" And I, ingrateful! all that sweetness see "Consigned to lasting misery for me? " Sooner this moment may th' eternal doom "PALEMON in the silent earth entomb; "Attest, thou Moon, fair regent of the night! "Whose lustre sickens at this mournful sight: " By all the pangs divided lovers feel, "Which sweet possession only knows to heal: " By all the horrors brooding o'er the Deep, "Where Fate, and Ruin, sad dominion keep; "Though tyrant Duty o'er me threatening stands, "And claims obedience to her stern commands, "Should Fortune, cruel or auspicious prove, "Her smile, or frown, shall never change my love; "My heart, that now must every joy resign, "Incapable of change, is only thine. "Oh, cease to weep, this storm will yet decay, "And the sad clouds of sorrow melt away: "While through the rugged path of life we go, "All Mortals taste the bitter draught of woe. "The famed and great, decreed to equal pain, " Full oft in splendid wretchedness complain : "For this, Prosperity, with brighter ray " In smiling contrast gilds our vital day. "Thou too, sweet Maid! ere twice ten months are o'er, "Shall hail PALEMON to his native shore, "Where never Interest shall divide us more. " Her struggling soul, o'erwhelmed with tender grief, "Now found an interval of short relief: "So melts the surface of the frozen stream A "Beneath the wintry Sun's departing beam. " Who hear the sad complaint of bleeding Love; 3 " Ye, who the secret laws of Fate explore, " Alone can tell if he returns no more; "Or if the hour of future joy remain, "Long-wished atonement of long-suffered pain, "Bid every guardian minister attend, " And from all ill the much-loved Youth defend. "With grief o'erwhelmed we parted twice in vain, " And, urged by strong attraction, met again. "At last, by cruel Fortune torn apart "While tender passion beat in either heart, "Our eyes transfixed with agonizing look, "One sad farewell, one last embrace we took. " Forlorn of hope the lovely Maid I left, " Pensive and pale, of every joy bereft: "She to her silent couch retired to weep, "Whilst I embarked, in sadness, on the Deep." His Tale thus closed, from sympathy of grief PALEMON'S bosom felt a sweet relief: To mutual friendship thus sincerely true, No secret wish, or fear, their bosoms knew; In mutual hazards oft severely tried, Nor Hope, nor Danger, could their love dividę, C Ye tender Maids! in whose pathetic souls Compassion's sacred stream impetuous rolls, Whose warm affections exquisitely feel The secret wound you tremble to reveal; Ah! may no Wanderer of the stormy main Pour through your breasts the soft delicious bane; May never fatal tenderness approve The fond effusions of their ardent love: Oh! warned, avoid the Path that leads to Woe, Not CYTHEREA from a fairer swain Received her apple on the Trojan plain. IV. The Sun's bright orb, declining all serene, Now glanced obliquely o'er the woodland scene: Creation smiles around; on every spray The warbling birds exalt their evening lay: Blithe skipping o'er yon hill, the fleecy train Join the deep chorus of the lowing plain; The golden lime, and orange, there were seen On fragrant branches of perpetual green; The crystal streams that velvet meadows lave, To the green Ocean roll with chiding wave. The glassy Ocean hushed forgets to roar, But trembling murmurs on the sandy shore: And lo! his surface lovely to behold Glows in the west, a sea of living gold! While, all above, a thousand liveries gay The Skies with pomp ineffable array. Arabian sweets perfume the happy plains; Above, beneath, around, enchantment reigns! While glowing Vesper leads the starry train, And Night slow draws her veil o'er Land, and Main, |