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Pv 13, 15

Eci 15, 16




Good instruction shall give

in the way of scorners
is a deep pit.

[blocks in formation]

If thou wilt keep the com- and you shall find rest to mandments and perform ac- your souls.

ceptable fidelity for ever, They that remain shall Eci 23, 37 they shall preserve thee. know that there is nothing

Eci 32, 18- He that feareth the Lord better than the fear of God: will receive His discipline; and that there is nothing and they that will seek Him sweeter than to have regard early shall find a blessing.-to the commandments of the He that seeketh the Law Lord.

Eci 33, 3

Pv 27, 18

Pv 29, 27

W 6, 19



shall be filled with it; and It is great glory to follow Eci 23, 38
he that dealeth deceitfully the Lord, for length of

shall meet with a stumbling-days shall be received from
block therein.



A man of understanding is He that keepeth justice Eci 21,12faithful to the Law of God, shall get the understanding and the Law is faithful to thereof.-The perfection of him. the fear of God is wisdom

He that keepeth the fig- and understanding.
tree shall eat the fruit there- He that keepeth the Law Eci 35, 1
of; and he that is the keeper multiplieth offerings.
of his Master shall be glorified. It is a wholesome sacrifice Eci 35,2-3
The son that keepeth the to take heed to the com-
Word shall be free from de- mandments, and to depart
from all iniquity.-And to
The keeping of her laws is depart from injustice is to
the firm foundation of incor- offer a propitiatory sacrifice
ruption;-And incorruption for injustices, and a begging
bringeth near to God. of pardon for sins.


Pv 22, 17- Incline thine ear, and hear meditate continually on His
the words of the wise, and commandments: and He will
apply thy heart to My doc- give thee a heart, and the
trine:-Which shall be beau- desire of wisdom shall be
tiful for thee, if thou keep it given to thee.
in thy bowels, and it shall
flow in thy lips.

Pv 23, 12

Eci 6, 37

Dt 6, 6

These words which I command thee this day shall be Let thy heart apply itself in thy heart. to instruction, and thy ears Thou shalt bind them as a Dt 6, 8-9 to words of knowledge. sign on thy hand, and they Let thy thoughts be upon shall be and shall move bethe precepts of God, and tween thy cyes.-And thou

shalt write them in the entry and the doors of thy house.
and on the doors of thy

Dt 11, 18, Lay up these My words in


Thou shalt tell them to thy Dt 6, 7 children.

Teach your children that Dt 11, 19 your hearts and minds, and they meditate on them, when hang them for a sign on your thou sittest in thy house, hands, and place them be- and when thou walkest on tween your eyes.-Thou shalt the way, and when thou liest write them upon the posts down and risest up.


REWARDS PROMISED TO THE DOER OF THE LAW. Pv 3, 1-2 My son, forget not My law, the sight of my mother.and let thy heart keep My And He taught me, and said: commandments. For they Let thy heart receive My shall add to thee length of words, keep My commanddays, and years of life and ments, and thou shalt live. peace.

Pv 3, 3-4

Get wisdom, get prudence; Pv 4, 5-6 Let not mercy and truth forget not, neither decline leave thee: put them about from the words of My mouth. thy neck, and write them in -Forsake her not, and she the tables of thy heart.-And shall keep thee: love her, thou shalt find grace and and she shall preserve thee. good understanding before My son, hearken to My Pv 4, 20God and men. words, and incline thy ear to



Pv 3, 21- My son, let not these My sayings.-Let them not 22, 25-26 things depart from thy eyes: depart from thy eyes, keep keep the law and counsel:- them in the midst of thy And there shall be life to thy heart;-For they are life to soul and grace to thy mouth. those that find them, and -Then shalt thou walk health to all flesh. confidently in thy way, and My son, keep the command- Pv6, 20thy foot shall not stumble:-ments of thy father, and forIf thou sleep thou shalt not sake not the law of thy fear; thou shalt rest, and thy mother.-Bind them in thy sleep shall be sweet.-Be not heart continually, and put afraid of sudden fear, nor of them about thy neck.-When the power of the wicked fall- thou walkest, let them go ing upon thee.-For the Lord with thee: when thou sleepwill be at thy side, and will est, let them keep thee: and keep thy foot that thou be when thou awakest, talk not taken. with them.

Pv 4, 1

Pv 4, 2-4

Hear, ye children, the in- My son, keep My words, Pv 7,1-3 struction of a father, and and lay up My precepts with attend that you may know thee. Son,-Keep My comprudence. mandments, and thou shalt I will give you a good gift, live: and My law, as the forsake not My law. For I apple of thy eye.- Bind it also was My father's son, upon thy fingers, write it tender and as an only son in upon the tables of thy heart.

1 M2, 5051

1 M2, 64

Jb 22, 21


Is 55, 2-3

Mt 7, 26


Is 26, 10

O My sons, be ye zealous O that thou hadst heark- Is 48, 18
for the Law, and give your ened to My command-
lives for the Covenant of ments! thy peace had been
your fathers. And call to as a river, and thy justice as
remembrance the works of the waves of the sea.

the fathers, which they have If thou wilt enter into Mt 19, 17
done in their generations: Life, keep the command-
and you shall receive great ments.

glory and

an Everlasting This is My Beloved Son Mt 17,5
in Whom I am well pleased:
hear ye Him.

My sons, take courage, and
behave manfully in the Law: Be ye doers of the Word; Ja 1, 22-
for by it you shall be glo- and not hearers only, de-
ceiving your own selves.-

Submit thyself then to For if a man be a hearer of Him, and be at peace: and the Word and not a doer, he thereby thou shalt have the shall be compared to a man best fruits.-Receive the Law beholding his natural counof His mouth, and lay up tenance in a glass.-For he His words in thy heart. beheld himself, and went his Hearken diligently to Me, way, and presently forgot and eat that which is good, what manner of man he was. and your soul shall be de--But he that hath looked lighted in fatness.- Incline into the perfect law of liberyour ear and come to Me:ty, and hath continued therehear and your sou! shall in, not becoming a forgetful live, and I will make an hearer, but a doer of the Everlasting Covenant with work: this man shall be you, the faithful mercies of blessed in his deed.






Every one that heareth God hath given him place Jb 24, 23 these My words and doth for penance, and he abuseth them not shall be like a it unto pride: but His eyes foolish man that built his are upon his ways.


house upon the sand:-And The heavens shall reveal Jb 20, 27-
the rain fell, and the floods his iniquity, and the earth
came, and the winds blew, shall rise up against him.-
and they beat upon that The offspring of his house
house; and it fell, and great shall be exposed, he shall be
was the fall thereof.
pulled down in the day of

Let us have pity on the God's wrath. This is the
wicked, but he will not learn portion of a wicked man
justice in the Land of the from God, and the inherit-
Saints he hath done wicked ance of his doings from the
things, and he shall not see Lord.
the Glory of the Lord.

He that soweth iniquity Pv 22,8

Pv 10,25

P: 33, 22

Pv 11,7


shall reap evils, and with not risen upon us. We wear the rod of His anger he shall ied ourselves in the way of be consumed. iniquity and destruction, and As a tempest that passeth, have walked through hard so the wicked shall be no ways, but the Way of the Lord we have not known.— The death of the wicked What hath pride profited us? is very evil: and they that or what advantage hath the hate the just shall be guilty. boasting of riches brought When the wicked man is us? All those things are dead, there shall be no hope passed away like a shadow, any more. and like a post that runneth W4,19-20 They shall fall after this on.-So we also being born, without honour, and be a re- forthwith ceased to be, and proach among the dead for have been able to show no ever: for He shall burst mark of virtue; but are conthem puffed up and speech- sumed in our wickedness.less, and shall shake them Such things as these the sinfrom the foundations, and ners said in hell:-For the they shall be utterly laid hope of the wicked is as waste: they shall be in sor- dust, which is blown away row, and their memory shall with the wind, and as a thin perish. They shall come froth which is dispersed by with fear at the thought of the storm, and a smoke that their sins, and their iniqui- is scattered abroad by the ties shall stand against them wind, and as the rememto convict them. brance of a guest of one day

W 5, 1-16

Then shall the just stand that passeth by.

with great constancy against Wo to the wicked unto evil, Is 3,11
those that have afflicted for the reward of his hands
them, and taken away their shall be given him!



labours. These seeing it Wo to them that desire Am 5, 18,
shall be troubled with terri- the day of the Lord! to what
ble fear, Saying within end is it for you? The day of
themselves, repenting, and the Lord is darkness, and not
groaning for anguish of light. Shall not the day of
spirit: These are they whom the Lord be darkness, and
we had some time in derision, not light: and obscurity, and
and for a parable of re- no brightness in it?

proach. We fools esteemed Acting wickedly against 2 M4,17
their life madness, and their the laws of God doth not
end without honour.

Be-pass unpunished.

hold how they are numbered Thy pride is brought down Is 14, 11
among the children of God, to hell, thy carcass is fallen
and their lot is among the down: under thee shall the
Saints.-Therefore we have moth be strewed, and worms
erred from the Way of Truth, shall be thy covering.

and the Light of Justice hath Depart from Me, you curs- Mt 25, 4,
not shined unto us, and the ed, into everlasting fire
Sun of understanding hath which was prepared for the


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Mt 13, 49



devil and his angels. And the pool burning with fire
these shall go into everlast- and brimstone, which is the
ing punishment.
second death.

So shall it be at the end of Unless thou hold thyself Eci 27,4 the world. The angels shall diligently in the fear of the go out, and shall separate Lord, thy house shall quickly the wicked from among the be overthrown.

just. And shall cast them The earth is infected by Is 24, 5-6
into the furnace of fire: there the inhabitants thereof: be-

shall be weeping and gnash-cause they have transgressed
the laws, they have changed

ing of teeth. Ap 11, 15, The kingdom of this world the ordinance, they have is become our Lord's and broken the everlasting covHis Christ's, and He shall enant. Therefore shall a reign for ever and ever.-And curse devour the earth, and Thy wrath is come, and the the inhabitants thereof shall time of the dead, that they sin: and therefore they that should be judged, and that dwell therein shall be mad, Thou shouldest destroy them and few men shall be left. that have corrupted the The Lord Jesus shall be 2 T1, 7-8 earth. revealed from Heaven with The fearful, and unbeliev- the Angels of His power,ing, and the abominable, and In a flame of fire yielding murderers, and whoremon- vengeance to them who know gers, and sorcerers, and not God, and who obey not idolaters, and all liars, they the Gospel of our Lord Jesus shall have their portion in Christ.

Ap 21, 8

Js 23, 8, 9

Ph 1, 6

Je 13, 23

Pv 22, 6



Cleave ye unto the Lord It is good for a man when La 3, 27your God, as you have done he hath borne the yoke from until this day.-And then no his youth. He shall sit man shall be able to resist you. solitary and hold his peace, Being confident of this because he hath taken it up very thing, that He Who upon himself. hath begun a good work in

you will perfect it unto the
day of Jesus Christ.

His bones shall be filled Jb 20, 11 with the vices of his youth, and they shall sleep with

If the Ethiopian can him in the dust.

change his skin, or the leo- Despairing, theyhave given Ep 4, 19
pard his spots, you also may themselves up to lascivious-
do well when you have ness, unto the working of all
learned evil.
uncleanness, unto covetous-

It is a proverb: A young ness.
man according to his way,

even when he is old he will iniquity with cords of vanity,

not depart from it.

Wo to you that draw

Is 5, 18

and sin as the rope of a cart!

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