THE BRITISH ESSAYISTS; WITH PREFACES, HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, BY ALEXANDER CHALMERS, A.M. VOL. XXII. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, J. NICHOLS, R. BALDWIN, F. AND C. RIVINGTON, 1802. RAMBLER. Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri, N° 160-208. HOR. CONTENTS. 162. Old Men in danger of falling into Pupil- age-the Conduct of Thrasybulus... 163. The Mischiefs of following a Patron 164. Praise universally desired-the Failings 165. The Impotence of Wealth-the Visit of Serotinus to the Place of his Nativity 166. Favour not easily gained by the Poor.. 167. The Marriage of Hymenæus and Tran- 168. Poetry debased by mean Expressions- |