OF THE LIFE AND RELIGIOUS LABOURS OF ELIAS HICKS. = WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. FIFTH EDITION. NEW-YORK; PUBLISHED BY ISAAC T. HOPPER 1832. "Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by Valentine Hicks, and Robert Seaman, in the Office of the Clerk of the Southern District of New-York." PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETORS. NEW-YORK: STEREOTYPED BY REES & REDFIELD. No 216 William-street. AMONG the papers which were left by Elias Hicks, there were several manuscripts, written by himself, containing many particulars respecting his life and religious engagements. His connexions have collected these Memoirs, and now present them to the notice of the public. In performing this office, they believe that they will be rendering an acceptable and useful service to his survivors. To those who were personally acquainted with him, it will be interesting to review this brief record of his long and useful life; and to all, it may be animating and instructive to contemplate the feelings and experience of an individual, who, it will be seen, was, in his retired moments, as fervent in his aspirations for purity and humility of heart, as he was faithful and diligent in his public labours for the promotion of truth and righteousness in the earth. |