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man, and afterwards mangled his body in a most savage manner. The widow's and her eldest daughter's lives are despaired of, but hopes are entertained that, through their information, the murderers may be taken. Some people have absconded. All the parties are Papists. M'Nichol refused joining a treasonable association; and lately took a spot of ground whence a man had been ejected;-these are the reasons assigned for this inhuman act.

From the Derry Journal, quoted in the Dublin Journal of Nov. 17, we learn that on the Friday evening preceding, a farmer, between Terenure and Fir-house, in the employ of Mr. Shaw, disappeared. Next morning his clothes were found in a field, covered with blood, but his body has not been discovered. It is suggested that he was endeavouring to bring forward a witness against some persons tried at Kilinainham on the day following.

From the same paper we insert the following extract:-" A young man of the name of Hasson was attacked last week, near Lyng, his place of residence, on his way from the fair of Ballymullans, in open day, on the king's highway, and within vlew, it is said, of several persons employed: in digging potatoes, and was deliberately murdered by three ruffians who appear to have lain in wait for him. One of them knocked him down with some heavy weapon, and the others continued to beat him with bludgeons until life was extinct, while the potatoe-diggers stood aloof with their spades in their hands, seemingly regardless of his cries for mercy and assistance. What is equally extraordinary, and very improbable, those who witnessed the shocking scene deny all knowledge of the murderers, and notwithstanding the utmost exertions of the magistrates, they have not yet been identified in a neighbourhood where every individual is almost universally known." Hasson was reputed to have been an Orange



We thank A Layman," (Southampton) for his interesting extracts. Pastor bonus-an extract from a letter to a noble lord-in our next. Also, Mr. Curran's character of the Catholic Board;-with their proceedings under a new form.

Rumours from Rome; Ghilini's letter, with remarks; Clericus Anglicanus, &c. &c. must stand over for a month; the length of the public documents in the present number left us no room for them.

Inspector's very able letter is received, replete with learning and in- ' genuity.

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(Continued from our last Number, page 158.)

"We therefore having these and other such examples before our eyes, examples of great weight and high authority, animated besides with a lively desire of walking with a safe conscience, and a firm step, in the deliberations of which we shall speak hereafter, havé omitted no care, no pains, in order to arrive at a thorough knowledge of the origin, the progress, and the actual state of that regular order, commonly called THE COMPANY OF JESUS. In the course of these investigations, we have seen that the holy founder of this order did institute it for the salvation of souls, the conversion of heretics, and infidels, and, in short, for the greater advancement of piety and religion. And in order to attain more surely and happily so laudable a design, he consecrated himself rigorously to God, by an absolute vow of evangelical poverty, with which to bind the society in general, and each individual in particular, except only the colleges, in which polite literature, and other branches of knowledge, were to be taught, and which were allowed to possess property, but so that no part of their revenues could ever be applied to the use of the said society in general. It was under these and other holy restrictions, that the Company of Jesus was approved by the Pope Paul III. our predecessor, of VOL. III. [Prot. Adv. Feb. 1815.]

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blessed memory, by his letter sub plumbo, dated October 29, 1540. He granted them besides; the power of forming laws and statutes, to secure the advantages, stability, and good order of the society, on a more solid footing. And though Paul III. did at first restrain this company to the number of sixty; yet by his letter of the 27th of March, he gave the superiors of the said company power to admit as many members as they pleased. Afterwards the same Pontiff by his brief, dated May 15, 1549, favoured the said company with many and extensive privileges; among others, he willed and ordered, that the indult, which he had already accorded to the preceding generals, should be extended to all such as the generals should think worthy of it. This indult has hitherto been restrained to the power of admitting only twenty priests, as spiritual coadjutors, to whom were to be granted all the same privileges, and the same authority, as to the professed companions of the order. Farther, he exempted and withdrew the said order, its companions, persons, and possessions whatever, from all dominion and jurisdiction of all ordinaries whatever, taking them under the immediate protection of himself and the holy see.

"The munificence and liberality of other Pontiffs, our predecessors, towards this society, have not been less remarkable. It is well known, that Julius III. [1550], Paul IV. [1560], Pius IV. and V. [1566], Gregory XIII. [1572], Sixtus V. [1585], Gregory XIV. [1590], Clement VIII. [1592], Paul V. [1605], Leo XI. [1605], Gregory XV. [1621], Urban VIII, [1623], and other Roman Pontiffs, of blessed memory, have either confirmed the privileges already granted to the society, or have explained and augmented them.

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Notwithstanding so many and so great favours, it appears, from the apostolical constitutions, that almost at the very moment of its institution there arose in the bosom of this society divers seeds of discord and dissension, not only among the companions themselves, but with other regular orders, the secular clergy, the academies, the universities, the public schools, and, lastly, even with the princes of the states in which the society was received.

"These dissensions and disputes arose sometimes concerning the nature of their vows, the time of admission to them, the power of expulsion, the right of admission to holy orders without a sufficient title, and without having taken the solemn vows, contrary to the tenor of the des crees of the council of Trent, and of Pius V. our predecessor. Sometimes concerning the absolute authority assumed by the general of the said pider, and on matters relating to the good government and discipline of the order. Sometimes concerning different points of doctrine, concerns

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ing their schools, or such of their exemptions and privileges as the ordinaries, and other civil or ecclesiastical officers declared to be contrary to their rights and jurisdiction. In short, accusations of the greatest nature and very detrimental to the peace and tranquillity of the Christian republic, have been continually received against the said order. Hence the origin of that infinity of appeals and protests against this society, which so many sovereigns have laid at the foot of the throne of our predecessors Paul IV. Pius V. and Sixtus V.

"Among the princes who have thus appealed, is Philip II. King of Spain, of glorious memory, who laid before Sixtus V. not only the reasons of complaint, which he had, but also those alleged by the inquisitors of his kingdom against the excessive privileges of the society, and the form of their government. He desired likewise that the Pope should be acquainted with the heads of accusation laid against the society, and confirmed by some of its own members, remarkable for their learning and piety, and demanded that the society should undergo an apostolic visitation. Sixtus V. convinced that these demands and solicitations of Philip were just and well-founded, did, without hesitation, comply therewith; and, in consequence, named a bishop of distinguished prudence, virtue and learning, to be apostolic visitor, and at the same time deputed a congregation of cardinals to examine this matter.

"But this Pontiff having been carried off by a premature death, this wise undertaking remained without effect. Gregory XIV. being raised to the supreme apostolic chair, approved in its utmost extent, the institution of the society, by his letter sub plumbo, dated the 28th of July, 1591. He confirmed all the privileges which had been granted by any of his predecessors to the society, and particularly the power of expelling and dismissing any of its members, without any previous form of process, information, act, or delay; upon the sole view of the fruth of the fact, and the nature of the crime, from a sufficient motive, and a due regard of persons and circumstances. He ordained, and that under pain of excommonication, that all proceedings against the society should be quashed, and that no person whatever should presume, directly or indirectly, to attack the institution, constitutions, or decrees of the said society, or attempt in any manner whatever to make any changes therein. To each and every of the members only of the said society, he permitted to ex pose and propose, either by themselves or by the legates and nuncios of the holy see, to himself only, or the Popes his successors, whatever they should think proper to be added, modified, or changed in their institution. "Who would have thought that even these dispositions should prove ineffectual towards appeasing the cries and appeals against the society?

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On the contrary, very violent disputes arose on all sides, concerning the doctrine of the society, which many represented as contrary to the orthodox faith, and to sound morals. The dissensions among themselves, and with others, grew every day more animated; the accusations against the society were multiplied without number, and especially with regard to that insatiable avidity of temporal possessions, with which it was reproached. Hence the rise not only of those well known troubles which brought so much care and solicitude upon the holy see, but also of the resolutions which certain sovereigns took against the said order.

"It resulted, that instead of obtaining from Paul V. of blessed memory, a fresh confirmation of its institute and privileges, the society was reduced to ask of him, that he would condescend to ratify and confirm by his authority, certain decrees formed in the fifth general congregation of the company, and transcribed word for word in the brief of the said Pope, bearing date Sept. 4, 1606. In these decrees it is plainly acknowledged that the dissensions and internal revolts of the said companions, together with the demands and appeals of strangers, had obliged the said companions assembled in congregation to enact the following statute, namely;→→→→

"The Divine Providence having raised up our society for the propaga tion of the faith, and the gaining of souls, the said society can, by the rules of its own institute, which are its spiritual arms, arrive happily, un der the standard of the cross, at the end which it has proposed for the good of the church, and the edification of our neighbours. But the said society would prevent the effect of these precious goods, and expose them to the most imminent dangers, if it concerned itself with temporal matters, and which relate to political affairs, and the administration of government : in consequence whereof it has been wisely ordained by our superiors, and ancients, that, confining ourselves to combat for the glory of God, we should not concern ourselves with matters foreign to our profession: but whereas in these times of difficulty and danger it has happened through the fault perhaps of certain individuals, through ambition and intemperate zeal, that our institute has been ill-spoken of in divers places, and before divers sovereigns, whose affection and good will the Father Ignatius, of holy memory, thought we should preserve for the good of the service of God: and whereas a good reputation is indispensably necessary to make the vineyard of Christ bring forth fruits; in consequence hereof our congregation has resolved that we should abstain from all appearance of evil, and remedy, as far as in our power, the evils arisen from false suspicions. To this end, and by the authority of the present decree of the said congregation, it is severely and strictly forbidden to all the members

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