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Ap 13, 10


He that shall lead into and worketh justice, is accaptivity shall go into cap-ceptable to Him.

the sword.

W 6, 8

tivity: he that shall kill by He accepteth not the per- Jb 34, 19 the sword must be killed by sons of princes: nor hath regarded the tyrant when he lp 22, 14, Blessed are they that wash contended against the poor their robes in the Blood of man, for all are the work of the Lamb: that they may His hands. have a right to the tree of God will not except any life, and may enter in by the man's person, neither will gates into the city.- Behold, He stand in awe of any man's I come quickly, and My re- greatness: for He made the ward is with Me, to render to little and the great, and He every man according to his hath equally care of all. works. Flee then from the face of Jb 19, 29 Ac 10, 34- In very deed I perceive the sword, for the sword is that God is not a respecter the revenger of iniquities: of persons. But in every and know ye that there is a


Ex 20, 6

Er 34, 6

Ps 32, 5

F's 71, 12

Eci 2, 23

Ps 62, 4

Ps 144, 9

2 Pt 3, 9

nation, he that feareth Him, judgment.

(For the Vindictive Justice of God, see section 31.)


I am the Lord thy God, He endured with much Ro 9, 22 showing mercy unto thou- patience vessels of wrath sands to them that love Me fitted for destruction. and keep My commandments.

O the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, patient and of much compassion, and true!

Showing mercy unto thou- Ex 20, 6 sands to them that love Me and keep My commandments.

I am holy, saith the Lord, Je 3, 12 and I will not be angry for

The earth is full of the ever. mercy of the Lord.

Shall I not spare Ninive, Jo 4, 11
He shall deliver the poor that great city, in which
from the mighty, and the there are more than a hun-
needy that had no helper. dred and twenty thousand

According to His great-persons that know not how
ness, so also is His mercy to distinguish between their
with Him.
right hand and their left, and
many beasts?

Thy mercy is better than lives.

The Lord is sweet to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.

When Thou art angry, Ha 3, 2 Thou wilt remember mercy.

The Lord is patient and Nu 14, 18 full of mercy. Mercy shall

encompass Ps 31, 10

The Lord delayeth not His
promise, as some imagine; him that hopeth in the
but dealeth patiently for Lord.

your sake, not willing that The Lord is compassion- Ps 102, 8,
any should perish, but that ate and merciful, long-suf- 11, 17
all should return to penance. fering and plenteous in

Ps 106, 8

Eci 18,1213

Is 30, 18

Ps 102, 1315

Ez 36, 22

mercy. For according to the! For a small moment have I Is 54, 7-*
height of the heaven above forsaken thee, but with great
the earth, He hath strength- mercies will I gather thee.-
ened His mercy towards them In a moment of indignation
that fear Him.-The mercy have I hid My face a little
of the Lord is from eternity while from thee; but with
and unto eternity upon them everlasting kindness have
that fear Him.
had mercy on thee, said the
Lord thy Redeemer.

Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to Him, and His wonderful works to the children of men.

His mercy is from genera- Lu 1, 50
tion unto generations, to them
that fear Him.

The compassion of man is
towards his neighbour; but be saved, and to come to the
the mercy of God is upon all knowledge of the truth.
flesh. He hath mercy, and
teacheth, and correcteth, as
a shepherd doth his flock.

He will have all men to 1 Ti 2, 4

It is not the will of your Mt 18, 14
Father, Who is in Heaven,
that one of these little ones
should perish.

The Lord waiteth that
He may have mercy on you: Return to Me, saith the
and therefore shall He be Lord, and I will receive thee.
exalted sparing you.


Je 3, 1

As a father hath compas- ness to them that turn to sion on his children, so hath Him!-For all things cannot the Lord compassion on them be in men, because the son that fear Him. - For He of man is not immortal, and knoweth our frame. He re- they are delighted with the membereth that we are dust. vanity of evil. What is -Man's days are as grass: brighter than the sun? yet as the flower of the field so it shall be eclipsed. Or what shall he flourish. is more wicked than that Thus saith the Lord God: which flesh and blood hath It is not for your sake that invented? and this shall be I will do this, O House of reproved.-He beholdeth the Israel, but for My Holy power of the height of heaName's sake, which you have ven: and all men are earth profaned among the nations and ashes. whither you went. What is man, and what is Eci 18, 7It is not for your sakes his grace? and what is his that I will do this, saith the good, or what is his evil?— Lord God, be it known to The number of the days of you be confounded, and man at the most are a hunashamed at your own ways, dred years: as a drop of O House of Israel. water of the sea are they Eci 17,28- How great is the mercy of esteemed; and as a pebble the Lord, and His forgive- of the sand, so are a few

Ez 36, 32



Ps 100, 1

Ps 24, 10

years compared to eternity. and hath known their end
-Therefore God is patient that it is evil. - Therefore
in them, and poureth forth hath He filled up His mercy
His mercy upon them.-He in their favour, and hath
hath seen the presumption of shown them the way of jus-
their heart that it is wicked, tice.


-HIS MERCY, TOGETHER WITH HIS JUSTICE. Mercy and judgment I will ing shall have place, and in sing to Thee, O Lord. the morning gladness.

All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth.

The Lord shall stand up Is 28, 21 as in the mountain of diviEci 16, 12 Mercy and wrath are with sions; He shall be angry as Him. He is mighty to for- in the valley which is in Gagive and to pour out indig- baon; that He may do His nation. According as His work, His strange work; that mercy is, so His correction He may perform His work, judgeth a man according to His work is strange to Him. his works. The sinner shall The Lord will not cast off La 3, 31 not escape in his rapines, and for ever.-For if He hath cast the patience of Him that off, He will also have mercy, showeth mercy shall not be according to the multitude put off. of His mercies.-For He hath When Thou art angry, Thou not willingly afflicted nor wilt remember mercy. cast off the children of

Ha 3, 2

Ja 2, 13

Mercy exalteth itself above men. judgment.

Ah! I will comfort Myself Is 1, 24

Ps 29, 6-7 Wrath is in His indigna- over My adversaries; and I tion, and life in His good- will be revenged of My enewill.-In the evening weep-mies.

Ect 5, 4,67

W 11, 2425


Say not: I have sinned, ly come from Him, and His and what harm hath befallen wrath looketh upon sinners. me? for the Most High is a Because sentence is not Ecl 8, 11 patient rewarder.-And say speedily pronounced against not: The mercy of the Lord the evil, the children of men is great, He will have mercy commit evils without any on the multitude of my sins. fear.

-For mercy and wrath quick

(See Despair and Presumption.)


Thou hast mercy on all, repentance.-For Thou lovest because Thou canst do all all things that are, and hatest things, and overlookest the none of the things which sins of men, for the sake of 'Thou hast made: for Thou

Ps 26, 10

Ex 15, 13

Dt 1, 31

Is 63, 9

So 3, 17

W 11, 27

didst not appoint or make should be called and should
anything, hating it.
be the sons of God.

My father and my mother By this hath the charity 1J4,9-10.
have left me; but the Lord of God appeared towards us, 17
hath taken me up.
because God hath sent His

In Thy mercy Thou hast Only Begotten Son into the
been a leader to the people world, that we may live by
which Thou hast redeemed; Him.-In this is charity, not
and in Thy strength Thou as though we had loved God,
hast carried them to Thy but because He hath first
holy habitation.
loved us, and sent His Son

this world.


In the wilderness (as thou to be a propitiation for our hast seen) the Lord thy God sins. In this is the charity hath carried thee, as a man of God perfected with us, is wont to carry his little son, that we may have confidence all the way you have come, in the day of judgment; beuntil you came to this cause as He is, we also are in place. In His love and in His God so loved the world as Jn 3, 16 mercy He redeemed them, to give His Only Begotten and He carried them and Son, that whosoever believeth lifted them up all the days in Him may not perish, but of old. may have life everlasting. The Lord thy God in the Give praise, O ye heavens, Is 49, 13 midst of thee is mighty, He and rejoice, O earth; ye mounwill save: He will rejoice tains, give praise with jubilaover thee with gladness, He tion: because the Lord hath will be silent in His love, He comforted His people, and will be joyful over thee in will have mercy on His poor praise.

Thou sparest all, because they are Thine, O Lord, Who lovest souls.


As one whom the mother Is 66, 13 caresseth, so will I comfort you, and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

I will not leave thee, neither He 13, 5 will I forsake thee.

W 12, 1-2 O how good and sweet is Thy Spirit, O Lord, in all things! And therefore Thou chastiseth them that err, by I, I Myself will comfort you. Is 51, 12 little and little; and ad- Can a woman forget her Is 49, 15 monishest them, and speak-infant, so as not to have pity est to them concerning the on the son of her womb? and things wherein they offend; if she should forget, yet will that leaving their wicked- not I forget thee. ness, they may believe in Even to your old age I Thee, O Lord. am the same, and to your Because Thou art Lord of gray hairs I will carry you: all, Thou makest Thyself I have made you, and I will gracious to all. bear, I will carry, and I will

WV 12, 16

173, 1

Behold what manner of save.

Is 46, 4

charity the Father has be- Behold, I have graven thee Is 49, 16 stowed upon us, that we in My hands.


Ez 34, 15- I will feed My sheep: and Son, that whosoever believeth I will cause them to lie down, in Him may not perish, but saith the Lord God.-I will may have life everlasting.— seek that which was lost, and For God sent not His Son that which was driven away into the world to judge the I will bring again: and I will world, but that the world bind up that which was may be saved by Him.

Os 11, 4

Os 13, 14

Za 2, 8

broken, and I will strength- As the Father hath loved Jn 15, 9
en that which was weak, and Me, I also have loved you.
that which was fat and Abide in My love.

strong I will preserve: and I The Father Himself loveth Jn 16, 27
will feed them in judgment. you, because you have loved
I will draw them with the Me, and have believed that I
cords of Adam, with the came out from God.
bands of love.

God commendeth His cha- Ro 5, 8-9


I will deliver them out of rity towards us:
the hand of death, I will when as yet we were sin-
redeem them from death. Oners, according to the time,-
death, I will be thy death; O Christ died for us.
hell, I will be thy bite.

He that toucheth toucheth the apple of eye.

He that spared not even Ro 8, 32
you His own Son, but delivered
My Him up for us all, how hath
He not also, with Him, given

Jn 3, 16-17 God so loved the world as us all things? to give His Only Begotten!

se 32, 3

Os 14, 5

Is 43, 25

1 Ti 2, 4

Jn 6, 3940



I have loved thee with an thy sins. everlasting love; therefore For My Name's sake I will Is 48, 9 have I drawn thee, taking remove My wrath far off: and pity on thee. for My praise I will bridle I will heal their breaches, thee, lest thou shouldst I will love them freely; for perish. My wrath is turned away Even so there shall be joy Lu 15,7 in Heaven upon one sinner I am, I am He that blot that doth penance, more than out thy iniquities for My own upon ninety-nine just who sake, and I will not remember need not penance.

from them.

He will have all men to be all that He hath given Me
saved, and to come to the I should lose nothing, but
knowledge of the truth. should raise it up again in
This is the will of the the last day.-And this is the
Father Who sent Me: that of will of My Father that sent

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