The Geological History of PlantsK. Paul, Trench, 1888 - 290 pagini |
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Pagina 20
... clay by the limbs or tails of some aquatic animal , and afterwards filled up and preserved by succeeding deposits . After examining large series of these specimens from Sweden , and from rocks of similar age in Canada , I confess that I ...
... clay by the limbs or tails of some aquatic animal , and afterwards filled up and preserved by succeeding deposits . After examining large series of these specimens from Sweden , and from rocks of similar age in Canada , I confess that I ...
Pagina 34
... clay or shale above and below , and thus when the mass is broken open we have a car- bonaceous film or thin layer covered with a network of raised lines , and corresponding mi- nute depressed lines on the shale in contact with it . The ...
... clay or shale above and below , and thus when the mass is broken open we have a car- bonaceous film or thin layer covered with a network of raised lines , and corresponding mi- nute depressed lines on the shale in contact with it . The ...
Pagina 35
... clay around small solid bodies , whether organic , fragmentary , or concre- tionary . They are , in short , local slickensides precisely similar to those found so plentifully in the coal under- clays , and which , as I have elsewhere ...
... clay around small solid bodies , whether organic , fragmentary , or concre- tionary . They are , in short , local slickensides precisely similar to those found so plentifully in the coal under- clays , and which , as I have elsewhere ...
Pagina 52
... clays . The Sporangites and their accompaniments in the boulder clay are noticed in a paper by Dr. G. M. Dawson , in the " Bulletin of the Chicago Academy , " June , 1885 . Prof. Clarke has also described , in the " American Journal of ...
... clays . The Sporangites and their accompaniments in the boulder clay are noticed in a paper by Dr. G. M. Dawson , in the " Bulletin of the Chicago Academy , " June , 1885 . Prof. Clarke has also described , in the " American Journal of ...
Pagina 59
... clays , are similar to the macrospores of Salvinia , except that they have a thicker wall and are a little less in diameter , being about one - eightieth of an inch . The Brazilian sporocarps are considerably larger than those of the ...
... clays , are similar to the macrospores of Salvinia , except that they have a thicker wall and are a little less in diameter , being about one - eightieth of an inch . The Brazilian sporocarps are considerably larger than those of the ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
Acrogens aërial roots Algæ allied America appear Archæopteris arctic areoles bark beds belong bituminous branches Brongniart bundles Calamites Canada Carboniferous Caulopteris cellular character clay climate coal coal-formation cones conifers Cordaites cycads cylinder Dadoxylon Dawson Demy 8vo deposits described Devonian dicotyledonous Eocene Erian Europe exogenous Fcap ferns flora formation forms fossil plants fronds fructification fruit Gaspé genera genus Geological Society Greenland Heer hemisphere Illustrations land Laramie leaf-bases leaf-scars leaves Lepidodendron Lepidophloios Lesquereux limestone Lower Carboniferous Lycopods macrospores medullary rays Mesozoic Middle Miocene modern northern Nova Scotia occur outer Palæozoic period Permian pines pinnules pith present probably Prof Psilophyton referred resemble Rhizocarps ribbed rocks sandstones scalariform Sequoia shales Sigillaria Silurian similar Small crown 8vo species specimens Sphenophyllum Sphenopteris Sporangites spore-cases spores sporocarps stems Sternbergia structure Tertiary thick tion tissue transverse tree-ferns trees trunks types Upper Cretaceous vascular scar vegetable wood woody
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