Imagini ale paginilor

Pv 29, 1

Za 1, 4

Za 7, 11

Ps 77, 10

2 Pt 2, 910

Pv 10, 29

Pv 21, 15

Pv 28, 1

W 17, 10

Jb 18, 11

The man that with a stiff audacious, self-willed, they neck despiseth him that re-fear not to bring in sects, proveth him shall suddenly blaspheming.

be destroyed, and health shall The sin of Juda is written Je 17, 1 with a pen of iron, with the

not follow him.

Be not as your fathers, to point of a diamond; it is whom the former Prophets graven upon the table of their have cried, saying: Thus heart, upon the horns of their saith the Lord of hosts: Turn altars.


ye from your evil ways and Thy bruise is incurable, Je 30, 12-
from your wicked thoughts; thy wound is very grievous.
but they did not give ear, There is none to judge thy
neither did they hearken to judgment, to bind it up;
Me, saith the Lord.
thou hast no healing medi-

They would not hearken, cines.
and they turned away the
You stiff-necked and un- Ac 7, 51
shoulder to depart; and they circumcised in heart and ears,
stopped their ears, not to you always resist the Holy
Ghost. As your fathers did,

They kept not the co- so do you also.
venant of God; and in His
law they would not walk.

Go up into Galaad, and Je 46, 11
take balm, O virgin daughter
The Lord knoweth how to of Egypt. In vain dost thou
reserve the unjust unto the multiply medicines; there
Day of Judgment, to be tor- shall be no cure for thee.
mented; And especially I knew that thou art stub-
them who walk after the born, and thy neck is an iron
flesh in the lust of unclean- sinew, and thy forehead of
ness, and despise government: brass.


The strength of the up- his feet.

Is 48, 4

right is the way of the Lord, The sound of dread is Jb 15, 21 and fear to them that work always in his ears; and when


It is joy to the just to do judgment, and death to them that work iniquity.

there is peace, he always
suspecteth treason.

I will send fear in their Le 26, 36 hearts in the countries of The wicked man fleeth their enemies; the sound of when no man pursueth; but a flying leaf shall terrify, and the just, bold as a lion, shall they shall flee as it were from be without dread. the sword; they shall fall Whereas wickedness is when no man pursueth them. fearful, it beareth witness to When he moveth himself Jb 15, 23 its condemnation; for a to seek bread, he knoweth troubled conscience always that the day of darkness is forecasteth grievous things. ready at his hand.

Fear shall terrify him on every side, and shall entangle

Tribulation shall terrify Jb 15, 24

him, and distress shall sur

Jb 24, 22

Ro 6, 21

Pv 13, 5

Je 2, 26

Is 1, 29

Is 3, 9

round him, as a king that is not trust to his life.
prepared for the battle.

They have not called up- Ps 13, 5
He hath pulled down the on the Lord; there have they
strong by his might; and trembled for fear where there
when he standeth up he shall was no fear.

What fruit had you then abroad their sin as Sodom,
in those things, of which you and they have not hid it.
are now ashamed? for the Wo to their souls, for evils
end of them is death.
are rendered to them!
All the House of Israel are
of a hard forehead and an

Pv 5, 12


1 M6, 11


The wicked confoundeth, and shall be confounded.

Ez 3,?

Thou hadst a harlot's fore

Je 3, 3

As the thief is confounded obstinate heart. when he is taken, so is the House of Israel confounded, head, that wouldst not blush. they and their kings, their The wicked man impu- Pv 21, 29 princes and their priests, and dently hardeneth his face; their prophets. but he that is righteous cor

They shall be confounded recteth his way.

for the idols to which they They were confounded be- Je 6, 15
have sacrificed; and you shall cause they committed abomi-
be ashamed of the gardens nation; yea, rather they were
which you
have chosen; not confounded with confu-
when you shall be as an oak sion, and they knew not how to
with leaves falling off, and as blush. Wherefore they shall
a garden without water. fall among them that fall; in

The show of their counten- the time of their visitation
ance hath answered them; they shall fall down, saith the
and they have proclaimed Lord.


Why have I hated instruc- the boasting of riches brought
tion, and my heart consented us?-All those things have
not to reproof?-And have passed away like a shadow,
not heard the voice of them and like a post that runneth
that taught me, and have on.

not inclined my ear to mas- Why art thou angry? and Ge 4, 6-7
why is thy countenance fall-
Into how much tribulation en ?-If thou do well, shalt
am I come, and into what thou not receive? but if ill,
floods of sorrow wherein now shall not sin forthwith be
I am, I that was pleasant present at the door?
and beloved in my power!
-But now I remember the
evils that I have done.

W 5,8-9


What hath pride profited

Tribulation and anguish Ro 2, 9 upon every soul of man that worketh evil.

The mirth of timbrels hath Is 24,8-9

or what advantage hath ceased, the noise of them that

Ge 4, 13

Je 2, 25

Is 1, 31

rejoice is ended, the melody strangers, and I will walk
of the harp is silent.-They after them.

shall not drink wine with a We have no hopes; for we Je 18, 12
song; the drink shall be will go after our own

bitter to them that drink thoughts, and we will do every
one according to the per-


My iniquity is greater than verseness of his evil heart.


I may deserve par- Why is my sorrow become Je 15, 18 perpetual, and my wound I have lost all hope, I will desperate, so as to refuse to not do it; for I have loved be healed?


Your strength shall be as me, and Thy hand hath the ashes of tow, and your been strong upon me.

work as a spark: and both There is no health in my Ps 37, 4
shall burn together, and flesh because of Thy wrath:

there shall be none to quench there is no peace for my
bones because of my sins.


Eci 21, 10 The congregation of sin- O forgive me, that I may Ps 38, 14 ners is like tow heaped to-be refreshed before I go gether, and the end of them hence, and be no more. is a flame of fire.

Os 7, 9

Is 3, 1-4

P3 37, 3

Pv 2, 22

I said: O Lord, be Thou Ps 40, 5 Strangers have devoured merciful to me heal my his strength, and he knew soul, for I have sinned it not: yea, gray hairs also against Thee.

are spread about upon him, He rebuketh also by sor- Jb 33, 19and he is ignorant of it. row in the bed, and He mak

Behold, the sovereign the eth all his bones to wither.Lord of Hosts shall take Bread becometh abominable away from Jerusalem, and to him in his life, and to his from Juda the valiant and soul the meat which before the strong, the whole he desired.-His flesh shall strength of bread and the be consumed away, and his whole strength of water.-bones that were covered shall The strong man and the man be made bare.-His soul hath of war,-The captain over drawn near to corruption, fifty. And I will give chil- and his life to the dedren to be their princes, and stroyers.


the effeminate shall rule Behold, thou art made Jn 5, 14
over them.
whole: sin no more, lest some

Thy arrows are fastened in worse thing happen to thee.


The wicked shall be de- As a tempest that passeth, P. 10, 25 stroyed from the earth: and so the wicked shall be no they that do unjustly shall more: but the just is an be taken away from it. leverlasting foundation.


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76 18. 17

W2, 4-5

Turn the wicked and they cast out and could not
shall not be but the house stand.
of the just shall stand firm.

I have seen the wicked
highly exalted, and lifted up
like the cedars of Libanus.
I passed by, and lo, he was
not and I sought him, and
his place was not found.

Be not over-much wicked:
and be not foolish, lest thou
die before thy time.

The wages of sin is death. If you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live.

Ro 6, 23
Ro 8, 13

In the path of justice is Pv 12, 28 life: but the byway leadeth to death.

Clemency prepareth life: Pv 11, 19

Children, hear me, and do and the pursuing of evil
not stay here [Ninive], for things death.

I see that its iniquity will As by one man sin entered Ro 5, 12
bring it to destruction. into this world, and by sin
death: and so death passed
upon all men, in whom all
have sinned.

Be not emulous of evildoers; for they shall shortly wither away as grass, and as the green herbs shall quickly fall.

What fruit had you then Ro 6, 21 in those things of which you There the workers of ini- are now ashamed? for the quity are fallen: they are end of them is death.



The memory of the just is with praises, and the name of the wicked shall rot.

Thou hast stained thy glory. Eci 47,22 The wise shall possess Pv 3, 35 glory: the promotion of fools

I will not be mindful of is disgrace. their names by My lips.

There are some of whom there is no memorial: who are perished, as if they had

Who will honour him that Eci 10,32 dishonoureth his own soul?

In His sight the malig- Ps 14, 4 nant is brought to nothing:

never been and are born as but He glorifieth them that


if they had never been born, fear the Lord.

and their children with them. If his pride mount up even Jb 20,6-7
Let the memory of him to heaven, and his head touch
perish from the earth, and the clouds,-In the end he
let not his name be renowned
in the streets.

shall be destroyed like a dung-
hill, and they that had seen
him shall say: Where is he?

Our name in time shall be forgotten, and no man shall As a dream that fleeth лb 20, 8-9 have any remembrance of our away he shall not be found, works. For our time is as he shall pass as a vision of the passing of a shadow, and the night. The eyes that there is no going back of our had seen him shall see him end for it is fast sealed, and no more, neither shall his uo man returneth. place any more behold him.


Is 1, 7-8

Is 3,8

Is 24, 3

Is 24, 19




Your land is desolate, Behold, it is heard in Jerusayour cities are burnt with lem that guards are coming fire: your country, strangers from a far country, and give devour before your face, and out their voice against the it shall be desolate as when cities of Juda.-They are wasted by enemies: - And set around about her, as the daughter of Sion shall keepers of fields, because be left as a covert in a vine- she hath provoked Me to yard, and as a lodge in a gar- wrath, saith the Lord.-Thy den of cucumbers. ways and thy devices have Jerusalem is ruined, and brought these things upon Juda is fallen, because thee: this is thy wickedness, their tongue and their de- because it is bitter, because it vices are against the Lord, hath touched thy heart. to provoke the eyes of His When thou shalt tell this Je 16, 10Majesty. people all these words, and With desolation shall the they shall say to thee: earth be laid waste, and it Wherefore hath the Lord shall be utterly spoiled: for pronounced against us all the Lord hath spoken this this great evil? what is our word. iniquity? and what is our With breaking shall the sin that we have sinned earth be broken, with crush- against the Lord our God? ing shall the earth be Thou shalt say to them: crushed, with trembling Because your fathers forshall the earth be moved.-sook Me, saith the Lord, and With shaking shall the went after strange gods, and earth be shaken as a drunken served them and adored man, and shall be removed them: and they forsook Me as the tent of one night: and and kept not My law. -And the iniquity thereof shall be you also have done worse heavy upon it, and it shall than your fathers: for befall and not rise again. hold every one of you walk

ie 2, 14-- Is Israel a bondman or a eth after the perverseness of 15, 17 home-born slave? why then his evil heart, so as not to is he become a prey?-The hearken to Me. So I will lions have roared upon him, cast you forth out of this and have made a noise, they land into a land which you have made his land a wilder- know not. ness: his cities are burnt How happenethit, O Israel, Ba 3, 10down, and there is none to that thou art in thy enemies' dwell in them.-Hath not land?-Thou art grown old this been done to thee be- in a strange country, thou cause thou hast forsaken the art defiled with the dead: Lord thy God at that time thou art counted with them when He led thee by the that go down into hell.— way? Thou hast forsaken the e 4, 16-18 Say ye to the nations: Fountain of Wisdom: For


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