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Abraham, 517.


Abortionist-Brokers, 385.
Acton, William, 329.

Adam, 193, 296, 501, 516, 517.
Adam Must Have an Eve, 314.
Adler, Dr. Felix, 343.
Age, Black-Karma, 426.
Age, Black-Magic, 436.
Age, Man-Rule, 426.
Age, Polygamy, 426.

Age, Prostitution, 426.
Age, Rapine, 426.

Age, Snake, 426.

Age, Syphilitic, 426.

Age, Woman-Rule, 53.

Age, Youth, 47.

Agrippa, 516.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Men, 364.

Al-chemy, 87, 389, 422, 503, 511,

513, 522.

Alexander the Great, 399, 415.

Alimony, Luxurious, 135.

America, 372, 374, 399.

America, Peace-Maker, 374.
American-Women, 130, 376.
Apostles, Christ Choosing, 258.
Aquarius or Air-Age, 53.

Aries, 26, 144, 263, 274, 499, 506.
Aries-Woman, 143, 145, 151, 284.
Art, Greatest Sculpture in

Human Flesh, 505.
Assimilation, Elimination, 268.
Astral-Light, The, 415.

Astrology, 258, 259, 261, 263, 470.
Astronomy, 259, 263.
August-Month, 97.
Aura, 119, 395.

Aurelius, Marcus, 70.

Auto-Suggestion, 58, 64, 67, 77,
237, 436.


Babe Born with Blank Mind, 191.
Babe Represents, Each, 295.
Babies, 127, 191.

Babies, Babies, 128, 437.

Babies Are Perfectly Formed, 61.
Babies, Begetting Babies, 57.
Baby-A Question Mark, 172.
Baby's First Cradle, 222.

Baby's First School-Days, 213.
Baby, Greatest Creation, 488.
Baby's First Cry, 525.
Baby-Toilers, 108.

Baby, Weaning, 510.

Bachelor, 131, 386.

Bachelor-Woman, 52, 246.
Bacon, 142.

Back to the Home, 226, 253.

[blocks in formation]

Blessed Law of Evolution, 207.
Blood, 268, 359.

Blood-Relationship, 277.

Blundering Baby-Makers, 378.
Boaz, Jachin, 147, 521

Body, Came from Where, 409.

Body, Woman's Sacred Shrine, 269.
Bonwick, 248.

Born, Why Was I, 19.

Boy, Save the, 356.

Brahman, 515.

Branch, Mrs. 157.

Breath, Solar, Control of, 263.

Bridge, Dr. Norman, 167.

Brotherhood, Universal, 399, 415,

421, 443.

Brown, John, 408.

Brutus, 260.

Bubonic Plague, Flu, Causes, 414.

Buddha, 36, 85, 87, 327.

Buddha, Great Reformer, 86.

Buddha, Holy-Mother, 85.

Burroughs, John, 61.

Buzzacott, Col. Francis H., 424.


Cade, Judge Jake, 448.
Caesarean-Operation, 222.
Cancer of Womb, 362.
Capricorn-Man, 152.
Capricorn-Woman, 145.

Capital, Labor, Harmony Be-
tween, 443, 444.

Capital-Punishment, 350, 351.
Casanova, 158.

Carbolic, 10 drops, 240.
Carey, Dr. George W.. 222.
Carlyle, Thomas, 45, 233.
Carpenter, Edward, 437.

Carver, Thomas Nixon, 382.
Cause and Effect, 23.
Cemeteries, 406.

Chameleones, Men Are, 312.
Change the One Thing Con-
stant, 184.

Charity, 306, 307.

Charity, Divine-Love, 124.
Character or Imperishable-Ego,
445, 447.

Chamber-Maids, 247.
Chemical-Affinity, 211.

Chemistry, 210, 361, 397, 512.
Child-Culture, Keynote of, 51,
229, 428.

Child, Give Me a Woman-, 89.
Child-Labor, 108, 343, 355, 441, 449.
Child-Life, 340.

Child of Love, 21, 201, 213, 432.
Childhood, Be Serious in, 47.
Childhood Is, 49.

Child Is Holy, Each, 217.

Child-Saving, 233.

Child Study, Each, 219.

Child, a Thot, 70.

Child, Training, 233.

Children, 179, 219.

Childless, Who Are the, 284.
Children's Questions, 19, 163, 172
Christ, 36, 67, 176, 252, 278, 313,
315, 319, 321, 362, 394, 500.
Christ Choosing Apostles, 258.
Christ, Christian, Christmas, 338.
Christ Waiting. Unborn, 393.
Christian Civilization (?), 343.
Christmas, Merry Christmas, 337,


Cigarettes, Tobacco, 355.
Churches, Schools, 201.
Clark, Sir Andrew, 330.

Clear Seeing, Clairvoyance, 519.
Clothes, 100, 105.

Clothing, Food, Shelter, 129.
Colors, 228.

Columbia, Miss, 131.

Comfort, Will Levington, 245.
Compensation, 24, 46.
Congress, 113, 300, 349.
Congress, Mating, 133.
Constant, Nothing, 184.

Constitution, United States, 115,

Control of Solar-Breath, 265.
Cookie. Jar, My Mother's, 272.
Courtship, Polite-Deception, 473.
Creeds, 203, 409.
Cremation, Fire, 405.

Crime, Criminals, Teachers,
Saviours, 350, 351.
Crothers, Dr. T. D., 359.

Curry, Ex-Congressman George,


Culture, Child, 51, 218, 229.
Culture, Pre-Natal, 69.


Daddy, Papa, Father, 525.

Damages. Secret of, 360.
Daniel, 134.

Darwin, Erasmus, 91.

Daughters, Idolized, 318.

Daughter, Raising a, 235.

David, King, 312.

Davis, Dr. C. G.

Death, Challenged by Nature, 204.

December, 335.

Demon of the Belly, 308.

Democracy, Means, 372, 399, 422.

Desire-Child, 71.

Devil's Own Lies, 328.

Devil, Who Is The, 432.

DeWolf, Elsie, 54.

Diantha, 26, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 80,
88. 213. 263, 271, 286, 386, 465,
482, 495, 506, 523, 525, 527.
Diantha, Mine, Mine, Mine, 526.
Diantha, My Precious Monad, 81.
Diana of Poictiers, 393.
Die, We Shall Not, 188.

Diogenes, 143, 312.

Discovery of America, 373.

District, Red-Light, 310.

Discoveries of Married-Couples,


Divine-Love, 125, 145, 283.


Womb-Man, Om,

[blocks in formation]

Early Marriages, Evil of, 57.
Easter-Time, Eggs, Emblem of,

Economy, 128, 130.
Economic-Justice, 122, 442.
Edison, Thomas A., 217, 245.
Egg, Mystic, 13, 487, 501.

Ego, 35, 195, 386, 391, 445, 518.
Education, 48, 353.

Education, Means, 215, 353.
Education is Prime Duty, 225.
Eight-Month, 484.

Eliot, President Chas. W., 319.
Ely, Sarah Matilda, 15, 352.
Emanation, 189.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 12, 24, 34,
192, 199, 224, 233, 384, 422.
Equal Rights to All, 115.
Erickson, 260.

Eternity, 295, 393.
Eternal Life, 190.

Eve, 74, 296, 512, 516, 517.
Evils of Early Marriage, 57.
Every Child a Thot, 70.

Evolution, 33, 37, 39, 147, 160, 189,
207, 353, 394, 422, 451.

Experience, 190, 472.

Eye-Teeth, Cutting, 437.

[blocks in formation]


Food, Clothing, Shelter, 120, 129.
Foot, The. 266.

Forbes, Judge Frank S., 103.

Forbidden-Days, 58.

Ford, Henry, 438.

Fore-Fathers, 294.

Fourth-Month, Quickening, 209.

Francis, Dr. James A., 440.

Francis, J. H., 220.

Franklin, Benjamin, 285, 296.

Frederick the Great, 367.

Freedom is not License, 161, 232.
Free-Woman, The, 155.
Friend's Introduction, 7.
Friendship, 479.

Gemini, 143.


George, Her God, 473.
George, Henry, 123.

Germany, 72, 426.

Gill, Laura Drake, 52.

[blocks in formation]

Harrison, Frederick, 445.

Hastings, Lady Elizabeth, 460.

Harriman, E. H., 357.

Harris, Thomas Lake, 332.

Heaven, Hell, Here And Now, 497.

Hebrew Prophets, 8.

Helena, Princess, 397.

He-Whores, 315.

Her Mother-in-Law, 274.

Hibben, John D., 110.

Hieronymus, 141.

Hill, Albert S., 519.
Hindu Legend, 512.
Hippocrates, 259.
Hodges, Dean, 408.

Holmes, Dr. John Haynes, 202,

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 169, 295.
Holy of Holies, 158, 522.
Holy, Each Child Is, 217.
Holy-Room, 251, 476.

Home, 129, 233, 250, 254, 328, 460.
Home, Back to the, 226.
Home-Made Bread, 120.

Homes, Florence Crittenton, 165.
Homes and Schools, 164, 201.
Home Without Daughter, 507.

Honey, 90, 158, 443.

Honey-Bee, Child-Labor, 441.
Honey-Comb, The, 523.
Hope, 189.

Horse-Show, 301, 302.

Hospital-Baby, 527.

Housekeeper, 159.

Hoyt, Judge Franklin Chase, 233.
Hudson, Dr., 68.

Hugo, Victor, 208, 356.
Human-Embryo, 69.
Human-Form, Divine, 104.
Human-Love, Divine, 143.
Humanity Is One, All, 423.
Humboldt, Von, 366.

[blocks in formation]


Le Conte, Joseph, 33.
Leo, Alan, 259.

Le Prade, Ruth, 244, 379, 423.
Libra, 151.

License not Freedom, 161, 377.
Lies, Devil's, 329.

Life Is Eternal, 191, 203, 207.
Life, Getting most out of, 427.
Life Means School, 216.
Life Is An Art, 439.
Life, Supreme Gift, 405.

Like Mother used to make, 121.
Lincoln, 122, 310.

Lincoln's Message, 443.
Lion, Lioness, 377, 388.

Liquor, 348, 352, 353, 362, 365.
Littlefield, George E., 447.
Live, Life Over again, 301.
Logan, Mrs. John A., 455.
Lombroso, Cesare, 161.
Loneliness, 491.

London, Jack, 117.

Longfellow, 45.

Loves, 60, 155, 475.

Love-Aura, 397.



137, 400, 505, 523.

[blocks in formation]

erers, 453.

Mind and Eternity, 295.
Miss Mills, 180.
Miscarry, 210.

Money, Gold, 109, 111, 115, 130,
428, 445, 457, 483.

Money's All He's Got, 429.
Money-Kaisers, 113.

Monkey-Mother to Woman, 434.
Monogamist, 331.

Moon, Signs and Seasons, 245,
258, 260, 388, 510.

Morning Sickness, 29.

Morrow, Dr. Prince, 317.

Morris, Dr. Elsie Louise, 261.
Mortal-Mind, 59.

Moses, 226, 517, 519.

Mother, Grand, 299, 525.

70, 83,

Mosaic Code, 373.

Mother, Lover,

Poet, 7.

Love, Divine, 125, 143, 475, 476,

484, 497.

Love, Human, 143, 280.

Love-Letter, 287.

Love, Impersonal or Divine, 283.
Love, Mate or Wife, 280.

Love, Mother, 279.

Love-Thots, 66.

Love and Work, 45.

Love, Universal. 125.


Magdalene, The, 312, 315.

Male-Devil, Selfishness, 237, 314,
370, 432, 518.

Mallory, Lucy A. Rose, 319.
Man, Root Meaning Is, 365.
Man's Bedroom and a Nunnery,


Man's Word for Woman, 331.
Man Loves In Woman, 146.
Man Learn, When Will, 138.
March-Month, 499.

Marriages, Evil of Early, 57.
Mary, Mother of Christ, 77, 366,
461, 516.

Mary, the Divine-Mother, 78.
Marriage, 55, 109, 139, 141, 146,
157, 160, 179, 252, 380, 389, 475.
Marriage, Divorce, 139.
Married Couples Discover, 148.
Marriage-Bed, 133, 135, 141, 143,


Marriage, Carnal, 147.

Markham, Edwin, 127, 343.
Martin, Frederick Townsend, 457.
Marx, Karl, 443.

Master-Mason, or Builder, 522.
Mast, Professor, 464.

Mate or Wife-Love, 280.
Mate-Soul, 157.

Maternity, the Mystical-Gate-
way, 73.

Matriarchate or Woman-Rule
Age, 53, 144, 522.
Maxim, Hudson, 359.
McCreery, John, 206.
McNutt, Dr. Sarah, 57.



Motherhood In Freedom, 377.
Mother-in-law, 203.

Mother-in-law, Her, 274, 284.

Mother Breast-Milk Perfect Food,

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