Imagini ale paginilor

Pv 6, 33

W3, 16


2 K 12, 14

1 C 3, 17

Ex 20, 15

Ep 4, 28

Pv 29, 24

Pv 28, 24



He that is an adulterer ple of God is holy, which you
gathereth to himself shame are.

and dishonour, and his re- Lo, thou shalt die for the Ge 20,3
proach shall not be blotted woman thou hast taken: for
she hath a husband.


The children of adulterers The multiplied brood of W4,3-6 shall not come to perfection, the wicked shall not thrive, and the seed of the unlawful and bastard slips shall not bed shall be rooted out.-take deep root, nor any fast And if they live long, they foundation. And if they shall be nothing regarded, and flourish in branches for a their last old age shall be time, yet standing not fast, without honour.-And if they they shall be shaken with die quickly, they shall have the wind, and through the no hope, nor speech of com- force of winds they shall be fort in the day of trial.-For rooted out.-For the branches dreadful are the ends of a not being perfect, shall be wicked race. broken, and their fruits shall Because thou hast given be unprofitable, and sour to occasion to the enemies of the eat, and fit for nothing,-For Lord to blaspheme, for this the children that are born of thing the child that is born unlawful beds are witnesses to thee shall surely die. of wickedness against their If any man violate the parents in their trial. Temple of God, him shall I will kill her children Ap 2,23 God destroy. For the Tem-[Jezabel's] with death.


Thou shalt not steal.


no sin, is the partner of a
He that stole, let him now murderer.
steal no more: but rather let

Thou shalt not take nor Dt 19, 1

him labour, working with his remove thy neighbour's land-
hands the thing which is mark.

good, that he may have some- Thou shalt not have divers Dt 25, 13-
thing to give to him that suf-weights in thy bag, a great-
fereth need.
er and a less. Neither shall

He that is partaker with there be in thy house a
a thief hateth his own soul: greater bushel and a less.-
he heareth one putting him Thou shalt have a just and a
to his oath, and discovereth true weight, and thy bushel
shall be equal and true: that
He that stealeth anything thou mayest live a long time
from his father, or from his upon the land which the Lord
mother, and saith, This is thy God shall give thee.-For


Fv 20, 10

Po 21, 7

Ecl 5, 10,


Je 17, 10

Ez 45, 10

the Lord thy God abhorreth Wo to him that heapeth Ha 2,6
him that doth these things, together that which is not
and He hateth all injustice. his own! How long also doth
Diverse weights and di- he load himself with thick
verse measures both are clay?
abominable before God.

Do not steal, do no fraud. Mk 10, 19 He that is unjust in that Lu 16, 10, which is little is unjust also

The robberies of the wick-
ed shall be their downfall,
because they would not do in that which is greater.-If
you have not been faithful in
Be not anxious for goods that which is another's, who
unjustly gotten, for they will give you that which is
shall not profit thee in the your own?


day of calamity and revenge. Why was not this ointment Jn 12, 5-6
-For confusion and repent- sold for three hundred pence,
ance is upon a thief.
and given to the poor ?-Now
As the partridge hath he said this, not because he
hatched eggs which she did cared for the poor, but be-
not lay, so is he that hath cause he was a thief, and
gathered riches, and not by having the purse, carried the
right in the midst of his things that were put therein.
days he shall leave them, and
in his latter end he shall be
a fool.

Thou shalt not steal.
You do wrong and de-
fraud: and that to your
You shall have just ba- brethren. Know you not
lances, and a just ephi, and a that the unjust shall not
just bate.
possess the Kingdom of God?

Mi 6,9-13 The voice of the Lord-Nor thieves, nor covetous,
crieth to the city:-As yet nor drunkards, nor railers,
there is a fire in the house of nor extortioners shall possess
the wicked, the treasures of the Kingdom of God.



Ro 13, 9

1C6, 8


iniquity, and a scant mea- He that doeth an injury Cl3, 25 sure full of wrath.-Shall I shall receive for that which

justify wicked balances, and he hath done unjustly.

the deceitful weights of the [Let]no man overreach nor 1 T4, 6, 8
bag? By which her rich men circumvent his brother in
were filled with iniquity, and business: because the Lord
the inhabitants thereof have is the avenger of all these
spoken lies, and there ton-things, as we have told you
gue was deceitful in their before, and have testified.-
mouth. And I therefore be- He therefore that despiseth
gan to strike thee with de- these things despiseth not
solation for thy sins.
man, but God.

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Do not err: neither forni- The rest of the men did Ap 9, 20cators, nor thieves, nor ex- not do penance from the tortioners shall possess the works of their hands that Kingdom of God. they should not adore devils.

Za 5, 3-4

Pv 11, 24

-Neither did they penance |
from their murders, nor from
their sorceries, nor from
their fornication, nor from
their thefts.


This is the curse
goeth forth over the face of
the earth: for every thief
shall be judged as is there
written; and every one that
sweareth in like manner shall
be judged by it.-I will bring
it forth, saith the Lord of
Hosts and it shall come to
the house of the thief, and
to the house of him that
sweareth falsely by My
Name: and it shall remain
in the midst of his house, and
shall consume it, with the
timber thereof and the stones

Some distribute their own
goods, and grow richer:
others take away what is not
their own, and are always in

Examples of sacrilegious


Jn 12, 6

robbery Judas.

Ma 1, 1314

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You brought in of rapine the gifts of the wicked: nei-
the lame and the sick, and ther hath He respect to the
brought in an offering: shall oblations of the unjust, nor
I accept it at your hands? will He be pacified for sins by
saith the Lord.-Cursed is the multitude of their sacri-
the deceitful man that hath fices. He that offereth
in his flock a male, and sacrifice of the goods of the
making a vow offereth in poor is as one that sacri-
sacrifice that which is feeble ficeth the son in the presence
to the Lord.
of his father.


Eci 34, 21, The offering of him that Do not offer wicked gifts, Eci 35,1423-24 sacrificeth of a thing wrong- for such He will not receive. fully gotten is stained, and -And look not upon an unthe mockeries of the unjust just sacritice, for the Lord is are not acceptable. The Judge, and there is not with Most High approveth not Him respect of persons.

Js 7, 21

Js 7, 2425

Mk 7,21


Je 9,6

Ps 35, 3-5

Jn 8, 44




I saw among the spoils a them to the valley of Achor. scarlet garment exceeding - Where Josue said: Begood, and two hundred cause thou hast troubled us, sicles of silver, and a golden the Lord trouble thee this rule of fifty sicles: and I day. And all Israel stoned coveted them, and I took him, and all things that were them away, and hid them in his were consumed with fire. the ground in the midst of It came to pass that she To 2, 20my tent, and the silver I[Anna] received a young covered with the earth I dug kid, and brought it home.And when her husband Josue took Achan, the son heard it bleating, he said: of Zare, and the silver, and Take heed, lest perhaps it the garment, and the golden be stolen: restore ye it to its rule, his sons also, and his owners, for it is not lawful daughters, his oxen, and asses, for us either to eat or to and sheep, the tent also, and touch anything that cometh all the goods, and brought by theft.



From within out of the speaketh of his own: for he heart of men proceed evil is a liar, and the father thoughts, adulteries, deceit. thereof.

-All these evil things de- Wherefore, putting away Ep 4,25 file a man. lying, speak ye the truth Thy habitation is in the every man with his neighmidst of deceit: through de- bour: for we are members ceit they have refused to one of another. know Me, saith the Lord.

He that will love life, and 1 Pt 3, 10 In His sight he hath done see good days, let him refrain deceitfully, that his iniquity his tongue from evil, and his may be found unto hatred.-lips that they speak no guile. The words of his mouth are Wherefore laying aside all 1 Pt 2, 1 iniquity and guile: he would malice, and all guile, and not understand that he might dissimulations. do well. He hath devised iniquity on his bed, he hath set himself on every way that is not good: but evil he with fire and brimstone: hath not hated. which is the second death.

Lie not one to another.
All liars shall have their
portion in the pool burning

Cl 3,9

Ap 21, 8

You are of your father Who is a liar but he who 1J2, 22 the devil; and the desires of denieth that Jesus is the

your father you will do. He Christ?

stood not in the truth, be- You shall not lie, neither Le 19, 11
cause truth is not in him. shall any man deceive his
When he speaketh a lie, he neighbour.

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Pv 10, 4

Pv 11,9,


Pv 12, 19

Po 13, 13,
Pv 14, 17

Pv 17,4

Pv 19,5

Pv 20, 17

Pv 26, 27

Ps 9, 16

Ps 7, 16

Pv 28, 10

Deceive not any man with Pv 24, 28

from the womb, they have thy lips.

gone astray from the womb, A deceitful tongue loveth Pv 26,28
they have spoken false not truth, and a slippery
mouth worketh ruin.
He that trusteth to lies The Holy Spirit of disci-
feedeth the winds.
pline will flee from the


The dissembler with his deceitful. mouth deceiveth his friend. In no wise speak against Ecl 4, 30 -He that walketh deceit- the truth, but be ashamed of fully revealeth secrets: but the lie of thy ignorance.

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Deceitful souls go astray in sins. The crafty man is hateful.

The double-dealer uttereth


Be not willing to make any Ecl7,14 manner of lie; for the custom thereof is not good.

Winnow not with every Ecl 5, 11 wind, and go not into every way: for so is every sinner proved by a double tongue.


A lie is a foul blot in a Ecl 20,26man, and yet it will be continually in the mouth of men The evil man obeyeth an without discipline.—A thief unjust tongue, and the de- is better than a man that is ceitful hearkeneth to lying always lying: but both of lips. them shall inherit destrucA false witness shall not tion.-The manners of lying be unpunished, and he that men are without honour, speaketh lies shall not escape. and their confusion is with The bread of lying is sweet them without ceasing. to a man: but afterwards Thou shalt not bear false Lu 18, 20

his mouth shall be filled with witness.



He that diggeth a pit shall and the upright shall possess
fall into it: and he that his goods.

rolleth a stone, it shall re- A man that speaketh to Pv 29, 5
turn to him.
his friend with flattering and
dissembling words spreadeth
a net for his feet.

Their foot hath been taken in the very snare which they hid.

He that breaketh a hedge, Ecl10,8-9 a serpent shall bite him.

He hath opened a pit and
dug it, and he is fallen into He that removeth stones
the hole he made.
shall be hurt by them, and

He that deceiveth the he that cutteth trees shall
just in a wicked way shall be wounded by them.


fall in his own destruction, If one cast a stone on high, Eci 27,28

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