Meanwhile the Master's voice again they heard, Whom, as with filial duty, all revered : "No more remains-but now a trusty band "Must ever at the Pumps industrious stand; "And, while with us the rest attend to wear, "Two skilful Seamen to the Helm repair "And Thou ETERNAL POWER! whose awful sway "The Storms revere, and roaring Seas obey! "On thy Supreme assistance we rely; " " Thy Mercy supplicate, if doomed to die! Perhaps this Storm is sent with healing breath " From neighb'ring Shores to scourge disease and death: "Tis ours on thine unerring Laws to trust, "With thee, great LORD! ' whatever is, is just." He said: and, with consenting reverence fraught, The Sailors joined his Prayer in silent thought: His intellectual eye, serenely bright, Saw distant objects with prophetic light- Some bold sagacious Statesman, from the helm, Sees desolation gathering o'er his Realm; He darts around his penetrating eyes Where dangers grow, and hostile unions rise; Still in the yawning trough the Vessel reels, Thus ready, to the Halyards they apply, |