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" And, to deal plainly, I fear I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks I should know you and know this man; Yet I am doubtful; for I am mainly ignorant What place this is, and all the skill I have Remembers not these garments; nor I know not Where I did lodge... "
The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the corrected copies ... - Pagina 112
de William Shakespeare - 1823
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The Plays of William Shakspeare. ....

William Shakespeare - 1800 - 396 pagini
...fond old man, Fourscore and upward; and, to deal plainly t _ji( I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Yet...ignorant What place this is ; and all the skill I have _ , Remembers not these garments; nor I know not . Where I did lodge last night: Do not laugh at me;...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the ..., Volumul 9

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 488 pagini
...foolish fond old man, Fourscore and upward ; and, to deal plainly, I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man : Yet...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor. And so I am, I am. I.ear. Be your tears wet ? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not : If you have poison...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volumul 8

William Shakespeare - 1804 - 642 pagini
...Pray, do not mock me: Fourscore and upward ; and, to deal plainly, I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Yet...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor. And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not: If you have poison...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the ..., Volumul 9

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 496 pagini
...foolish fond old man, Fourscore and upward ; and, to deal plainly, I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Yet...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor. And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet ? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not : If you have poison...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the ..., Volumul 8

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 490 pagini
...foolish fond old man, Fourscore and upward ; and, to deal plainly, I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Yet...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor, And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet ? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not : If you have poison...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Ediția 13

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 356 pagini
...foolish fond old man, Fourscore and upward ; and, to deal plainly, I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Yet...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor. And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not: If you have poison...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volumul 9

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 382 pagini
...foolish fond old man, Fourscore and upward ; and, to deal plainly, I fear, I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Yet...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor. And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet ? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not: If you have poison...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With Explanatory Notes ..., Volumul 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 572 pagini
...this man ; Vet I am doubtful : for I am mainly ignorant, What place this is; and all the skill I nave Remembers not these garments ; nor I know not Where...laugh at me; for, as I am a man, I think this lady Го be my child Cordelia, Cor. And so I am, I am ! [weep not : 30 fear. Be your tears wet? Yes, 'faith....
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14

William Shakespeare - 1809 - 378 pagini
...versification. I fear, I am not in my perfect mind.* Methinks, I should know you, and know this man ; Vet I am doubtful: for I am mainly ignorant What place...a man, I think this lady To be my child Cordelia. Cor. And so I am, I am. Lear. Be your tears wet? Yes, 'faith. I pray, weep not: If you have poison...
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Essays: on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to ..., Volumul 6

James Beattie - 1809 - 406 pagini
...fond old man, Fourscore and upward, and, to deal plainly with you, I fear I am not in my perfect mind. Methinks I should know you, and know this man, Yet...garments; nor I know not Where I did lodge last night. * Desdemona, ever gentle, artless, and sincere, shocked at the unkindness of her husband, and overcome...
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