pages. Price, $3.50 Pamphlet Series The following publications are issued gratuitously and, where not out of print, may be had upon application to the Secretary of the Endowment, 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Pamphlets Nos. 3-20 inclusive, containing the Hague conventions and declarations, are printed together in bound form in the volume entitled The Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907 mentioned under the preceding heading. Beginning with Pamphlet No. 33, all of the pamphlets are durably bound in paper over boards with red cloth backstrips. No. 1 Arbitrations and Diplomatic Settlements of the United States. Washington, 1914. viii+21 pages. No. 2 Limitation of Armament on the Great Lakes: Report of Honorable John W. Foster, Secretary of State, to the President of the United States, December 7, 1892. Washington, 1914. 2+viii+57 pages. No. 3 Signatures, Ratifications, Adhesions and Reservations to the Conventions and Declarations of the First and Second Hague Peace Conferences. Washington, 1914. viii+32 pages. No. 4 The Hague Conventions of 1899 (I) and 1907 (I) for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Washington, 1915. iv +48 pages. No. 5 The Hague Conventions of 1899 (II) and 1907 (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land. Washington, 1915. iv +33 pages. Out of print. No. 6 The Hague Conventions of 1899 (III) and 1907 (X) for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of the Geneva Convention. Washington, 1915. iv +19 pages. Out of print. |