Imagini ale paginilor

Pv 18, 6

Ja 3, 16

The lips of a fool intermeddle with strife, and his mouth provoketh quarrels.

Better is a dry morsel Pv 17, 1 with joy than a house full of victims with strife.


Where envying and con- A man that is an apostate Pv 6, 12, tention is, there is incon- walketh with a perverse stancy and every evil work. mouth.-At all times he sowEci 28, 13 A hasty contention kin- eth discord;-To such a one his dleth a fire and a hasty destruction shall presently quarrel sheddeth blood: and come, and he shall suddenly a tongue that beareth wit-be destroyed, and shall no ness bringeth death. longer have any remedy.

Ph 2, 3

2 Ti 2, 14

2 Ti 2, 23


Ge 13, 8

1 C11, 16

Pv 29, 22

Eci 8, 19

is 42, 24



Let nothing be done custom, nor the Church of
through contention, neither God.
by vain-glory.

Brother goeth to law with 1 C 6, 6-8
Contend not in words, for brother, and that before un-
it is to no profit, but to the believers? - Already indeed
subverting of the hearers. there is plainly fault among
Avoid foolish and un-you, that you have lawsuits
learned questions, knowing one with another. Why do
that they beget strifes:-But you not rather take wrong?
the servant of the Lord Why do you not rather suffer
must not wrangle.
yourselves to be defrauded?
Let there be no quarrel. -But you do wrong, and de-
If any man seem to be fraud: and that to your bre-
contentious, we have no such thren.

59.—causes, effects, and puNISHMENTS OF


A passionate man provok- thee.

eth quarrels: and he that is In the quarrels of the Eci 27, 16
easily stirred up to wrath proud is the shedding of
shall be more prone to sin. blood, and their cursing is a

Quarrel not with a pas-grievous hearing.

sionate man, and go not into As he that taketh a dog by Pv 26, 1'7
the desert with a bold man; the ears, so is he that pass-
for blood is as nothing in eth by in anger, and med-
his sight, and where there is dleth with another man's
no help he will overthrow quarrel.


Who hath given Jacob for walk in His ways, and they a spoil, and Israel to robbers? have not hearkened to His hath not the Lord Himself, law. And He hath poured against Whom we have sin-out upon him the indignation ned? And they would not of His fury, and a strong

Is 48, 1819

battle, and hath_burnt him about his loins, and in his
round about, and he knew shoes that were on his feet.-
not: and set him on fire, and Let not his hoary head go
he understood not.
down to hell in peace.

O that thou hadst heark- The Word of the Lord 1P22,8 ened to My Commandments! came to me, saying: Thou thy peace had been as a river, hast shed much blood and and thy justice as the waves fought many battles, so thou of the sea,-And thy seed had canst not build a house to been as the sand, and the off- My Name, after shedding so spring of thy bowels like the much blood before Me. gravel thereof: his name In the strength of thy arm Jb 22, 8, 10 should not have perished, thou didst possess the land, have been destroyed and being the most mighty thou holdest it.-Therefore


from before My face.

Je 5, 28-29 They have not judged the art thou surrounded with cause of the widow, they snares, and sudden fear

Eel 3, 1, 8

Mt 24,6

Ge 49,5-7

3 K2, 5-6

have not managed the cause troubleth thee.

of the fatherless, and they Wo to him that buildeth a Ha 2, 12 have not judged the judg-town with blood, and prepar

ment of the poor:-Shall I eth a city by iniquity!

not visit for these things? Come and behold ye the Ps 45,9-10
saith the Lord; or shall not works of the Lord: what
My Soul take revenge on such wonders He hath done upon
a nation?

earth.-Making wars to cease
All things have their sea- even to the end of the earth.
son, and in their times all He shall destroy the bow,
things pass under heaven.- and break the weapons: and
A time of war and a time of the shield He shall burn in
the fire

You shall hear of wars and Scatter Thou the nations Ps 67,31
rumours of wars. See that that delight in wars.
ye be not troubled. For From whence are wars and
these things must come to contentions among you? Are
pass, but the end is not yet. they not hence, from your

Simeon and Levi brethren, concupiscences, which war in ye are vessels of iniquity, your members?

waging war. - Let not my

Instances of wars, revolu

soul go into their counsel, tions, cons] iracies, riots, &c.:

nor my glory be in their
assembly: because in their
fury they slew a man, and in
their self-will they under-
mined a wall. - Cursed be
their fury because it was
stubborn: and their wrath
because it was cruel.

Joab shed the blood of war
in peace, and put the blood
of war on his girdle that was

Ja 4, 1

(1) The Jews' conspiracy Mt 26, 59 against Christ.

(2) Uproar in the city Ac 21, 30 of Jerusalem.

(3) Dissension in Jerusa- Ac 23, 10


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[blocks in formation]

1 M 6,62

i M 9, 34

1 M 13, 49

Is 10, 25

Is 10, 33

Is 14, 5-6

Jg 5, 9, 13

Pv 20, 19

Pv 24, 6

De 20, 1-4

[blocks in formation]



Yet a little and a very people in wrath with an inlittle while, and My indig- curable wound, that brought nation shall cease, and My nations under in fury, that wrath shall be upon their persecuted in a cruel manwickedness.


Behold, the Sovereign Lord! Be of good comfort, O peo- Ba 4, 5-7 of Hosts shall break the ple of God, the memorial of earthen vessel with terror, Israel: you have been sold and the tall of stature shall to the Gentiles, not for your be cut down, and the lofty destruction; but because shall be humbled. you provoked God to wrath, The Lord hath broken the you are delivered to your staff of the wicked, the rod adversaries.-For you have of the rulers, that struck the provoked Him Who made you. 62 -SOLDIERS TO BE ENCOURAGED TO FIGHT in a JUST WAR.


O you that of your own with thee.. And when the
good will offered yourselves battle is now at hand, the
to danger, bless the Lord.- priest shall stand before the
The remnants of the people army, and shall speak to the
are saved, the Lord hath people in this manner:--Hear,
fought among the valiant O Israel, you join battle this
day against your enemies: let
Designs are strengthened not your heart be dismayed,
by counsels, and wars are be not afraid, do not give
to be managed by govern- back, fear ye them not:-
-Because the Lord your God
Because war is managed is in the midst of you, and
by due ordering: and there will fight for you against
shall be safety where there your enemies, to deliver you
are many counsels.
from danger.


If thou go to war against Do manfully, and be of De 31, 6,8 thy enemies, and see horse- good heart, fear not, nor be men and chariots and the ye dismayed at their sight; numbers of the enemy's for the Lord thy God He army greater than thine, thou Himself is thy Leader, and shalt not fear them, be- will not leave thee nor forcause the Lord thy God is sake thee.-And the Lord,

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our God

Who is your Leader, Heled Sis, and you shall find Himself will be with thee: them at the head of the torHe will not leave thee, nor rent, which is over against forsake thee: fear not, nei- the wilderness of Jeruel.ther be dismayed. It shall not be you that shall Js 23, 8-11 Cleave ye unto the Lord fight; but only stand with your God, as you have done confidence, and you shall see unto this day: And then the help of the Lord over the Lord God will take away you, O Juda and Jerusalem: before your eyes nations that fear ye not, nor be you disare great and very strong, mayed: to-morrow you shall and no man shall be able to go out against them, and the resist you ;-One of you shall Lord will be with you. chase a thousand men of the Be not afraid of them. 2 E4, 14, enemies because the Lord Remember the Lord, Who 20 your God Himself will fight is great and terrible, and for you, as He hath prom- fight for your brethren, your ised -This only take care of sons, and your daughters, with all diligence, that you and your wives, and your love the Lord your God. houses.- In what place so2 K 11, 25 David said to the messen- ever you shall hear the sound ger: Thus shalt thou say to of the trumpet, run Joab: Let not this thing thither unto us: discourage thee; for various will fight for us. is the event of war: and When they saw the army 1 M3, 17sometimes one, sometimes coming to meet them, they another, is consumed by the said to Judas: How shall we, sword: encourage thy war- being few, be able to fight riors against the city, and against so great a multitude, exhort them, that thou may- and so strong, and we est overthrow it. ready to faint with fasting 2 P32,7-8 Behave like men, and take to-day? - And Judas said: courage: be not afraid or It is an easy matter for dismayed for the King of the many to be shut up in the Assyrians, nor for all the hands of a few: and there is multitude that is with him; no difference in the sight of for there are many more with the God of Heaven to deus than with him.-For with liver with a great multitude him is an arm of flesh: with or with a small company.— us the Lord our God, Who is For the success of war is not our Helper, and fighteth for in the multitude of the army, but strength cometh from Thus saith the Lord to Heaven.-They come against you: Fear ye not, and be us with an insolent multinot dismayed at this multi- tude and with pride to detude; for the battle is not stroy us, and our wives, and yours, but God's. - To-mor- our children, and to take our you shall go down spoils:-But we will fight for against them; for they will our lives and our laws,-And come up by the ascent nam- the Lord Himself will over

2 P20, 15




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