Imagini ale paginilor

1C8, 13

Eci 34, 31

Za 7, 5

To 12, 8

Ro 12, 1

Jd 4, 11

Ps 75, 12

Jb 22, 27
Le 27, 28

Ac 18, 18

Ps 21, 26

Pv 15, 8


Is 58, 3

Why have we fasted, and If meat scandalise my Thou hast not regarded? brother I will never eat have we humbled our souls, flesh. and Thou hast not taken A man that fasteth for his notice? Behold in the day sins, and doth the same of your fast your own will again, what doth his hum- is found, and you exact of bling himself profit him? all your debtors. Who will hear his prayer? As they were ministering Ac 13,2-3 When you fasted and to the Lord, and fasting, the mourned did you keep a Holy Ghost said to them: fast to Me? Separate Me Saul and BarPrayer is good with fast- nabas for the work whereing and alms, more than to unto I have taken them.lay up treasures of gold. Then they fasting and pray

I beseech you, by the ing, and imposing their mercy of God, that you hands upon them, sent them present your bodies a living away. sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto When they had ordained Ac 14, 22 God, your reasonable service. to them Priests in every

Know ye that the Lord church, and had prayed with will hear your prayers, if fasting, they commended you continue with persever- them to the Lord in Whom ance in fastings and prayers they believed. (See pages 441 in the sight of the Lord. and 784.)

12.-ON Vows.

Vow ye and pay to the acceptable. (See page 385.)
Lord your God.
If any man make a vow to Nu 30, 3
Thou shalt pay thy vows. the Lord, or bind himself by
Anything that is devoted an oath: he shall not make
to the Lord, whether it be his word void, but shall fulfil
man, or beast, or field, shall all that he promised.
not be sold, neither may it When thou hast made a Dt 23,21-
be redeemed. Whatsoever vow to the Lord thy God,
is once consecrated shall be thou shalt not delay to pay
holy of holies to the Lord. it: because the Lord thy

Paul when he had stayed God will require it. And if
yet many days, taking his thou delay, it shall be im-
leave of the brethren, sailed puted to thee for a sin.—If
thence into Syria, having thou wilt not promise, thou
shorn his head in Cenchra. shalt be without sin.-But
For he had a vow.
that which is once gone out
I will pay my vows in the of thy lips, thou shalt
sight of them that fear observe, and shalt do as thou
hast promised to the Lord
The victims of the wicked thy God, and hast spoken
are abominable to the Lord: with thy own will and with
the vows of the just are thy own mouth.


Ps 64, 5

Mt 19, 21

Mt 19, 27


Lu 8, 38


Lu 9, 59




Blessed is he whom Thou | Master, what shall I do that hast chosen, and taken to I may receive Life EverThee he shall dwell in Thy lasting ?-Thou knowest the Courts. commandments,

If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come, follow Me.

Behold we have left all things, and have followed Thee what therefore shall we have?

1. Do not commit adul

2. Do not kill,
3. Do not steal,

4. Bear not false wit.

5. Do no fraud,

6. Honour thy father
and mother.
Here am I for Thou -But he answering, said to
didst call me. Speak, Lord, Him: Master, all these things
for Thy servant heareth. I have observed from my
The man out of whom the youth.-And Jesus looking
devils were departed, be- on him, loved him, and said
sought Him that he might to him: One thing is wanting
be with Him. But Jesus sent unto thee: go, sell whatso-
him away, saying:-Return ever thou hast, and give to
to thy house, and tell how the poor, and thou shalt have
great things God hath done treasure in Heaven: and
to thee. And he went come, follow Me.-Who, be-
through the whole city, ing struck sad at that say-
publishing how great things ing, went away sorrowful:
Jesus had done to him. for he had great posses-

He said to another: Fol- sions. low Me, and he said: It came to pass in those Lu 6,12-13 Lord, suffer me first to go, days, that He [Jesus] went and bury my father. And out into a mountain to pray, Jesus said to him: Let the and He passed the whole dead bury their dead: but night in the prayer of God. go thou, and preach the -And when day was come, Kingdom of God.-And He called unto Him His another said: I will follow disciples; and He chose Thee, Lord, but let me first twelve of them (whom also take my leave of them that He named Apostles). are at my house.-Jesus You have not chosen Me: Jn 15, 16, said to him: No man put- but I have chosen you: and ting his hand to the plough, have appointed you, that and looking back, is fit for you should go, and should the Kingdom of God. bring forth fruit and your Mk 10, 17, When He was gone forth fruit should remain: that 19-22 into the way, a certain man whatsoever you shall ask of running up and kneeling be- the Father in My Name He fore Him, asked Him, Good may give it you.-Follow Me.



Ac 5, 29

1 Til, 12

Ge 12, 1

Jn 21, 21- Lord, and what shall this fishermen).-And Jesus said man do?-Jesus saith to to them: Come after Me, him: So I will have him to and I will make you to beremain till I come, what is come fishers of men.-And it to thee? follow thou Me. immediately, leaving their We ought to obey God nets, they followed Him.--rather than men. And going on from thence & I give Him thanks, Who little farther, He saw James hath strengthened me, even the son of Zebedee, and John to Christ Jesus our Lord, his brother, who also were for that He hath counted mending their nets in the me faithful, putting me in ship.-And forthwith He the Ministry. called them. And leaving The Lord said to Abram: their father Zebedee in the Go forth out of thy country, ship with his hired men, they and from thy kindred, and followed Him. out of thy father's house, I would that all men were and come into the Land even as myself; but every which I shall show thee. one hath his proper gift from Every one that hath left God; one after this manner, house, or brethren, or sisters, and another after that. or father, or mother, or wife, All they that believed were Ac 2, 44or children, or lands, for My together, and had all things Name's sake, shall receive common.-Their possessions an hundred fold, and shall and goods they sold, and possess Life Everlasting. divided them to all, accordMt 19, 11- There are eunuchs who ing as every one had need. have made themselves eu- If any man will come after Mt 16, 24 nuchs for the Kingdom of Me, let him deny himself, Heaven. He that can take, and take up his cross, and let him take it. follow Me.

Mt 19, 29


Is 43, 1

Mt 8, 20

Lu 5, 2728

Mk1, 1620

Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, and have called thee by thy name: thou art Mine.

The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air, nests: but the Son of man hath not where to lay His Head.




It is good for me to die, 1C 9, 15rather than that any man should make my glory void. -For if I preach the Gospel, it is no glory to me, for a necessity lieth upon me.

What then is my reward? 1C9, 18 That preaching the Gospel, After these things He I may deliver the Gospel went forth, and saw a publi- without charge. can named Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom, and He said to him: Follow Me. -And leaving all things, he rose up and followed Him.

Religion clean and unde- Jal, 27 filed before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation; and to Passing by the sea of Gali- keep oneself unspotted from lee, He saw Simon and An- this world.

drew his brother, casting nets He obeyed, and went out, He 11, 8 into the sea (for they were not knowing whither.

[blocks in formation]

Pv 21, 13

Eci 4, 2

Pv 19, 17

He that stoppeth his ear whom thou dost it, and there
against the cry of the poor shall be much thanks for thy
shall also cry himself, and good deeds.
shall not be heard.


Deal thy bread to the hun- Is 58, 7-3 Despise not the hungry gry, and bring the needy and soul and provoke not the the harbourless into thy poor in his want. house: and when thou shalt He that hath mercy on the see one naked, cover him, poor lendeth to the Lord and despise not thy own and He will repay him. flesh.-Then shall thy light Dt 15, 7-8, If one of thy brethren break forth as the morning, 10-11 that dwelleth within the and thy health shall speedily gates of thy city come to arise, and thy justice shall poverty: thou shalt not go before thy face, and the harden thy heart, nor close glory of the Lord shall thy hand,-But shalt open gather thee up.-Then shalt it to the poor man.-Thou thou call, and the Lord shall shalt give to him: neither hear: thou shalt cry, and shalt thou do anything He shall say: Here I am. craftily in relieving his Give to the merciful and Ecl 12, 4, necessities that the Lord uphold not the sinner.thy God may bless thee at After thou hast

To 4,7

Eci 17, 18



all times, and in all things upbraid not.



to which thou shalt put thy Do good to thy friend Eci 14, 13
hand. There will not be before thou die.
wanting poor in the land of

Give to every one that Lu 6, 30,
thy habitation: therefore I asketh thee.-Give, and it 38
command thee to open thy shall be given to you: good
hand to thy needy and poor measure, and pressed down,
brother, that liveth in the and shaken together, and
running over, shall they give
Give alms out of thy sub- into your bosom, for with the
stance; and turn not away same measure that you shall
thy face from any poor per- mete withal, it shall be
son, for so it shall come to measured to you again.
pass that the face of the Remember the word of the Ac 20, 35
Lord shall not be turned Lord Jesus, how He said:
from thee.

It is more blessed to give,

than to receive.

The alms of a man is as a
signet with him, and shall
preserve the grace of a man my goods to feed the poor,
as the apple of the eye.
and if I should deliver my
body to be burned, and have
not charity, it profiteth me

If I should distribute all 1€13,3

Eci 7, 10, Neglect not to pray, and to give alms.-Stretch out thy hand to the poor, that thy expiation and thy blessing may be perfected.

Eci 12, 1

If thou do good, know to

Blessed are the merciful, Mt 5,7 for they shall obtain mercy.

If any of the faithful have 1 Ti 5, 16

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widows, let him

relieve them not those things that
are necessary for the body,

Ja 2, 15-16 If a brother or sister be what shall it profit ?

naked, and want daily food :| If thy enemy be hungry, Ro 12, 20
-And one of you say to give him to eat; if he thirst,
them: Go in peace, be you give him to drink.
warmed and filled; yet give page 300.)





ADAM came from the hands of God immortal, not
only as to soul, but also as to body. "God created
manincorruptible."* Nevertheless, Adam's immortality
of body was not a consequence of his nature. It was
a gratuitous gift of God. But, by the envy of the
devil, death came into this world;" + for Adam, sinning,
forfeited for himself and for the entire human race not
only the supernatural but also the preternatural gifts
which he enjoyed, and amongst his preternatural gifts
was bodily immortality.

Death thus became the certain lot of the human race.
But, though death be certain, the time of death is
uncertain. "You know not the day nor the hour." +
The time of death is left uncertain, according to Pope
S. Gregory, "in order that we may be always appre-
hensive of death," and "may without intermission
prepare for it." "To fear death before it comes,'
concludes S. Gregory, "is to conquer it when it comes."

Ge 2, 17




the death.

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In the sweat of thy face Ge 3, 19 shalt thou eat bread till thou

In what day soever thou return to the earth out of shalt eat of it, thou shalt die which thou wast taken; for

* Wisdom 2, 23. + Ibid. 24. I Matthew 26, 13.

§ Hom. 13, in Evang.

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