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And lo! the Power that wakes th' eventful Song
Hastes hither from LETHEAN banks along;
She sweeps the gloom, and, rushing on the sight,
Spreads o'er the kindling scene propitious Light :
In her right hand an ample Roll appears,
Fraught with long annals of preceding years,
With every wise and noble art of Man
Since first the circling hours their course began;
Her left a silver Wand on high displayed,
Whose magic touch dispels Oblivion's shade :
Pensive her look; on radiant wings that glow
Like Juno's birds, or IRIS' flaming bow,

She sails; and swifter than the course of light
Directs her rapid intellectual flight:

The fugitive ideas she restores,

And calls the wandering thought from LETHE'S shores;

To things long past a second date she gives,

And hoary Time from her fresh youth receives;

Congenial sister of immortal Fame,

She shares her power, and MEMORY is her name.

O first-born Daughter of primeval Time!

By whom transmitted down in every clime


The deeds of ages long elapsed are known,

And blazoned glories spread from zone to zone;
Whose magic breath dispels the mental night,
And o'er th' obscured idea pours the light;
Say on what Seas, for thou alone canst tell,
What dire mishap a fated Ship befel,
Assailed by Tempests, girt with hostile Shores?
Arise! approach! unlock thy treasured Stores!
Full on my Soul the dreadful Scene display,
And give its latent horrors to the Day.


The Scene of which lies near the City of Candia.



I. Retrospect of the Voyage... Arrival at Candia... State of that Island... Season of the Year described. - II. Character of the Master, and his Officers, ALBERT, RODMOND and ARION... PALEMON Son to the Owner of the Ship... Attachment of PALEMON to ANNA, the Daughter of ALBERT. - III. Noon... PALEMON'S History. IV. Sun-set.... Midnight.... ARION'S Dream... Unmoor by Moonlight... Morning... Sun's Azimuth taken... Beautiful appearance of the Ship, as seen by the Natives from the Shore.

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I. A SHIP from Egypt, o'er the deep impell'd
By guiding winds, her course for Venice held.
Of famed BRITANNIA were the gallant crew,
And from that Isle her name the Vessel drew;

J. Fittler Sculp

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